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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. Well, I didn't get to everything today and neither did dd. But still, a good day back from break :)
  2. Dh and I went on Princess last August from Vancouver to Whittier, a port for Anchorage (then we picked up an RV and headed to Denali NP :D) We had an awesome time on our balcony---we dressed for it---and also on the forward decks. The Coral Princess has viewing areas forward which were never ever crowded. We spent hours out there with the naturalist who was narrating for the ship, armed with binoculars and cameras. It was all that I had wished for and more :) We met several passengers with food allergies who were unifornly pleased with their experiences in the dining rooms (even in the anytime dining room where you don't have the same time/table/waiters). I always ask because our girls have multiple issues.
  3. Short answer from elliptical--it depends on the school, the district, and the state.
  4. We ended up having an impromptu dinner party last night with The Girlfriend and two of ds's friends joining us, so I didn't get everything done that I had planned. Today: --training at gym 12:30 --dd ballet 7:30-9 --daily and Monday things --finish planning meals and finalize grocery list --box up books --find Nigeria article in The Economist --put old home movies in date-order --emails, so many emails --go shopping with dd20 for the things she needs for Greece (study abroad) --last dinner with ds before he leaves :(
  5. Thank you. She's made it to the semifinalist round so has to get through the interviews and then wait. And obsess. And wait some more!
  6. We bought an elliptical and inherited a treadmill. We used both faithfully for several years. When our treadmill died a year ago, we decided to join a gym instead of replacing the treadmill. Best decision :D Now I lift weights, go to a bodyweight bootcamp class, and use their ellipticals, bikes, and rowing machines! (If our kids were little still we would have replaced the treadmill. Childcare scheduling is a pain.)
  7. We talked about next year many times during break. So it looks like dd will jump ahead and be a senior next year :eek: She's thinking of three or four classes each semester with one year-long class (outsourced English). Two classes will be at the university. The other one or two will be with me at home or with a tutor in the case of an additional language. Semester classes will be one or two languages (depends on what happens this summer), one math, one or two sciences, US gov and US history and .... (She kept listing classes to take. I just nodded my head :lol:) Decisions will be made after March/April when dd finds out about summer plans.
  8. Real life, sigh. --plan meals --write grocery list --plan week --gather all APES material for the week --prep Nigeria unit for comp gov --box books for amazon buy-back --place old home movies in date order (as a Christmas gift to my sisters, dh and I arranged to have all of our parents' movies digitized---I need to do this last step online before the company finalizes the order) --gym with dh :) All three kids will be here for dinner. Ds flies back to CA on Tuesday.
  9. Taking practice tests from the testing organization/company or released previously-administered tests is the best way to become familiar with any test. Tests from prep companies/publishers like Barrons and Princeton Review would be second choices. Some of those tests are either easier or more difficult than the "real" ones so you have to be aware of that.
  10. We went to a party tonight and brought a $9 bottle of wine as a hostess gift. It was fun :) This coming week-----back to normal! One of my goals for this year is to be more mindful of where we spend our money, now that we don't have to be hyper-aware of every penny. I need to check local sources for chicken, eggs, and dairy (we have pork and beef in the freezer from this past farmers market season).
  11. --gym --get takeout for youngest --party tonight!
  12. I had some shin pain last night so I will not walk today, even with the new shoes. I'll go to the gym in a bit for either elliptical or biking or rowing machine (or a combo).
  13. I could do a private FB group, too. I really like the group feature on fb.
  14. Argh!!!!! Hopefully dd will get her scores next Wednesday or Friday. Next Friday is the last day to register for the February testing date. She wants to be one-and-done which will only work if she hits a certain number.
  15. Dh and I went to the gym together this morning. I finished a book. And started a second one. Laundry is in progress. We're trying a new recipe tonight using part of our half pig. Other than that, being lazy :D
  16. Dh and I went to the gym this morning for weights, an upper body circuit and a lowe body circuit. Almost all the exercises hit my core as well. And then I worked on pushups---did 4 sets of 5 over the step :D Boy, am I tired! I'm not on Instagram but I'd join for a private group to share our progress :)
  17. So you've got day 1: fly to Chicago, stay near one school day 2: visit school 1 early, drive to school 2, visit school 2 (long day, school 2 may suffer in comparison) days 3-4: drive, visit family, see school 3 day 5: drive to near school 4 day 6: visit school 4 and school 5 day 7: visit school 6, have coffee with Luckymama ;) day 8: fly home Does that sound about right? Weather could be a consideration if you're thinking March.
  18. Part of our mindfulness for 2016 will be shopping locally. We began today by getting new sneakers at the locally-owned running store downtown (mine were causing shin splint pain this week and dh's were a year old!). Dh and I will be going out for a late dinner tonight at one of our favorite locally-owned, non-chain restaurants (kind of a farm-to-table-meets-Italian-food vibe).
  19. Dh and I went shoe shopping at the locally-owned running store this afternoon. We were both in dire need of new sneakers! While downtown, dh asked if I'd like to go out tonight, so we popped into a non-chain place we enjoy and booked their last table for 2 :D We have never gone out in our 26 New Year's Eves! And we're going to dress up :party: Dinner is at 9. We'll get takeout for the girls at a more normal time. Ds, home from the other coast, is out with The Girlfriend and friends tonight.
  20. I've been dealing with shin splints this week. My shoes were toast :( Dh and I just went to the locally-owned running store for new shoes for both of us :) I can't remember when I last posted. On Sunday I lifted and did core stuff at the gym. I had training Monday and Wednesday (I walked there Monday). I walked on Tuesday (and spent the evening and night in pain) Today I am letting my legs rest. We'll hit the gym tomorrow.
  21. Thanks :) I am up to sets of 5 pushups over a step----I can only go halfway up/down with this silly left shoulder. It's getting better every week, though!
  22. I see blue sky!!!!!! Ahead: --drive dd20 to her eye dr appt --figure out what we're eating tonight (prob takeout of choice; festive food for all these food restrictions is too much for me today) --gym? --order raincoat for dd20 --help her choose luggage --trip to DSW for new sneakers since mine are toast and causing shin splint pain (might be tomorrow) --get my goodreads account up to date :lol:
  23. I've been thinking about this for a while. I've decided that my goals/changes need to be SMART (Specific Measureable Attainable Realistic Time-Bound) so 1. Be able to do 10 proper pushups by my 50th birthday in June. (I spent this year overcoming a shoulder injury with the help of PT and a trainer at the gym. Yesterday I was able to do 30 knee pushups. In April I wasn't able to even do a wall pushup.) 2. Squat my body weight by the end of 2016 (up to half now). 3. Bench press 100 lb by the end of 2016 (at a whopping 40 now). 4. Make my goal weight by my birthday (in progress!) 5. Concentrate on buying local food when I can. We buy local fruit/veg, beef, and pork at the May-Nov organic farmers' market and at the nearby orchard. We will add local chicken this year. Until May I will have to make a conscious effort to get to the butcher's shop and to choose local items at the locally-owned natural foods store. I will visit the fishmonger to see what is sourced locally. 6. Step up my veg gardening this year. Last year dh built me a fabulous raised bed garden with integrated deer fencing. I was only able to utilize 75% of the space last year. This year I will make use of all the beds with a special emphasis on extending the season in both directions. :)
  24. Dd is in her third year with Blue Tent Online http://teacherweb.com/USA/BlueTent/Thompson/apt19.aspx Outsourcing English was one of my non-negotiable requirements when dd wanted to stay at home for high school.
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