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Everything posted by battlemaiden

  1. Heather- that's what I'm talking about. I know those stories are out there. Thanks for sharing. Jo
  2. I have a dd who turned 7 last December. She is a sweet child but has been slow to do just about everything- writing, letter sounds, gross motor, fine motor, you name it. I really think she is just a late bloomer. I'm not a big fan of testing her for any "problems" at this age. My gut tells me she just needs some intensive mommy time and some confidence. She has very little confidence. I would love to hear some stories from you veteran moms. Tell me about those children who were slow out of the gates but still won the race. I just need a little boost. It wasn't a struggle for my first two and honestly the two siblings below this dear child are moving along rapidly. Hearing your stories will really help me, and hopefully others, to be more patient. Thanks so very, very much. Jo
  3. ((Monique)) You must be drained. I'm so sorry. Praying. Jo
  4. I'm not really asking for approval. The "mistake" comment was supposed to be funny. I really, truly want to know how many others have their kids watch LOST with them. I'm curious. But thanks for the head pat Mom2legomaniacs. :)
  5. I'm generally more comfortable around guys than gals, but I prefer to have my dh with me, or at the very least in a group setting. For instance, at an evening gathering a few weeks back I spent the whole evening talking with old Navy friends of my dh's that we hadn't seen in years. We joked and laughed until I cried. It wasn't until we were about to leave that I noticed there was a whole gaggle of wives gathered around a tree. It never even occurred to me that I belonged to the gender segregated section. LOL. When I asked my dh later if it seemed weird that I spent the whole night talking with his guy friends he just laughed and said he would have worried if I had. Having said that, meeting one on one for coffee would never happen. If I ran into a man I knew in a coffee shop I might stop and talk for a bit, but I wouldn't linger. Jo
  6. My oldest sons finally beat me down and I let them watch two DVR'd episodes. They seem unscathed and are completely, utterly, fanatically into the series now. They are 11 and 9. Have I made a mistake? Thanks. Jo
  7. A couple of years ago I read an article regarding the origin of the bodies. It was an in-depth article from China trying to track down the source of the bodies. It was disturbing. How could I go and admire the amazing human body when the potential for torture or execution was in that body's history? I can't make the leap of conscience. It's enough to keep me away. Jo
  8. I fold, my kids sort. I just make piles of folded clothes and they sort and deliver. Honestly, it started because I couldn't remember whose shirts were whose among my older two boys, but now I like how it works. I don't like how the kids fold yet, I prefer to fold. I'm weird about sloppy folding. :o
  9. Dh is indeed in silent service beneath the ocean's surface. ;) He is great about giving me time away when he's able, he just ain't been able. :rolleyes: Thanks for your prayers. Sometimes it helps release my frustration-valve to "say it" out loud. Jo
  10. an hour, some days 15 minutes, some days I never turn the computer on. I'm much more balanced than I used to be. I recognize that I really do need an outlet sometimes and I shouldn't feel guilty about spending time online in moderation. I have lost moderation at times in the past and needed to go on a complete "board break" or make simple goals I must accomplish EVERYDAY before I get online. That has worked for me. I don't visit blogs unless I'm linked there from here. I limit my regular online locations to news sites and this board. Jo
  11. I'm beginning to hate grocery shopping. :( Actually I haven't been much of anywhere without all six kids in nearly two months. That's all I wanted to say. I just needed to say that before I went off the deep end. :rolleyes: Back to school..... Jo
  12. We need to get to work on the human transporter thing. I'm so sorry Pam. :( Jo
  13. You're right, I'm feeling a little envy just this minute. That said, I have been pondering how this would look for my dh and I if we were to be nearby all-day-every-day. I can see there would be issues. ;) Perhaps there is a challenge in growing deeper with one another and more empathetic towards one another in the midst of the monotony. I suppose in my situation it would truly challenge me to be more understanding of my dh. When I get frustrated with my dh now it rarely lasts long because he's off to work or sea. I guess I am able to avoid the true "rub" that might occur. It's a challenge, no doubt about it. The fact that you recognize it probably means you are already adapting and overcoming. :p Take care Colleen. Jo
  14. I'm particularly interested in any support groups. Thanks. Jo
  15. I have a friend (Navy) moving to Germany. She will be brand new to homeschooling. Any hints I can pass along? Thanks. Jo
  16. I would like to give you the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps your geographical distance has something to do with the innaccuracies in your post. HSLDA does a lot of good things for homeschoolers, members or not, religious or not, and certainly regardless to their political affiliation. They are a Christian organization. I'm surprised people expect HSLDA to make some disclaimer before every statement that they represent a certain sliver of the homeschooling population. I don't agree with one of my senators from FL 90% of the time. But when he gives a speech and says "the people in Florida want this or that," I have the understanding to know he's not talking about me. I wouldn't expect that. Why everyone gets ruffled when HSLDA says something they don't agree with just baffles me. This "they don't represent me" anger is pointless. I have often said, when these discussions pop up, I would rather see those who are opposed to HSLDA just form their own organization and stop criticizing a group that has been very transparent in their positions. As for the democrat v. republican thing. They will ping a republican who is trying to put limits on homeschoolers or parental rights just as fast as a democrat. I'll let you look into which party predominately tries to limit homeschoolers. Not trying to break a board rule, here. jo
  17. The Diamond commercials. How could I forget the diamond commercials. It's painful. Commercialism at it's ugliest. Jo
  18. I don't have a schedule worth admiring so I will refrain from posting. Perhaps we all have less than ideal life schedules? Jo
  19. Like em' Use em' Don't have my attorney's photo up on a wall, or have my children memorize their purpose statement, but they have helped me out several times and never once "bully pulpited" me. Jo
  20. I'm the minority on this one. I firmly and concretely believe the world is more dangerous today than when I was a say 5 or 6 yrso. Can all those grandmothers and great grandmothers just be so senile that they are exaggerating? Of course I believe there has always been violence and crime. But nothing like we see today involving children. We have had regional crime spikes (gang violence in the eighties etc.) but I'm speaking specifically about the safety of our children, as the OP mentioned. And it's not just Urban. The advent of the internet and 24 news cycles isn't the reason we hear about these cases. I have a hard time believing heinous crimes against children wouldn't have made the newspapers in the 50s, 60s, or 70s. And, Nancypants, I think you are on to one of the causes, although it will never be possible to directly correlate any source. The value of human life, the lack of personal interface, and the general lessening of community interaction are all major players.
  21. Parisarah said, "But there are parents out there who should. not. ever. have access to their own children. How else would one articulate how one recognizes those parents, why the state should intervene on the child's behalf, an on what basis the state proceeds once it begins to intervene? "The best interests of the child" sounds like a good way to do it, no? What else would you suggest?" I would suggest many things, and they all stop short of the far removed and ineffective UN. For instance, how about we invest in communication between agencies that come in contact with kids in abusive situations? Here in Hawaii a little toddler was thrown over an overpass by a mentally unstable or possibly high meth addict. The little boy's mother's boyfriend left him to be "watched" by this nut. Tragic. What's more tragic is that earlier in the day the boy had been found by a police officer wandering in the street and was returned to the home. If that police officer had access to the Department of Child Services (I'm not certain that is the title of that entity in Hawaii) he would have seen past involvement and intervened more substantially. If we can't make simple improvements on local levels what good does labeling by the UN help? Not a darn thing. They should stay out of our business and we the citizens of our sovereign country should demand better services here at home. Having the "best interest of the child" should be applied on a local level by those who have the ability to enforce the policies that are set forth. Nobody has any doubt that the poor child who was left in the care of an unstable neighbor should have been removed from that home...but the UN can't and wouldn't have been able to do anything to stop that horrific event. Jo
  22. Best in Show is a down right hoot! I liked that it spoofed the whole event. These posts helped me to understand the event a little better, but sheesh! It still irks me that I have to see that darn poodle in the best of show line up year after year. LOL. Jo
  23. That sounds wonderful. I'd love to cruise Alaska! My dh has pulled into Ketchican (sp) and tells me it is breathtakingly beautiful (but he thinks most of the Northwest coast is gorgeous). We can't do it, but thanks for letting us know. Jo
  24. I can't really enjoy them anymore. The judges have their favorite breeds and stick with them. It is SO SO rare that the top ten vary. Okay, okay. I admit that I have particular disdain for the standard poodle, and they are always a finalist. I just feel bad for any dog in the same group as the poodle. You can't tell me that no other dog in that group meet the highest standard of their breed. I'm giving entirely too much thought to this subject, I know. But the Westminster is on now and I just thought I'd throw this out and get some feedback. Jo
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