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Everything posted by battlemaiden

  1. That was hard to watch. But it does say something about society, at least that small section of society. People actually went over looked at him, and casually went away. I just can't understand how someone could be quite that calloused. Very, very sad.
  2. This was what I tried to say. I did travel a long distance to break up and it was uncomfortable for him to face me. He was extremely surprised and mad (he was much more serious about the relationship than I was- I needed to break up before a proposal arrived). It stunk all the way around. I think a sincere heartfelt phone call with a follow up letter could cover all the bases. But as was noted, personalities are highly variable in these situations. Jo
  3. It's good to see your name and Theo's photo. I only fasted for one week and it felt long. I told my dh I hadn't been on the board in a week and his look of shock was priceless...and telling. May I credit you with the term Administrivia? My dh would love to borrow it. You've been missed. Jo
  4. Your son is sweet. I don't think I could have thought of anything at the moment. I would have stood blinking at her processing if I really heard her correctly. But I give you big, virtual, pregnant belly hugs. Wouldn't we be a sight walking with our families together? That woman's rude comment would never have been heard. ;) When are you coming to Hawaii!!!!!! Jo
  5. I somewhat disagree. Talking marriage? Shopping for furniture? Just mentioning life together in the future? There are a lot of degrees of serious. You should have him clarify. If they were really planning then perhaps I would say make the trip. But taking a trip to break up isn't great either. I was the breaker upper in this situation and I can tell you it wasn't any better than if I had called. Mad is mad. I think it must be done sooner rather than later- even if this means over the phone. He really needs to be sure, and he needs to be kind, but he can't keep communicating with her- even long distance- if he's being insincere about his emotions. I'm so sorry for your son (and the girl). Heart breaks are never easy. Jo
  6. The Library of Congress' homepage. It has an "On This Day" in history snippet each morning. Jo
  7. I am the same way. I have a hard time keeping motivated to make a "real" meal during deployment (ours is coming up as well). I think breakfast dinner is a great idea. I generally plan meals like this: pasta, bean, breakfast/egg, pizza night, soup and bread, and grill with rice nights. We also have a "Must-go" night when I pull everything out of the fridge and we use it up. Dh also insists that I eat out regularly because he knows I need it for my mental health ;). I usually lose weight during deployment because I can't be bothered to make real food. Now that my kids are eating more I am forced to make more, otherwise I would NOT eat well. I hope the deployment flies by!!!! I know it doesn't seem like it now. Bless you and your dh and your entire family. Jo
  8. Or can someone tell me a good way to get grocery prices online? I've tried the Costco site and the commissary site, but neither has prices on these items. I'm going to have to wade deeply into the google results unless you can give me some pointers. Please? :001_smile: Jo
  9. 1. A pack of non-red dyed hot dogs 2. Hot dog buns (the Costco size and price would be fine) 3. A box of soda 4. The big multi pack of chips Thanks. I'm supposed to give cost estimates but I've been having contractions and we're moving this weekend so I can't run to the store. Don't worry about regional differences, I'll factor that in. Thanks so much everyone! Jo
  10. Jeannette, Come out of the corner! I'm sorry if you felt I put you there. You aren't the only one who has suggested the "don't vote" solution. I quoted you, but I should have clarified that I wasn't singling you out alone. It wasn't personal towards you when I typed- I forget to fully form my thoughts sometimes. ;) No one is completely apolitical. I'm always glad to see a new entry into a healthy debate. Jo
  11. I think this is foolish. I can keep my personal convictions and vote pragmatically. People who take their marbles and go home because it isn't exactly like they wish frustrate me. This is politics we are talking about. Jo
  12. First, I thank God that they can't find me. Second, I go to the website of the companies that I truly WANT to send me catalogues. And I'm about to do the same thing! My second move in 6 months. It is so much isn't it Jessica? Strength and courage to you my dear. Jo
  13. The creator of Vegetarian Times magazine was transformed in his thoughts over a situation similar to yours. He had very strong opinions about diet but when he broke his leg and the meals from his church poured in he was humbled to a point he hadn't expected. He decided dietary choices shouldn't alienate. Your story reminded me of his story. It is incredibly humbling to receive care and nuture from your community. Jo
  14. I guess I'll rest on not thinking that tax payers should get involved in other peoples college costs. That is what grants and scholarships are for, right? Lets stop tax free status for colleges if they don't spend a percentage of their trusts on grants/scholarships. That is gov't involvement I can live with. And besides: Because when everyone is special than no one is...:tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie: I love bantering with you Mrs. Mungo. We need to go to the zoo! But for now I have to run to a Family Readiness Group meeting :glare:....Pray for me. ;) Jo
  15. Oh, I forgot. It's the engineers and scientists that we are attracting from all over the world. We should be turning more of them out of lower education, but until we fix that system do we really want to lessen the standard by making it accessible as a birthright?
  16. I recently heard a fascinating interview- of course I can't remember the source, but it was on NPR so it must have been brilliant, right?;) Anyways, it noted that we college educate the world's best and brightest, then they generally stay- but we have to welcome them with a friendlier citizenship process. The statistics about how our universities attract and retain the brightest was very encouraging. We WANT attract people to college who are motivated to succeed- not just punch that ticket.
  17. Small point: how are we getting our butt kicked in the global economy? The U.S. was just rated the healthiest global competitor. Is was a major study out of Sweden (Norway, maybe) but it is a respected global marker. We have domestic economy issues- especially our debt, but that isn't really a result of an uneducated population. If we make college an extension of the public system won't we just end up with the same results? Don't we want college to be something that attracts the MOST motivated? Not just the ones that can inhale and exhale? I'm still thinking it through. Jo
  18. Although I heard this in Obama's speech, I'm not asking in political terms. I wonder if it is true. I'm pondering. I think every child in America has the right to a public education- K-12. I agree with that. But is college education different? I'm forming my thoughts. What are yours? Jo
  19. But, lets watch very carefully to see if we are allowed to judge a man by the content of his character throughout the rest of this election. That will be the true test to see how far we've come. It's not really success if we give a leg up to a man or woman because of their skin or gender- that would be a true step back. These people are charged to represent everybody in the country. Jo
  20. In all seriousness, this is absolutely true! No one can argue with that.
  21. :iagree: I'm thrilled. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' but that is because I'm voting for McCain. ;)
  22. Okay, follow up thought. What if you knew that confrontation wouldn't really change anything? I knew that if I kept quiet it would all just be swept under the rug and no one would ever know. IOW- It really was only for my benefit and to let him know that I know what he did and *it wasn't right*. I just NEEDED to tell him that what he did was wrong. It's a lack of self-control at that point, right? Jo
  23. Btw, this isn't just a military thing. I was thinking people in academia, civil services, and the like would struggle with the same dilemma. I don't want this to become a military bash fest, kwim? Thanks.
  24. If you found out that you had been treated unjustly (dishonestly) by a person but that person was in a position of authority over you and you knew that confrontation would harm your reputation, would you still do it? I had the "opportunity" to confront a person's dishonorable actions last week. This person has no accountability, what they say goes and no one questions it. No one really can question it because the information flows through him. It wasn't a pleasant conversation. I didn't yell, but I directly challenged him. And he was flabbergasted that this...this...this...*woman* would talk back to him. Now this event has painted me and indirectly my dh because it was a military person that I confronted, and he tattled on me to my dh's superiors. :glare: Coward. I have been playing the event over and over. And if I had to do it over again I think I would. My justice bone is mighty strong. I could. not. let. it. go. What is wrong with me? It is it really a control issue? Lack of self control? Jo [and "Sebastian, a lady" if you are reading...shooshy, kay? You know the situation, and I don't need any more trouble. (Big grin) Thanks]
  25. Phooey. If you had a Sam's 3 blocks away but a Costco 15 minutes away? I was hoping they were six of one, half dozen another. It sounds like Costco has the better deals on things I buy regularly (office supplies, organics). Would you still choose Costco if it meant highway time? jo
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