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Everything posted by battlemaiden

  1. I'd call my mom up and say "thanks a heck of a lot"~! Seriously, name misspellings aren't the other person's fault. And I know from what I speak. I'm a Joanne...Jo Anne...Joann...Jo Ann! ;)
  2. We're looking too. We've found plenty on Craig's list, but not with the perfect specs my dh wants. We won't go any older than 2003 and we would prefer a Chevy because they have a better reputation for reliability and resale- not that we have any hopes of reselling this baby. It will be a 10 yr vehicle *at least*. We don't particularly want that cheesy vinyl either. Ideally we'd like a 2006 with less than 40,000miles, a CD player, and decent seat coverings (but I can order seat covers if it comes down to that). I don't think we'd be willing to buy one new. Their value drops precipitously as you drive off the lot. Jo
  3. Laughing my butt off. My kids are begging to know what I just read. That is so funny!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: And I've never had a Mike's! I guess a little Mike's wouldn't hurt the babe, ya' think? Jo
  4. Just yesterday as a matter of fact. A little boy was racing up and down the sidewalk on his bike and yelling for the little kids (the toddlers) to "get out of the way." I stopped his bike and explained that the older kids always have to look out for the little kids- "that's the rule" I said. ;) He said okay and took off. I'm old school. Jo
  5. I was just there checking them out. I know we used them when we got to the island, but we walked into their office at the Army base. Unfortunately to do anything online I would need my dh. I would have to use his .mil email address and he would need to confirm from there. He isn't reachable currently. I suppose I can take my Power of Attorney into their office this afternoon. I need to know if I can list with them if I sign the listing agreement with my realtor's company- they get the first month rent when they find the renter. Thanks for your prayers. I need them badly. ;) Jo
  6. My realtor has been incredible during this whole selling process. Really. Her son mowed the lawn and painted our front porch, and wouldn't take a penny. She has poured her heart and soul into getting this house sold- the market just stinks for our type of house. But now that we are going to rent it out for a year, presumably putting it back on the market with her when the rockiness of all the foreclosures subsides, why wouldn't she want us to have a property manager? I know she will check on the house- she lives in the neighborhood- but I worry about what goes on inside. [did I mention how much I dislike making these decisions on my own?] Jo
  7. My favorite Biblical boy name is Luke, but my silly dh can't say the name without turning into Darth Vader..."I am your faaaaather" [eye roll]. We decided on Andrew Jack, but he is already called A.J. Andrew is my dh's name, and Jack was what all the children wanted as the first name so we compromised. I wasn't sure about calling my son by his initials but my dh loves it and I've grown to love it too. My second favorite boy name from the Bible is Nathan. I'm so excited for you. Jo
  8. Are you all telling me that having a house half unpacked is...um...bad? ;) Seriously though. What do you do with your children? Hang them on the line? Don't they go stir crazy and make your life H. E. double hockey sticks? What am I doing wrong??????? It makes me nuts to have the house unfinished after nearly two weeks- but my dh is at sea, my pregnant back only has so many hours of work, and my 5yods asks every 15 minutes to go outside and ride his bike. They can only watch T.V. for so long.
  9. This sounds like me when I moved from Hawaii to Minnesota. I had never lived in the midwest and wasn't given the memo that talking to the cashier while checking out warranted having a secret alarm pushed under the counter ;)- okay, not really, but they sure looked nervous.
  10. This is exactly what I needed to "hear." I know *you* are out there, but I have a hard time understanding. Thanks for the encouragement. Jo
  11. Hmmm. I hadn't thought of that about the kids. But both dh and wife have definitely been there. I almost brought over some fresh banana bread, but their behavior (even before the child reveal) has seemed so obviously reserved, I couldn't bring myself to go. Military housing can be quite a fish bowl experience. I can understand needing to set boundaries, but they have gone out of their way to stay away from the neighbors, kwim?
  12. I briefly scanned the neighborhood-type post and it has me thinking. I have been trying to stay open minded about my new neighbors. Actually, we are both new, within four or five days. They live across the street. Our housing area has wonderful sidewalks and front porchs that most people actually use. The neighborhood is very new and there are lots of empty homes, but the ones that are occupied are full of friendly, talkative people that stop and talk, while our kids all romp together up and down the street. It is wonderful. Then there is the neighbor across the street. They had moving vans there then the garage door went down and I haven't seen anybody except the dh when he puts the empty cardboard out on the front porch- of course the boxes are all neatly broken down and put in piles according to box size. This makes me more annoyed than suspicious because my broken down boxes are in a jumbled mess on the front porch ;). Today I saw a child come out of their house and I was shocked! They have a daughter perhaps 10 yo. My dc are outside almost all day long making noise and making friends. Then another child emerged! A boy! I am seriously blown away. And I'm wondering. Is this just my personality? My kids are like caged animals if they stay inside the house for three hours put together. I can't imagine keeping my children unnoticed for over a week. And now I wonder if they are avoiding us. These kids didn't even look at mine. They got on bikes and rode off. But they may be just shy. Would you think that was unusual? I am an extrovert and obviously I am outside because of the ages of my kids more than others. Help me to not jump to conclusions. Jo
  13. Oh my. Life is so precious. Please thank your dh for doing what he does- it must be so hard on days like today. I'm off to kiss my kids. Jo
  14. Pact or not- 150 pregnancy tests were performed in that school last year out of 1200 students. That is amazing to me. 150 pg tests given. :001_huh: Sheesh.
  15. Honestly? Nearly none. When my dh isn't at sea, he gets home after 8pm and gets up by 4:30. Weekends are reserved for time with family usually doing something productive- repairs etc. But we try to do those things together. On Sunday we do try to have a time of rest after church and lunch. We call it the "mandatory family nap"- mostly because he needs the physical sleep before starting on Monday morning. I do worry sometimes that he doesn't have any personal time, but he denies that he needs it. He is recharged by family. But down time is a luxury during this season of life. Jo
  16. Oh, that is so sad. His insight into human nature is timeless. Her logic is faulty in so many ways. That is just sad. Everyone should experience Shakespeare. Even if simply minimal exposure so they could enjoy and possibly even learn to savor His wit. Jo
  17. Marie! I missed your other post. Yippee! Your son doesn't need to move to the woods. Yippee! I'm so thrilled for you and your son and your whole family- okay...I was already thrilled, but I know you were hoping for some balance to the family force and I'm just beaming for you. As for the mom- I completely understand. My mom has gritted her teeth through every announcement after the second- although she doesn't sound quite so outspoken as yours, I completely understand. It's easy to say "it's your family, what do you care?" But I cared a whole heck of a lot. I was a nervous ninny the day we called. As a matter of fact I let my oldest son tell her- they have a great relationship. How's that for chicken? Yeah I would tell her, it will only get more awkward as time goes by. Big hugs from me. It won't matter years from now, but I know it will be hard on the day of the announcement. Jo
  18. We live in Hawaii. I have always said there is NO WAY I would rent out a home that far away, but here I am hearing from my realtor that the rental market is picking up and that this may be our best chance. $%%#@%&%$$ housing market :glare:. My dh is at sea (and will be off and on for the majority of our tour here) so this falls on me. Blech. I hate this stuff. I say this just so you know that I really, really, really, really, really don't need this responsibility added to my plate...I want to cry. So there. Time to put on the battle armor and face this challenge. Where do I start? How can I select a renter so far away? I will have to use a property manager since I'm so far away, but what exactly are they responsible for? How do I coordinate routine maintenance- A/C service, gutter cleaning, etc.- things that I would normal tend to if I was in the house? Or can we all just pray collectively right now that the perfect buyer will walk through the door today and I won't have to deal with this? Please? Pretty please? Jo
  19. Oh my. 1300sq ft is less than us! Good job. I do need to limit clothes. I don't buy a lot of clothes but the hand me downs have accumulated and the out of season clothes- which we won't use in Hawaii- need to be sorted, pitched, or donated. It's a huge project...as you know. Thanks for your encouragement. Jo
  20. This is what I am coming to realize. Most of my challenges are with the children gear. This isn't really a simple time, is it? I am a simple person at heart, but I'm also very practical. I don't throw away stuff that we use. I did just throw away every pair of socks except my favorite running pairs. Proud of me? ;)
  21. I. have. so. much. stuff. We're in the process of unpacking. This house has very little storage (something I had a lot of in our last home). I'm really good at storing. ;) I was determined to pare down during this process and not keep stuff that we barely look at, much less use. The fact is, we have a big family. I don't have the luxury to dump baby gear or toddler toys or elementary age goods- we are still using ALL those things. The stuff I struggle with is jackets, winter clothes, bedding, towels, and toys. Oh...and books. Although, I don't need to get rid of those, just find a place for them all when my wall space is all spoken for. I'm getting rid of a lot but I am not accomplishing "simplicity" as I picture it. We just don't live a "simple" life. Any ideas? Any "I hear ya"? I need encouragement. Thanks ya'll! Jo
  22. He understands me not going, but I have expressed a certain pain I feel in needing to be apologized for----kwim? I don't think I need to be apologized for. It was my decision to confront him. He misrepresented our situation and I had a right to challenge him. But the bigger issue is why are we worried about future interactions being compromised because he's ticked at me. Doesn't that say something about HIS character? My gut tells me I need to go speak with the gentleman who suggested the apology. I really don't think he has any idea what transpired and as usual this unaccountable guy has been the only one to provide the story. For those of you who know military culture, you understand that a subordinate can only say so much. My husband is ticked, but he can't exactly say, "you don't know what you're talking about sir"to this level of rank. It has to be addressed in a certain way. [sigh] I was just starting to heal.
  23. My dh just told me that his boss', boss', boss (really up there in the rank chain) told him that *we* need to go apologize to the guy that wronged us. He thinks it will "clear the air" and make things better for our particular military community in the future. :001_huh::001_huh::001_huh::001_huh: Ooooooooooor.... It will make him a bigger bully than he started out to be. I can't do it. I won't do it. The guy lied, no one questions this guy. :banghead: But my poor dh. He's in a no win situation because of what I did. When will the punishment end? Jo
  24. Lately? A movie a day :glare:. Sad...but true. When our life is normal, stable, and in any other way resembling routine then we only watch a family movie on the weekend unless there is a special show on Discovery or TLC I want to watch with them. Jo
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