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Everything posted by battlemaiden

  1. all over, more bettah...Molokai...I will return.... Singing now Mrs. M.... Thanks. Jo
  2. Did you know they are using human hair as mulch now? Apparently it has had great success in weed control. The story I read stated they get the hair from China- :glare: Hmmmmmmm. So my question now is...how transparent is Locks of Love? I really don't know, but now that I realize there is a profit to be had, I would look more closely.
  3. ya' know bruddah...this Kaneohe girl 'as nevah heard that commercial! [but don't you know I'll be listening to car commercials now- which I generally tune out- thanks a lot Lorna!;)] Alooooooooooha.
  4. Those are two breeds that I would generally avoid. Combining them? Same.
  5. My unintended experiment with absolutely no outside activities has been a mixed blessing. We decided to put off joining anything until we were in permanent housing. That wasn't supposed to be very long :glare:. Five months later..... No socialization problems- good gracious my kids can make friends with any poor unsuspecting passerby. I am generally more rested. Just the "normal" errands are wearing me out. We take field trips to the beach regularly because the buffer in the schedule allows for that. But... But I spend a lot more time with my kids than absolutely necessary.;) I plan on doing Boy scouts in the fall no matter what. Other than that, I don't really feel like they have missed out on all that much. [shrug] What does that mean, do you suppose? Jo
  6. I went with Coke, Diet, and Rootbeer or Sprite on the sign up list. Thanks so much!!!! Jo
  7. Thanks everyone. You guys really helped me decide! And now I'm hungry... I have my sign up sheet all printed up and I'm stepping awaaaaaaaaaay from the computer. :cheers2: Jo
  8. I think you might be right. They aren't exactly carrying packs through the dessert all day. ;) Good point. I'll have to get some verification from dh if he calls.
  9. Coke, Diet, Sprite, and....... I want to be specific on the sign up sheet. I was thinking Coke, a diet, and a caffeine free option. Will that be enough? And if you were going to sell 100 hot dogs what percentage of those sodas would you have available- 50% coke? 30% diet? 20% Sprite or other caffeine free soda? Thanks.
  10. I think you misunderstand. It was from questioning during the sumpreme court case that the justices repeatedly asked if the procedure had ever been used to save the life of a mother. No "never" was the answer. The medical testimony assured the court that the procedure was not necessary for the health of the mother. It has been a while, but my source was the actual transcripts from the arguments. It will take me a while to find it. I'm a little spread thin today with "to-do" items, but I'll look. And btw, medical testimony before the court seems like a very valid way to review the medical facts. Jo
  11. Our dog bit a child years ago. We just figured it was the kiss of death and we called around to have him "put down". Every vet we spoke to refused- they said it was simply normal behavior given the circumstances- he was jumped on while sleeping. 7 years later we still have that dog. He has issues with being cornered, and he's gotten kind of ornery in his old age, but he's a dog. Only you can make your decision, I just thought I'd throw out our experience. I'm sorry you are having to think about this. I remember feeling quite queazy during our event. Jo
  12. I think people have very strong opinions about chili- it is a mystery...but I will exploit it. :D What do you put in your breakfast burritos? That may be a good option. The funny thing, I have been the one all along saying, "make it simple, make it simple, make it simple"- now look at me. For petes sake they are going to buy whatever we serve because it gets them off their boats! :)
  13. :lol: You both will make my dh so happy. He said onions and cheese, and of course I said I didn't think they were that important. ;) It shouldn't be too expensive because the members of our group are donating the ingredients. I find people are particular willing to donate chili- what is it about that. I fear I will end up cutting the onions though....
  14. Lets just say it was for a fund raiser for a good cause. And this is the first fundraiser I've ever coordinated. What would you want with your hot dog? Because I need to make a sign up sheet for this fundraiser. Here is what I have on the donation list- what am I missing? Hot Dogs Buns Ketchup Mustard Relish Chili Plates napkins individual chip bags soda/pop (for you midwesterners) Additional baked goods for sale The deal is for $5 you get two hot dogs, a bag of chips, and a drink. Desserts are extra. We are setting this up on a Navy base- they will buy, no worries there. I just don't know if I'm missing something. Thanks. Jo
  15. Is it an exercise to teach toddlers dexterity in ripping? I have a lovely collection of flaps here next to me.... Anyone else have this experience?
  16. Distal means further away from the body, medial means it's on the inside of the ankle (ouch), and the Maleolus is that ball on your inner ankle. I'm not entirely sure what they mean by minimal fracture, but I would guesss it means something about the depth of the fracture, or length. I simply don't know what qualifies as minimal. I'm so sorry for your son! That stinks. How old is he?
  17. This made my day....and my older boys are now repeating their favorites! I think the Bill Gates, Al Gore, and Dick Cheney are their favorites. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Jo
  18. I'm a little late to the discussion, and I can't read through all the posts right now, but I just want to clarify that in the debate over partial birth abortion that went before the Supreme Court it was determined that Partial Birth Abortion has NEVER been "medically necessary"....ever. Just wanted to be clear on that simple, but significant point. Sorry if it has already been mentioned. Jo
  19. Kay, Respectfully, I had the same reaction. I don't think she took what you wrote out of context, unless we both did. She was using the example of drinks at the park to illustrate the GOVERNMENT and you responded "worked for Jesus". It is this sort of confusion on the role of CHRISTIANS versus the institution of GOVERNMENT which has caused so many problems. Yes, as a Christian I should share my "drinks" and I do. But when the government wants to take over that role....we have a problem. Give to Caesar and all that.
  20. Destin doesn't need much else. The beach is simply gorgeous. :001_smile: It has been a long time, so I can't help with good eats. There is a lot of golf- or at least there was when I was in college a few, okay more than a few, years ago. I just wanted to tell you that the coastline of Destin is beautiful. Have a wonderful time. Jo
  21. Oh, phooey and I must say I wish for better recognition of threat and stronger backbone to face those dangers in this generation. I've been called on a journey to a far off kingdom now. I must answer the call. I bid farewell. Jo
  22. Aw. That's sweet. Just one thing. In this said kingdom...I'm sure they aren't anarchists. Can you provide me with a quick link to the general political leanings of these so called benevolent rulers.... :D Oh my. Can anyone tell me what my kids have been doing for the past few hours? ;)
  23. The international conflict wasn't started by the United States, but it effected us. What would have you proposed our response be? Did we enter too late? Too early? Should we have ignored it all together? I'm not being snarky. I sincerely need to know the reasoning behind your quick, rather short, rather vague response.
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