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Everything posted by battlemaiden

  1. Desperate bump.;) Testing isn't over yet. :glare: Must stay sane, must stay sane, must stay sane....
  2. My 9yo (soon to be 10) son is testing today for the first time. This kid generally breezes through school. He shows up everyday ready to work and completes his work within a normal time frame. For some reason the timed aspect of this process put him over the edge. I don't think I've ever seen him like this. He was in tears. He didn't finish all the problems in a math section and he ended up frozen in despair. I'm at a total loss. I had him put on his shoes, run around the house, and have some ice water (they are full of protein rich food and have been given fluids throughout the morning). His older, perfectionist brother would do something like this, but this child is far from a perfectionist. Experience? Advice? Valium? Jo
  3. Despite the fact that I had to change the font on my two columned-printed-to-do list, here I am checking out the boards. It helps me to know that I am not entirely alone when life starts to spin faster than I can manage. We all carry our own burdens, Colleen, but please know that somehow I wish I could help and so do many others. I hope it helps to know that when you feel overwhelmed and done, we hurt for you too. And I doubt I can tempt you, but I *did* just reset the guest bedroom with fresh sheets. There is a lovely plumeria tree right outside the window. Of course I'm sure you know I can't provide peace and quiet, but I can offer a get-away of sorts. :001_smile: Jo
  4. I hear ya' sista! Congrats my dear. I'm so happy for you. enjoy these snuggly days. Jo
  5. No sleep-deprived-temporarily-single-homeschooling-parent-of-seven should go without her coffee. And it needs to be good coffee. I'm willing to spend $- I don't get out much, this is my entertainment. :D Thanks for your help. Jo
  6. We need easy, fast protein/carb breakfast options that don't require me to turn on any appliances. I'm looking for strait up grab and go recipes. My 5, 3, and 1 yr olds just aren't the breakfast cereal types and I'm just not in rhythm enough with the baby to get up and make eggs and such. I seem to recall a protein ball recipe at some point. And my mom says I should get a good recipe for breakfast bars or cookies. Any suggestions? By the way.... Hey ya'll!!!!! Long time no see. Jo
  7. Great question! 1. The best bread, cheese, fruit and red wine I could find. or 2. Grilled Ahi with rice and perfectly cooked asparagus or some other green vegetable on the side. A nice Pinot Grigio to accompany. And later, assuming I have a later- not knowing when death would occur- I would enjoy a glass of port. And for dessert- something chocolate. I will have to think about that a bit more. Oooooh. This is fun. Am I allowed to change my mind later and post again? Jo
  8. Little A.J. arrived on the 2nd of Sept. My biggest yet- 8 lbs 7 oz. They broke my water at 5cm and I was holding a baby on chest 25 minutes later. :001_huh: I could hardly believe it. NONE of my other deliveries have ever come close to going that fast. A.J. is healthy...other than the broken blood vessels from the quick arrival. I felt prayed for and thought of- It does seem to me that this delivery involved a pouring out of mercy, because I just wasn't emotionally prepared to have a long labor without my dh. I'm tearing up just thinking of the whole event and how well it went. So how long can I blame hormones after delivery? ;) And just to tempt my eyes to overspill one more time, when I woke up the morning after delivery and called my mom at my house to give her the details I heard the doorbell ring in the background. She put the phone down to answer it and when she came back she said I had just received flowers from my dh! He set up the delivery before he left on deployment and just "guessed" on the day. He won't be reachable at all for a month (Submarines! Sheesh). I'm looking at a vase of perfect white roses...Seven perfect white roses. I love that man. Hormones........ Jo
  9. I'm going in for my induction tomorrow- assuming I don't go into labor before then, which I would prefer. I can't wait to hold this baby. I just wish I could make that happen without feeling labor. If you could stand to continue your prayers and good thoughts a little longer I could use them. As the time draws near I find myself surprisingly anxious and emotional. I will miss going through labor with my dh. He always made me laugh and kept the worry out of my mind. I can be entirely too serious at these times. Thanks again ya'll. Jo
  10. Wow. I just stumbled across this post. Thanks Marie! I do covet your prayers and kind thoughts. I feel mightily supported, thanks. I lost the M. plug today (nasty word, sorry) and I'm contracting a good bit, but nothing regular. I'd like to say it is imminent, but then if I don't go into labor I would be embarrassed to pop in here and post- going past a due date is cruel, isn't it? I'm not officially due until 9/1. If you want to be really specific in prayer- help me remember what to bring to the hospital. My dh was always the bag packer. Clothes, a toiletry bag, and a camera are all I can think of! :001_smile: Thanks again for your kindness. Jo
  11. Republicans have generally fought for the following (some have fought harder than others, and of course some democrats have agreed, but since you are the generalizing about the Republicans, I'll generalize my answer) 1. Increased informed consent- ultrasounds, information about post-traumatic disorders, and actual physical milestones of the unborn baby. 2. Partial birth abortion bans- including, but not limited to, requiring medical testimony about the pain inflicted during that procedure and other abortions. 3. Increased regulation of abortion clinics- requiring them to adhere to standards and regulations that all other "medical facilities" are subject to. It isn't a matter of simply making abortion illegal. Women making these decisions should be FULLY informed. And doctors whose business it is (and it is a lucrative business) should be regulated that they are giving desperate women all the information they need. Jo
  12. Congrats! I'm glad they caught it and all is well. I am rejoicing with you! Jo
  13. Welcome little one! Whew! 20 hrs? Over 10lbs? Don't scare me. ;) But a great big congrats to you. Jo
  14. Oh, I like him too. He is so comfortable and laid back, yet he's witty. Did you hear him when he quipped Michael Phelps, after his goggles malfunctioned, could even win gold with his eyes closed? I cracked up. You know who I can't stand? The lady that critiques the divers. Oooooooh, she drives me crazy. I have to turn it off because of her. Jo
  15. Soooooooo, I'm not imagining it. :D That is pretty much what I'm picturing. Thanks for showing me your version. Jo
  16. I understand. I have a struggling-to-read fluently 7yodd. The only thing that needed to happen is for me to be consistent. If you are too busy, then the decision to homeschool may not be the best for your family. I think I recall you are taking on work at home, right? No matter what you use it will still be a matter of concentrated, consistent work with your daughter. Sorry if I sound harsh- I don't mean too, really. Just know that I have had to face this issue head on recently because of a insane past year (and the year to come isn't going to be much easier- new baby, dh deployed, yadda, yadda). It really came down to me deciding what is in the best interest of this child- I will be held accountable for this decision one day. I wish you the best with *all* that is on your plate! Jo
  17. Okay, I looked at this. I'm sure I would love it but it doesn't solve the timeline-index card-separate notebooks/binders for each child problem. Or does it? What am I missing? I am a three ring binder kind of gal. I like using binders. I just wonder if people are combining all the resources for each child into one massive binder, or if it works better to keep grammar, geography, worksheets all stored in separate binders. And what to do with the index cards....and timelines....and.... Can you tell I have issues with storage and organization? :D Jo
  18. I'm not a horrible person, I'm just not a sentamentalist when it comes to pets. The dog isn't on death's door. He still eats, he still drinks, he can stand on his own with effort but he's really wobbly when he gets there. He can't be walked more than 10 feet or his back legs collapse. The problem is, he poops all over the place, so he stays on our rather large back porch all the time now. I can't let the kids use our back yard because he's just so old, ornery, and unpredictable at this point. So, in essence, he's a hassle...an inconvenience. I'm sure you think I'm awful, but with the impending birth of seventh child, and my need for contained outdoor space when school begins, I really want to put him down. My mom is a much more sentimental person than I am. If I even mention putting him down she tears up. I would have made the decision already if she wasn't here. She doesn't think it's "time" yet. I just don't know when it will be time. Is it any better to wait until he can't get up at all? Am I alone here? Can anyone relate? Jo ETA: my mom isn't saying "don't." She repeatedly tells me that it is my decision completely. She does understand to a certain degree. I just know she will have a hard time with my decision if I put him down at this point. I don't want her to think badly of me- this isn't a psychoanalysis type of post, so try to vere clear of my need to be less of a pleaser when it comes to my parents ;). :D
  19. I'll be teaching 7th, 4th, 2nd, and K this year. I'm a TOG virgin and all the different binders, cards (president, etc.), and projects for four grades are making this storage challenged mom cringe. Do you combine your grammar/composition notebooks with other work in one binder? How do you store your timeline? Your index cards? Give me a clue. Thanks. Jo
  20. I once heard a speaker tell the story of her "over the hill" surprise from family and friends. They rented a hearse!!! Seriously. They had a day of lunch, the theater, and several other stops planned. There were balloons and all sorts of over-the-hill paraphenalia included. I thought it was hilarious. Jo
  21. My sister and family in Titusville have been outside to ride bikes and jog. The kids have been drawing with sidewalk chalk, etc... I told her I'm done worrying about her now. The eye of the storm has spared them. Now areas south of you and her are getting hammered with rain. Oh well! No risk of wild fires for a while, eh? Jo
  22. I'm heavy into planning today and my head is starting to spin in circles. I'm always so thankful when veterans like you and others post things like this. Having so many school kids (particularly preschoolers and kindergarteners) in the neighborhood now, I have been feeling unusual pressure to "hang" with their scope and sequence. My neighbor across the street offered me her early childhood curriculum stuff last night. Um....thanks? The odd thing is my neighbors are also pulling their kids out of school left and right and homeschooling them- but many/most are using completely online packages. It just looks so gosh darn easy for them. Maybe I'm just having planning-envy as I sit here trying to individualize my older four children's course of study this year. You are right. It is about them. Thanks amy. Jo
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