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Everything posted by battlemaiden

  1. I'm going to have to take your word on that one. It does help to hear. Btw**** All this time I thought that was you and your dh in the photo....sorry. :leaving:
  2. Depending on their personality they may like God's World News- it is political from a Evangelical perspective. My two oldest boys really like this news mag!
  3. Exactly. I look at my neighbors and think how relatively easy it is to be pleasant for the number of waking hours they spend with their kids. They *also* don't have the types of relationships with their children that I would want, but that isn't the main point. I just wish I could hide some of my faults. :glare: Jo Btw- thanks for answering. It really does help to hear how others struggle. I'm not alone.
  4. Not being able to hide when I have a bad day. When I am overloaded I want to be away...and I can't. That, perhaps, is unique to my current circumstances, but it is by far my biggest struggle. What is yours?
  5. That could solve our space problems! But I wouldn't be using it for "play".
  6. I have this aunt, she isn't the nicest person in the world. She has treated my mom badly for years. She gets toasted at family gatherings and says ridiculous things. I haven't seen her in years...and I miss her. Sometimes the crankiest among us become the most endearing. Weird, huh? The board has more rudeness than I like but where are the voices of reason telling them they are being rude? I think there has always been the nincompoops, they were just called out more in the past. Or maybe I'm remembering wrong? I hope it is a seasonal thing. When we have all recovered our energy from the political season then we will muster the courage to be tolerant again. Jo
  7. I think it is the polite thing to do. I would be more annoyed if they didn't...even if I was capable to figure it out before hand. But that's just me, and this sort of thing rarely happens. I also have over 2000 emails in my inbox. 1, 995 of which should be deleted, so perhaps I don't qualify to give my 2 cents. :D
  8. Ding, ding, ding Ahhhh, the memories I have of that movie.....:)
  9. And yet that seems just like something I would expect to be said on The View. :mellow:
  10. Thank you for the supplement suggestions. I was wondering if I could take a little booster along with my pre-natal vitamin. I have both B-12 and magnesium in the cupboard. I'm also going to try and get out for walks now that my oldest is healthy again to watch the littles. I appreciate yours, and everyone else's advice. I'm not above the water line just yet, but I think I'm wearing the appropriate life vest now to ride out the storm. :D Jo
  11. "Gee, Eddie. I'm not sure you should speak to the children that way." Can you see me? Can you see me in my strand of pearls, tiny waste, and high heels? I should have said something ages ago. Now I'm frustrated and I'm afraid I'll decide to take the light saber out of his hand and break it over my knee. :glare: He has this aggravating, I'm assuming classroom mentality, that only children of his gender or six months of his date of birth may come near him. Um, we don't roll that way in our family. So naturally my younger children run to join the game and soon find themselves belittled in some way, as the pack laughs. My older two boys always take the side of their siblings which just rankles (that is a word, I'm sure of it) this boy more. He does like hanging out at our house though, and when I come out to scope out the scene, he is just as nice as can be (but has a little trouble making eye contact). How are those frequent flier miles, Colleen? I may need you.
  12. There is a boy in the neighborhood that drives me crazy. Crazy! I tell you. He is a bully, no two ways about it. He has taken over and manipulated or bullied all the boys in the neighborhood. I want to ring his neck. Did I mention he lives across the street. And he speaks to me like he's never said an unkind word to my children. I have no patience for poorly behaved children. Unless they are my own ;). ugh, ergh, and blech. That's all. Jo
  13. Ergh! Christmas card *to*!!!!! Why can't we edit the titles. :glare::001_smile: One of the officer's wives from our command was just forward deployed in Afghanistan. Is anyone looking for someone to send a card/letter/care package to? It would be a good project for the kiddos. She's a Marine officer. No kids. And her dh is on black ops (no communication with her). PM me if you would like her mailing address. Jo
  14. Oh dear, I must give my kids the credit they deserve. They have been troopers. The children that didn't get sick have stepped up and helped tremendously. They are super! I am normally a very cheerful person. I don't struggle with depression. But when all the variables are working against me- did I mention it has been rainy off and on for three days...in Hawaii?- then I start to get worn down. I'm also a bit of a freak about my living environment. I want it to look inviting and lived in, but in a everything-in-its-place sort of way. I have had to let some things go when the kids were at their worse, which of course was the right decision, but now I struggle looking around me and recovering my peaceful atmosphere. Truly, truly I know everything will be fine. I do have a maid coming later in the week. My dh insisted on this last time I spoke to him when he was in port. I hesistated at first, but now I know how important it is. Now if I could only prevent myself from getting stressed out because of the need to get the house all cleaned up for the maid! ;) I'm a dork. Thanks again everyone. Things look better after sunrise. Jo
  15. The sleep deprivation has more to do with having sick, cranky, needy kids. Add the baby having a growth spurt and we have a worn out, sad, little specimen of a mom. The kids are well now, the dirty laundry pile is huge, the house is a wreck (add that to the stress level), and we have the perfect storm of emotional drain. I know all will be well, but they aren't now, and blowing things out of proportion. Off to search the kids halloween bags for dark chocolate.....
  16. Tofu!! Brilliant. I've been tempted to add some tofu to my diet, but this is the easy way. Thanks!
  17. Say you feel yourself headed for an emotional low. Say your brain knows perfectly well it is due to temporary circumstances (sleep deprivation etc.), illogical, and you want to avoid a tailspin...how do you do it? I'm just asking.... :blush: btw-my hypothetical scenario assumes this person is far from needing medical intervention. Just minor, annoying, over-emotionality.
  18. I've been mixing plain yogurt, peanut butter, banana, and some chocolate syrup. I add ice if the banana isn't frozen. I also throw in some flax meal. All my kids love this one. Then again it *is* chocolate! It is my knock off of a Jamba Juice. Jo
  19. I have watched more TV than usual lately, and I'm astonished at what is shown and said. How are the standards of decency decided? This is a serious question. Jo
  20. Believe it or not, I paid $60 a pop for my oldest two's Keen shoes. *gasp* For children! But I was sick to death of paying $20 for nasty plastic crocs that they wore through in 3 months. And the treads on these shoes are going strong 4 months later. They hardly look used at all. They are indeed worth the money, and they may even last to be passed down to a younger brother.
  21. Tomorrow is my 3yr old daughter's joint birthday party. My friend's little daughter is turning 2, and we decided to have a joint "party" at Farrells (an ice cream parlor). The theme is princess, and it will only be our families and two other little girls with whom we're both friends. Honestly, this was both us moms way of having a party without doing a party, kwim? My 5 yr old son is being such a mule. He does NOT want to have anything to do with princess'. :glare: He won't even entertain the idea. I have told him in every way I know how that it isn't about him, it is about honoring is sister and he needs to go and celebrate with the family. I can't leave him home. I'm NOT paying a babysitter because he is stubborn. And I don't want a sour puss at the party. How would you handle this? I have some ideas, but I want to glean your kernels of wisdom first. Thanks. Jo
  22. I think your kids are a great age for a good microscope! We invested in a good microscope that would take us through high school and it has been a wonderful "toy" for all the kids. We have looked at moss, dead bugs, live bugs, pond water, etc. The little ones love it. I *would* factor how well your kids follow rules- no touching without parental supervision etc. I have had to keep ours out of reach of our 23 month old for a while- she is fascinated. To answer your question- for a less expensive gift idea for the family, my kids are enjoying a rock tumbler (kept in the garage because of the noise). Jo
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