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Everything posted by battlemaiden

  1. My son watched our neighbor's dog this weekend. He fed, watered, and walked three to four times each day. I would do it for free, but my son is trying to get "paying work" and my neighbor is being sweet to encourage his entrepenuerial (I think I mangled that word) spirit. He is 10yo. She paid him $20, which I said was too much and he would have to return some it, but I really don't know what the going rate is. Can I get some suggestions? Thanks so much.
  2. I think you see as you want to see. If someone criticizes Obama's position on abortion, specifically his free allowance of all forms at any time, you will label that post as someone saying "he wants to kill babies." That isn't what the person said. If we say he doesn't condemn a domestic terrorist with whom he has some minor level relationship, you may think that person is labeling him "a terrorist." If I missed a post that stated that then I roll my eyes at the notion, and so should anyone with common sense. And as for having mercy for the poor, please read this very carefully and try, try, please try to understand. The Bible certainly does speak of caring for the poor or needy but it does NOT say that job lays in the hands of the Government. It says YOU and ME must care for them. It is the position of many, myself included, that caring for the poor and needy through the bloated, ineffecient, impersonal Federal Government is STUPID and a waste of money. It is a foundational difference between what you said above. I have avoided reading most of the political threads because my time is tight. I have read more lately but not responded because my time on the boards is limited to when I'm nursing the baby and those one-handed typed posts don't lend themselves to free expression of thought. I responded to this one because of the tone it sets. You are fed up with the accusations against Obama. Did you happen to notice the poll? The majority of the board supports McCain. You might want to consider how many people have "held their tongue" because they wanted to promote peace on the board. Once again we all see what we want to see. It is almost funny. Both sides talk pass each other. Well some are, and they continue to defensively respond in support of their candidate. Honestly, most of us are sick of it. You certainly have the right to post anything you want. But I felt painted by your broad strokes this morning and my son is holding the baby.....:D Jo
  3. I would like to have a chart that goes sat-fri. I can make my own with excel, but wondering if others have done this and find it useful. Jo
  4. Tricia, I'm in. I just had my seventh a month ago. I don't gain a lot during pregnancy but I tend to eat like I'm preggo for too long afterwards:glare:. What I really need is to get in shape- as in get healthy. I'm tall, so I can hide a lot...and...ahem...I'm hiding 5-10 extra easily. What are your plans? short term goals? I would like to be firmed up by the time my dh gets home from deployment early next year. That gives me 3 months- albeit halloween, thanksgiving, and Christmas. ;) Jo
  5. Absolutely! I'm a little late. Please check in when you are through and tell us what a breeze it was for you. We all know you are brilliant. Jo
  6. Oh pooey Ria. Don't make me feel bad. I have taken on both roles as parent here and I've decided I'll be bad cop/bad cop all day every day. I needed a perk.:D I'm still waiting for you to come out and visit so you can hold my hand. ;)
  7. Now, now. I don't think we can jump to conclusions. Are we entirely sure that the Obama campaign itself didn't come and get them and redistribute them somewhere else?
  8. Btw-I don't do this often. We have been in a *no-fun-allowed-get-it-done* period lately, so we needed a little spark. And this son had already finished his regular assignment this morning. This was total bonus! ;) Jo
  9. I told my son if he could finish an entire Math-U-See lesson (DVD through test) in less than a half hour, I would buy him and all his siblings Frostys. I think his pencil was smoking. :D I'm not above bribery. Too bad it doesn't work on all my children. I have others who would have shrugged and said "nah, not worth it." Jo
  10. My ped doc suspected my little fella' might have some mild thrush so she sent me home with Nystatin and Nystatin "Swish and Swallow" just in case it worsened. I had just nursed him so we weren't sure what we were seeing. The baby lately has been a little fussy and seems to be "comfort nursing" more than necessary (I'm a schedule feeder usually). Last night in a matter of 30 minutes...no joke...my booKs became so painful! The weird thing is my whole booK is sore, not just the n*pple- this is what webMD said would hurt. For those of you who have suffered through an infection like this, does this sound normal? Does your whole chest hurt? I would have thought it was just a blocked duct or something if it weren't on both sides and all over. Jo
  11. Okay, this may not be funny to you but your post caught my eye because my dh was just in a bar in Singapore. As in drinking a beer in a bar... :D I must be sleep deprived because when I read your subject line that is what I was thinking. Back to your regularly scheduled... Jo
  12. If it was me I'd appreciate the PM. I don't get here enough and I don't have time to search. Jo
  13. My dd suffered from Diaper Rash for a year before I realized she was allergic to a particular brand of diaper. Actually all diapers made her rash a little, but as soon as she was potty trained and able to "air dry" a little it went away. The diaper brand was Luvs, but other cheaper brands had the same effect. Just my experience. It doesn't address your liquidy stool issue. I'm sorry for your little princess. Jo
  14. Can be put from the bucket to the bed and back again unfolded? I'm just asking............
  15. This is a fantastic idea! They love this sort of thing. I'm going to do this too. Tammy, thanks for your kind words too. Jo Jo
  16. Brilliant! This is a wonderful idea, especially since the neighborhood kids have lost several of ours already!:001_smile: Jan, you solved my problem. Jo
  17. My son is turning 10 in a couple of weeks and I need to do a simple get together for the kids on the street. I'm thinking cake and icecream with flashlight tag. They play that game all the time in the evenings. It isn't really a "party" so do I get party favors? I don't really know how many kids will show and there will be multiple age groups. This party is giving me fits. My son really wanted a party, but I don't see anyway to do it by myself and a nursing baby- and the other little children. I want it to be special for him with not much effort from me...possible? I feel like a loser parent lately.:confused: Thanks for your advice. Jo
  18. I could have written this Aubrey (except for the dh in school- substitute dh at sea). I also have a hard time balancing throwing perfectly good stuff away because it feels wasteful. Even if we only occassionally use something, we do use it and don't like being wasteful. I know that set of plastic food and dishes gives loads of pleasure and creativitly to the kids, but if step on one more plastic cracker I'm going to lose it. Okay....not really, but for some reason that food ends up everywhere. Come to think of it, they are usually bringing me wonderful "snacks" so I guess it is teaching them hospitality. I guess it can stay.;) Jo
  19. I admit I have been sucked in! :tongue_smilie:I'm always nursing the baby at that time and there is nothing else on. I am far from fashion forward. I can't believe anyone would wear the stuff they make, but I know they do...somewhere...in cities with populations over a million. ;) I do appreciate the technical pieces. I loved Leann's leather bodice earlier in the season- it was made perfectly. I can't believe Kenly is still in... she drives me nuts. I was only occassionaly impressed with Koto. I thought she was going home last night. I liked jarrell's perspective- he seemed like he had the most natural eye. One other point- does anyone else feel the critiques are somewhat arbitrary? A judge or Heidi Klum will bash a design on the runway while wearing something I can imagine would have the designer booted in the first episode. Maybe I have no eye for high fashion. Jo
  20. medicare/medicaid- I believe this is our largest chunk of the budget. Raise the age for Soc sec- my Dad has been gainfully employed for ten years since receiving Soc.sec. There would have to be some health exceptions worked in to this reform. Foreign aid freeze. And put together a panel to review and recommend to the president lots of other slashing ala BRAC commission (Base Realignment and Closure). They are bipartisan and brutal and generally effective when the politicians stay out of the way.
  21. I'm so glad to see you! I have been wondering about you dear. Please don't wait until your water breaks. From personal experience, I would think your precious bundle will come quickly after your water breaks. And I have never had quick labors until this last one. Having said that, I've only ever had one of my seven break water prior to transition or artificially. If I had waited at home until my water broke, I wouldn't have made it to the hospital. Actually, I probably wouldn't have had emergency personnel make it to the house in time either. It was an eye opener for me. I am NOT a home birth type of person. Labor and Delivery nurses have every horrible, emergency birth they've ever witnessed firmly planted in their minds. I don't know how you feel about hospitals but I like to be there when my contractions are regular- 2-3 minutes. I usually get to 3-4 cm before labor ever starts, so ideally I would be in regular contractions but not intense labor when I leave the house. My dh and I usually bring a couple of comedy DVDs and make the most of the waiting time. Oh! I'm so excited for you! Keep us posted. Jo
  22. Brilliant Ria! Can you come hold my hand? ;) I wasn't prepared for his response. Time to think outside the box. Lie, and take valium...got it! Thanks. Jo
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