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Everything posted by battlemaiden

  1. Why is a person who is of mixed race, with one parent being black, always black? If a person is half Japanese or Hawaiian or caucasion but one of the parents is black (which we could further break down into the various origins- Carribean or African, etc.) they are always referred to as "black", correct? I suppose the same applies to a person who is half Chinese/half Caucasion being referred to as Chinese. I have put the answer to this question on hold with the children until I have thought it through. I guess I shouldn't be surprised to get this question after studying MLK Jr. and on the eve of the inauguration, but sheesh! I was unprepared with an answer. Let's discuss! Jo
  2. I tend to agree with Ria. I am completely unfamiliar with the concern of vacationing alone with children. I do it all the time. I think your greatest asset would be a take-no-crap attitude as you unpack those kiddos into the cabin. Be aware of your surroundings, make some calls on the phone outside the car, and lock the doors. There you have it. I don't know why, but, I'm nervous for you because you are so nervous....
  3. Oooh. I didn't know about this one. I'm going to look around a little. Thanks. Jo
  4. You know the one that has lessons and videos about everything? :tongue_smilie: You know what I mean, right? I swear my brain forgot to get up today.:glare: But I know the hive will know....
  5. You got that right! This sums it up. As a side to you, Pam. I hate it even worse when someone in the medical profession (from the receptionist to the nurse to the doctor) calls anyone by these aforementioned terms. It is demeaning squared when you are at the mercy of their care. Don't you think?
  6. I have read all the replies. Thank you *all* so much. I'm waiting to talk to their direct neighbor for some more clues to their needs. In the meantime, I'm going to bake some french bread. I think the idea of a paper product basket is useful no matter what- I will go get the "good stuff" in paper plates today. You helped me to focus with all your suggestions. I'm very grateful for every response. The little girl's name is Elikia. Jo
  7. comfortably after a battle with leukemia? I don't know them very well. It's heartbreaking. Food seems inappropriate- I don't know why. I can't even wrap my brain around the pain. What can I do to show them support? Would it be appropriate to buy the daughter a gift? I can find out from her neighbor what she likes. I just don't know. My head is spinning. Balance me a little with some BTDT suggestions.
  8. bumping because I have coulette steaks defrosting on the counter.... I'm just saying. I'm a former vegetarian. I'm clueless. Have mercy. :D Jo
  9. They have been frozen for quite a while. I need to do something with it. I would like to do something in the crockpot. Should I drown it in wine or something? What the heck do I do? All I ever do with steak is grill it. This stuff has been frozen too long to grill. I need to simmer it in something. I don't even know where to start. Help? Thanks. jo
  10. Shhh. I went through all the children's dresser's and closets earlier in the day. :ohmy: I have a trash bag full of donations and a box to give to a friend. I actually *do* have room to put it all away. Weird. And for an all too brief moment all their drawers are neat. It isn't my routine objective to have all the laundry and linens washed at the same time. But it is so sweet when it happens--once or twice a year. :lol: My dh is returning from deployment within a month and I'm on some sort of organizational binge.:blink: I'm not naturally so motivated. I decided I better ride this wave for all it's worth. Thanks everyone. Gosh and golly. All that applause was quite startling to wake up to.:blush5:
  11. Every piece of dirty clothing ****and*** all the sheets in my home (minus, of course the clothes currently being worn:glare:) are now officially washed, dryed, and folded...on the same day. no, no, no...please...hold your applause...it is embarrassing.... And I may even sneak into their rooms and put it away before I go to bed. It's late and very few of you will ever read this, but it needs to be memorialized somewhere. Because, as you all know, tomorrow morning it will all start again. But I'm okaaaaaay with that. ;) Jo
  12. Just a thought. What about a hybrid homeschool? Would you be able to enroll them in a cyber school for just one year? I can completely understand your attitude rubbing off on the children. And I want my relationships with my children to be healthy, you know? It is possible to rigorously educate our children and maintain peace in the home, but sometimes we need a break to zoom out and get some perspective. It may be worth it to take a short break and do some alternative schooling- visiting the library, playing games, visiting museums or other educational venues, doing factory tours, etc. I'm a little loopy from a busy day, but those are just some disjointed thoughts on the matter. Keep in mind that we are being refined by our circumstances. I recently heard the following quote: "The majority of people overestimate their own abilities and underestimate God's" True, huh?
  13. In my neighborhood- Their houses are generally more *organized*. My dear friend down the street is constantly going through her children's toys and clothes (often bringing things for me to pick through- which of course sit in a closet until I have *time* to do it!). They shop. They create activities to fill their time- scrapbooking etc. They volunteer at their children's schools. They generally move through the housemaking routine more slowly than me. And sometimes they call me up to watch their kids for an errand or appointment. :glare: There are a very few people I allow to bring their kids to our house. IYKWIM? But still they try. Honestly, I wonder the same thing. Jo
  14. I feel pathetic. I've arranged my day to be completely done with my work, children fed and bathed and in bed, so I will be sitting with popcorn (or wine) to watch at 8pm. It does feel decedent. And I discovered how to do the whole pause thing on my DVR for extra safeguards in case the children wander in with questions....and they will.:glare::lol: Enjoy Rose! Go, Jack. Go!
  15. I tend to make them repeat the behavior with a good attitude. "come back here and we are going to do that again with a good attitude." Then I will give them *more opportunity* to practice their good attitude with a different request. Depending on the age I give more modeling of the behavior. If they are older they just get more chores to practice responding to me with respect. I try to keep it funny and calm. But if they are truly disrespecting me and willfully disobeying I will spank for that offense. I see a big difference between being in a mood, and needing some help knowing what the correct response should be, and just flat out looking me in the face and stomping off. Jo
  16. It has been a long time since I watched it and I vaguely remember thinking it wasn't for kids, but I can't remember why. What do you think? Could it be okay for all the kids or just the 8 and up crowd? 10 and up? Just the 12yo? :D Thanks. Jo
  17. Oh how I remember my Minnesota winter days! It's time for radical measures. Do something completely out of character. Bubble baths, Rice or Cornmeal box, Inside marching band.... Do it. It will wreck your plan for the day, but is your plan going all that great with everyone's mood anyway? Then you could always send everyone to their own happy corner of the house. ;)
  18. You're all my heroes! I'm truly inspired. I am going to save this thread for *those* days. Thanks so much. Jo
  19. My concern would be with heart disease. If you have arteriosclerosis- hardening of the arteries then your heart has to pump harder to push the blood to the periphery. If you are overweight, with limited aerobic activity I would be concerned. How is your cholesterol? I think 90 bpm is high, btw. Your heart is telling you something. You should definitely investigate further. I hope all is well, but check. Jo
  20. Inspire me...us...okay, maybe just me. :D But I'm struggling with variety. If you just want to share 1 or 2, that would be fine too. Thanks. Jo Btw- I don't necessarily need the recipe- just the inspiration.
  21. This is what I do. We *do* have frequent doorbell ringers in our neighborhood- adults and children. I have to switch the sign up occassionally because they get used to seeing it and start ignoring the sign. I have also had friends from other neighborhoods (other military wives) who were in the area try to stop by. We live close to a Walmart. They almost always call first and when I don't answer the phone they usually get the hint. If they come over anyways, it only takes a quick look at the dining room table to realize it isn't a good time.;) Sometimes I feel it is important to set aside work for a particular visitor. I don't have a set rule- I sort of go with my gut. It then becomes a lesson in hospitality for the children---they need to learn that sort of schooling too. But I try to make this a rare event. Jo
  22. The news reporting is focused squarely on whether he was being pursued too closely by the police. Ten paragraphs into the story they happen to mention he was on Meth and took off as the policeman was walking up to him during the traffic stop. The moral of the story seems to be "police chases are bad." Does this stuff drive anyone else nuts? The moral of the story is don't take meth or run away from the police! But your opinion may differ.......:lurk5: http://www.honoluluadvertiser.com/article/20090109/NEWS06/901090353
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