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Everything posted by acurtis75

  1. Old mud teacher books work with the new student books. I've purchased a few used at our local homeschool bookstore for about half price. The blocks and new materials often sell for more than the new cost on eBay so watch out for that. Also, if you buy at a conference sometimes you can get a discount or save on shipping. It is the most expensive thing I buy also but we love it.
  2. We got 10 Days in Africa for Christmas and it was an instant hit.
  3. I didn't do a straight juice fast but juiced for breakfast and lunch for about 10 days before we left for our Disney trip. I noticed a drastic difference in my energy level and my sinus/allergy problems were majorly improved. I also lost about 7 pounds. Unfortunately I didn't have the juicer on the trip and it broke when we got home so now I'm working on over two weeks without juice and also have some kind of respiratory bug so I feel cruddy. Bought a new juicer and started back today. I imagine at this point we'll make this a permanent change at our house.
  4. I would say they could share but since dh and dd were supposed to share one and so far he's not to good at sharing I doubt it would work. Plus you would want one for yourself so that makes 7 right! I think the only solution is buyouts buy one for yourself to keep your teacher materials on. As my dh is found of saying, "when momma is happy everybody is happy":lol:
  5. I felt exactly the same way until I bought an iPad. Now I'm always on the page I left off when I open the file AND I don't print everything. Dd does a lot of stuff directly on the iPad in Notability.
  6. I laughed out loud. If I recall they were both showing quite a bit. I wondered if the writers were trying to be funny.:lol:
  7. We didn't do the cd's but dd was either 4 or barely 5 when we started sotw and it instantly became her favorite subject. She loved the format and still reads the first book in her free time now that we've moved on to sotw 2. Getting the library books to go with the weekly lessons was also fun for her. I credit sotw for installing a love for history in dd that I think will stay with her throughout her schooling. Also, we started Bible study before adding history and had done a lot of Old Testament reading before and during sotw 1. She loved reading about egypt, babylon, etc and linking it to her bible knowledge. Eta: I also have a close friend who has a six year old doing sotw & her just turned 4 year old insists on sitting in to listen because she enjoys the stories. If you only looked at the first chapter you might want to look at some in the middle before you make your decision.
  8. :lol: dd laughing at her own clever sayings is often just as entertaining as whatever she said in the first place. She just really finds herself amusing.
  9. You might try this sight for articles or book suggestions. They will be from a conservative Christian perspective. Dh and I have been attending conferences and I remember references to books about drugs and advice for parenting teens through these issues but I'm drawing a blank right now in titles or authors. I will check my class notes tomorrow when I'm back in the office but in the meantime there are some great resources here.
  10. If you want to move faster without having to be the teacher you might try mathusee. A lot of people just let their child watch the teacher DVD.
  11. Thanks for all the replies. I was in a conference all afternoon so I just now logged back in. The problems posted from the sample chapter recipients seem more interesting and challenging than what has been on facebook so far. I'm looking forward to seeing the final product.
  12. I did and that's what prompted my question. My impression was that what I've seen so far is interesting but I'm not sure dd would be getting a lot of new content. The presentation is great and she will appreciate the format so we'll probably buy it anyway. I also like the way the problems are presented. I'm a sucker for cool stuff.:lol:
  13. Are you considering it more of a fun supplement or are you thinking your girls will learn a lot of new material using it?
  14. Thanks. I did see that thread and read through it. I think part of my problem is I'm only using Singapore for CWP so I'm not very familiar with the scope and sequence for each level of of the regular curriculum and most of the threads I'm reading make comparisons using Singapore. Math has been one subject where we've only changed our spine once and I'm happy with it so I haven't spent a lot of time looking at other stuff. This kind of handicaps me when reading all the threads because I have no idea what MM, MEP, Right Start, etc cover in each level.
  15. Also, if we are at home instead of the office we have a forced nap/quiet time. DD hasn't really taken naps since before she was 3. We don't do this every day anymore because we're not home as much in the afternoon but at least once a week I need a late afternoon/early evening nap. Sometimes dh does too if we've been at the office early and have evening clients. She has clear instructions. I can't force her to go to sleep but she has to stay in her room and play or read quietly until we tell her nap time is over. She'll be 7 Monday but we've been doing this since she was 3. ETA: I think the WTM suggestes this very thing. I believe even SWB's teenagers still had nap/quiet time.
  16. This is probably not the best solution but when I'm really feeling this way I usually start staying up way too late for quiet time after dh and dd go to bed. I go through cycles of doing this and then cycles of going to bed earlier to get more rest. I've even been know to go to bed with dh at his request & then get up after he falls asleep. If for some reason this doesn't work in my schedule as a last resort I get up earlier before they get up. I am not a morning person so I have to be pretty desperate to do this.
  17. What leve is she on in MUS and where did you plan to start with Singapore? I'm curious about where the Beast Academy level is going to be compared to the other curriculums.
  18. I'm interested to know what everyone thinks about the difficulty level of the Beast Academy samples they've put on facebook so far. I was considering using it as a supplement along with MUS and LOF which we are already doing. DD loves to read and LOF has made math a little more enjoyable for her and I'm sure she will like the cartoon format of Beast Academy. I'm wondering if it will be challenging enough. What are the rest of you thinking about what you've seen so far. DD is currently racing through MUS Epsilon after finishing Delta in a few months.
  19. :lol: This is totally something that could have happened at our house.
  20. I can assure you this force works in our homeschool as well and there is no boy here. Just a soon to be 7yo girl who regularly falls out of her chair and drops pencils.:lol:
  21. We are using LOF as a supplement to mathusee. I am not familiar with what is covered on each level of Saxon but here is our experience so far. DD is working on MUS Epsilon which covers fractions but has already completed alpha thru delta which cover addition, subtration, multiplication & division as well as various other things like area/perimeter, etc. I started at Apple with my dd because she is a big reader and would hate to start a story in the middle. She has already gone through the first 4 books and has yet to come across any math she didn't already know other than some of the more complicated formulas that are included as part of the story but not part of the work students are expected to do. If cost were an issue I think we could have easily started with the LOF fraction book and moved on from there.
  22. If you are able to keep up with payments after getting out of foreclosure a modification is usually your best option. If you can do a modification with your current mortgage company it would be your best bet to keep your home without shelling out a lot of cash up front. If you think you are unable to make mortgage payments going forward a short sale might be your best option.
  23. I haven't looked at Lively Latin but we used SSL then Prima Latina and are now 10 chapters in to Latin for Children and my dd loves it. She is probably working on a 3rd or 4th grade level and it seems like the right amount of challenge for her. We bought Minimus and a book of Mythology in Latin to supplement but with the website and the activity book that goes with each chapter it is not necessary to supplement. With every curriculum there will be people who love it and people who hate it. Since you already have it I would try it for a while and see if it is a good fit before buying anything else.
  24. We are using apologia human anatomy and really like it. The notebook is one of dd's favorite things to work on.
  25. We did Prima Latina in between these two programs because I wasn't quite ready for the more formal grammar. I think PL is a good introduction to more serious Latin. It reinforces parts of speech and covers lots of derivatives but doesn't delve into declensions or conjugation until the last chapter. It was a nice bridge between SSL and LFC for us. It is rather dry compared to the classical academic press materials but dd learned a lot.
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