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Everything posted by battlemaiden

  1. We have six kids in three bedrooms with one bath currently. It has actually been much easier than we had anticipated. We have one room with two double beds- the 11, 9, 7, and 5 yr olds share those beds. The 3 yo has her own bed in the second room and she shares that room with her 1 yo sister who is in a porta crib. My dh and I have our own room. Last night when our 11yo had a tummy issue (thankfully a food issue, not a virus), we put the 5 yo in a porto crib for the night. He was ticked at the insinuation that he could sleep in a crib, but told me this morning that he wants to sleep that way every night. This may not work for you, but we like room sharing. If the 11yo and 9yo want to stay up and read they do it in the family room istead of bed now. Jo
  2. I hadn't heard the news. Wow. Yippee. You just can't handle a dull life, can you? :D So that would make you due around mid Sept, right? I think I'm aroung 9 or 10 weeks. I truly have no idea. I haven't been to see anyone yet, and my "dates" are less than reliable. My morning sickness has been around for a while, but this past week has kicked my booty! Blessings on you and your growing family. Jo
  3. Not so much from throwing up. It's been more of a constant nausea event. My problem is I hate drinking. The physical act makes me even MORE nauseous- if that is possible. I'm definitely getting dehydrated. What helped you? Thanks. Jo ps- gingerale has been outlawed by me. The mere thought of that drink causes a gag reflex. :(
  4. They are doing fine, but I still feel they need to see the concepts in different formats. We do mental math in the middle grades sometimes, but I want more! :p Can I supplement with Singapore, or is it just too different? Thanks. Jo
  5. padded room? I have one child in particular that in constantly getting injured! Everyday, throughout the day, I hear the screech of this 3yo's voice. She trips, falls, scrapes, bumps etc... She isn't quite at Emergency Room status (although a couple of the cuts could have used a stitch or two). She is just covered with scrapes on all knees and elbows and she has bruises all over. Her vision is fine. Between her intensity, her general ability to leave a wake of destruction, and now this injury streak, I'm begging for input. Is it because she is so intense? Is it because she is the second youngest of six? Is it because I'm not monitoring her enough? Thanks. Jo
  6. TeaTotaler--love, love, LOVE the name! We just moved at Christmas, lived in a Navy Lodge for nearly a month, found out that we weren't as done having children as we had planned, moved into a rental house, and we're currently awaiting military housing. And now! I come here for solace, and familiarity, like Norm entering Cheers, and it's completely different...and YOU changed your board name. I'm having overload. ;)
  7. I'm finally back online after moving and...um...well... This new format is going to take a while. That said, I wish you could see the gorgeous views outside our little temporary rental house on the windward side of Oahu...breathtaking. How will I ever get any work done? The work might also be in jeopardy because of the Starbucks/Jamba juice within walking distance. How is everybody liking the new format? Jo
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