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Everything posted by battlemaiden

  1. All seven of my children are currently sharing a room. They will be this way for at least two years. Three boys together, three girls together, and the baby with me. I wish I could give the older kids their own room for reading purposes, but alas, we don't have that luxury. Prior to this house we had the four oldest together in a largish "bunk room". Jo
  2. My Life in France! That is a book to add. I have been wanting to read that book. It doesn't help me with my fiction titles, but I like what I like. :D Thanks Heidi. Jo
  3. I have tried and tried to get this photo attached. No luck. I'm trying to import it from my picture file. Any suggestions? I have to go feed the baby, so it may be a little while before I return. Thanks. Jo
  4. I should say that so far I have The Core Program Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors Passionate Housewives Desperate for God Total Truth (I have been reading this for years... I think I can, I think I can) I need a fiction book. Maybe I'll read the Dark is Rising series when my kids get through with it. I also want to read a health book related to whole food eating but I haven't done any preliminary research- in other words I haven't searched Amazon yet.;)
  5. And what if someone here just absolutely adores this pencil holder/vase/thingy? I would have insulted them on first look.:D Trust me. It just isn't my style.:tongue_smilie: Jo
  6. What is on your list? There is not a chance on earth I could read a book a week, but I do like to make a list of 10-15 books to read a year. As I put my list together I would love to see what others look like. Jo
  7. I'm in. But I may cheat and go for an hour or two if my parents take the kids to the zoo in the next couple of days. I need to get all the Christmas decorations away before cleaning. Jo
  8. how do you handle it? My dh is usually great, but he picked up some gifts in a hurry while in Singapore and although some were great- fresh water pearl necklace and earrings- some were, umm, tacky. I just can't put that bizarre pencil holder, or vase, or whatever, on my counter....ever. He didn't have much time and he was with a group of men, but he went through a lot of effort to buy these things and get them in the mail under difficult circumstances. I should just tell him, huh? I just don't like squashing him from his efforts. I'm blessed that he made the effort at all. Just wondering how you all handle it.... Jo
  9. No games, ipods, handheld thingyabobs in our home either. We fight against the influence constantly. All the neighbors have them and sit on their front porches staring at little screens :001_huh:. Their moms say, "go outside and play" and this apparently fits that request. :glare:My kids have felt left out at times, but mostly they get annoyed that those kids don't want to run and play. I know perfectly well adjusted kids with homes full of electronics, but we have chosen to avoid them for now. Jo edit: We don't have any gaming devices like Xbox, Wii, or playstation. We *d0* have computer games. I hadn't read any of the answers when I posted and I can see there was some hair splitting on the topic. I just wanted to clarify. We will eventually have a Wii, I think, but my dh insists the children all become fully literate before bringing it into the home.
  10. I'll tell my hubby and my neighbors you said so. I live on a street in military housing with 50% of the spouses deployed- mostly Army and Marines. I am amazed by some of these women...and that one husband. Their strength makes me stronger. Anyhoo, it was nice of you to say it. There are so many women on this board whose husbands are away this Christmas. Thanks again. Btw- my dh has played it off when we talk. He says he is doing fine being alone for Christmas. He said it was just a gift to be in port and be able to talk to me. That is until I told him I was making Quiver's cinnamon rolls....:lol: You should have seen the look on his face. Every man has his breaking point. :lol:
  11. Deployed spouse here too. At least he's in port and we all got to see him for the first time in 4 months last night using Skype----love, love, love that thing. He won't even have gifts this year because the mail didn't get redirected to his sub properly. :glare: He says he doesn't care, but I do!!! When I was a nurse I always seemed to work the holidays because we moved so much and I was always the "new guy." We've done some weird Christmas celebrations in the past: midnight if I was on evening shift, tea time if I worked days etc... If it makes you feel any better, we look back on those wacky, unusual Christmas celebrations with a smile. Merry Christmas!
  12. I have been thinking of you since I heard about the snowstorm. Christmas eve is my very favorite day to all be home and play games and bake and try to sneak away to finish all my wrapping. Unfortunately my kids want to be outside all day long with the neighbor kids (:glare: don't get me started on the problems we've had here). What I wouldn't give for a good sock em' snow storm. I would be making home made hot chocolate and popping popcorn. Then again I am asking for a snowstorm...it's all in the choosing....;) Jo
  13. Oh! Thank you Lizzie and Tammy! Merry Christmas to you both.

  14. The sarcastic one about percentages and allotment of wakeful time etc. Does anyone know what I mean? Can you link me, or give me a better search word? I can't seem to find it. Thanks. Jo
  15. My wonderful neighbors keep bringing plates by. What is expected in the way of thanks. Often, the children are delivering these plates. Thanks. Jo
  16. We've done Teach Your Child in 100 Lessons- I have used it successfully on three children and I'm using it on number 4 child. Cheap, easy, scripted... Jo
  17. I'm right there with you. It has been minimal at best this week (mandatory make and muster math, spelling, grammar, and journaling only). These are the unique challenges to homeschooling. We don't get that school time to get our tasks done. We are always living in our space and it is hard to get the extras done. My friend down the street sent her kids to school today even though it was optional because of torrential rain and flash flooding. she said she needed to get too much done around the house (note to self not to constantly compare the lived in look of my house to hers- I love her anyways). Having said all that, I do think our priority is our children's education, and if that means getting creative with weekends and evenings...so be it. We are going to end on the 17th when my parents arrive. It will be okay. Jo
  18. How weird it feels to me. I sort of feel proud...because we've walked this road virtually...together. I'm so proud I could cry. How weird. Pam, you are amazing. You will make such a wonderful nurse. You are the type that will change lives, inspire a person to heal by your insight and ability to motivate. May I lift a glass of pretend champagne in your honor? Hip, hip, hooray, hip, hip, hooray....... Jo
  19. I'm horrible at asking for help. But as I was staring at the types of screws in the baby crib to know how to dissassemble it and move it into the girls room, I began to think. I have had many offers for help from neighbor's husbands. They have been deployed and I know they would want someone to help their wife when they are gone. They are earnest in their offers to help. This would be a perfect opportunity for me to ask a favor. I put up Christmas lights on the gutter the other day. Two neighbors yelled at me to get down and let them do it. I just can't. The problem, as I see it, is I am *perfectly able* to do these things. It isn't as if I'm afraid of ladders, or i don't know a phillips from a flat-head. I can kill spiders, and I know how to attach the luggage rack on top of my suburban. The only way I can let people help me is if they go ahead and do it without asking. If they barged into my house and took apart the baby's crib I wouldn't stop them. I'm just no good at asking...because I'm capable of doing it. I just don't have a lot of time to do it all. I would love someone to come over and say, "I'm taking your kids for a long walk around the neighborhood so you can get the gifts wrapped" or "I'm here to hold the baby so you can gets the bills paid" I would be sooooo okay with that. But I don't ask well. It's pride isn't it? I don't know. I once asked a neighbor if he would come and replace the electrical board of my microscope. I haven't done a lot of electrical stuff and I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to have someone take a task off my list. Well, bless his heart, he stood there and walked me through it because he said it was easy-breezy and I could do it. It was easy and I felt stupid. I could have done it, and I knew it, I just wanted someone else too. :glare: So what's the diagnosis Hive? Jo
  20. Yes, but I bet you'll be quicker to adapt than i was. I'm always a little late to the game. My son is still a joy to be with. He is a great kid, he's just a little harder to handle. He's growing up and I feel like I'm trying to pull back the reins on a runaway horse.... Jo
  21. I totally agree. And one more thing.... Before I had a 12yo I thought I knew the answer to these posts. I apologize to the WTM universe for ever thinking I understood. :D There is a flip switch around this age that can't be understood unless you are going through it. They just plain change. They are thinking, analyzing, challenging in a way a 11yo doesn't (mostly). I am where you are. I agree with Julie. You can't let it go, but at the same time you need to come along side them more at this age and explain how they are acting inappropriately. Honestly? I can see that my son is miserable when he acts up too. He needs help working through his emotions. It is so hard to change my motherly mindset, but I'm learning slowly and with many apologies to my son that he is growing up and I need to guide him more. Jo
  22. I've never been a part of one. I've entertained the idea once or twice, but it never seemed necessary. I would do one in the future for educational purposes, but that is it. We have plenty-oh socialization in our regular routine to need to hang with other homeschoolers. I *do* really like meeting with another homeschooling family every now and then for dinner or just to hang and play to let my kids see that they aren't the only ones.:lol: Jo
  23. As for running in the same circles.... I'm sure there is a lot of advice about the right way to handle it in a strait forward, verbally honest way, but honestly I would just ignore her. I wouldn't call her or return her calls, go out of my way to talk to her, or invite her kids to my home. If she asks, *then* I would explain that you don't feel comfortable in the friendship and that you would prefer to keep each other as acquaintances only. If she presses then I would give examples. Honestly, she probably doesn't have a clue that she is looney. Why go out of the way to explain? Jo
  24. Isn't Rayovac being sued for formula stealing? Sorry for Duracell, but if Rayovac stole their formula, then why would I pay soooo much more? :D I buy Rayovac. Jo
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