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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. STEM, would you share the name of the school? Dd is gathering info on how schools treat gap years. Thanks :)
  2. Homestly, I have not found this to be true. I spend just as much time developing an AP course and writing the syllabus as I would if I were designing a high-quality, non-AP class for dd. When getting a syllabus approved, you need to note the specific curricular requirements as specified by the AP people. I mark those in bold next to that portion of my description or listed activity or reading assignment, like [sC 1] for the first requirement. I have waited between two hours and a week for syllabus approval. I have had syllabi for science (the old AP Physics B, Environmental Science), math (Calc AB), and social sciences (Human Geography, Psychology, Comparative Government and Politics) approved. I know my limits and outsourced English Language! Dd's language does not have an AP exam. She does not want to study Bio or Chem. I am a little nervous about Stats but am going to spend the summer refreshing my memory. Dd is heading toward potential government work abroad. We are using APs to demonstrate rigor, validate her grades from me, and for potential college credit to faciliate very advanced language study, a possible double major, and extensive study abroad. (Almost all of the 23 schools on The Big List grant AP credit. The ones remaining are super duper selective.)
  3. My motivation for stretching is to avoid injury. I have lost large chunks of two years to injury and associated physical therapy. I do not want to go through that again, so I make myself stretch before (just some brief shoulder stretches as that's my troubled area) and after (I try for 10 minutes) exercise.
  4. :grouphug: My dad died suddenly; my mother died slowly. Both were very difficult to process in their own ways.
  5. Tues: 3 mile walk, stretching out my back from the previous day's lifting Wed: killer upper body session w trainer; sprints on the elliptical Thurs: sprints on the bike at noon; bodyweight bootcamp class at 6 Fri: nice 3 mile walk again, enjoying the beautiful weather Sat will be a day off, but I'll be doing yardwork :)
  6. :grouphug: So sorry! The best gift my dad left us (my mom predeceased him by 23 months) was an estate easy to settle. Everything but one car was folded into a trust. Yet it still took 8 months until the house settlement!
  7. Yeah, I could homeschool dd with a math book and our excellent library system. I could handle almost all of her current classes without much of a problem. I already spend summers planning her coursework. Would I? No, because it would not serve the student I have in front of me, who craves foreign language learning at a high level.
  8. Dd has done the following after finishing the three books in the Human Odyssey series: American history using the American Odyssey book ;) AP Human Geography Ancient World History built around the Great Course "History of the Ancient World: A Global Perspective" AP Comparative Government AP Psychology And then she'll study some US government and may or may not take another run at US history.
  9. At the university here, the recitation section is like a discussion session with a TA to go over problems with a small group of students. One registers for the recitation section and is automatically registered for the corresponding lecture class. The recitation sections are all listed under the lecture class----so you'd see the dates/times for the class followed by 5 recitation sections, then the second lecture class listed with its 5 recitation sections, etc.
  10. We have noticed this variation in college language class credit: 3 credits: most classes at most universities, meeting MWF or TTh 4 credits: the first 2 or 3 classes in the sequence, meeting 4 times a week with the 4th more of a recitation section, even though the "lecture" has less than 20 students 5 credits: intensive classes that cover 2 semesters' worth in one semester, meeting MTWThF
  11. This year, tenth grade (but she'll be graduating early): Outsourcing: AP English Language (Blue Tent Online) Arabic (University of Our State, in-person classes) And with me (not even following someone's guide): Biology AP Environmental Science AP Psychology AP Comparative Government AP Calculus AB
  12. Excuse my language----wtf? Please tell me this hypothetical non-cheating spouse has her own lawyer.
  13. All news outlets will have some bias. The only way around that is to sample from a variety of sources. Sometimes we'll follow the same story across outlets and identify the biases----but we're news junkies and that probably isn't what you're looking for :D We listen to NPR and BBC news, read The Economist in print, and read a variety of news online (NY Times, papers from the countries (GB, Mexico, Russia, Iran, China, Nigeria) she studies in Comparative Govt, al-Jazeera, FoxNews, CNN, and so on). Not all sources are covered every day!
  14. Sorry creekland :grouphug: Older dd will work all spring break week. Younger dd is arranging her work with me so that she'll only have her outsourced English class during her university-class spring break. And ds is coming home for a week around Easter :party:
  15. Sheryl, will you be lifting at a gym or home? You really need heavier than 10lb for almost all exercises.
  16. Obviously I don't know about PAHS AP classes since dd has done all but one AP with me at home. She has not regularly spent 2 hours on each/an AP class! The only times that happens is when she is either researching or writing papers since she still huffs and puffs about writing :rolleyes: I have designed the classes so there is no busy work (create a poster/meme/cartoon, fill-in-the-blank review sheets-----I have seen so many of these and similar assignments on syllabi!). Dd is a very fast reader with (usually) great retention. I think your biggest challenge might be switching from semester-length to year-long classes! You two have a certain rhythm going now :) Check the syllabi of the proposed courses carefully. Can you view a sample week? What types of assignments are given? Watching a short video or two is a more efficient use of time than watching five. Is there a class discussion board? Great for interactions but a time sink if multiple daily posts are required. Are the assignments written day-by-day or are they all due at Friday at 5, for example?
  17. Start here http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/exam/exam_information/4554.html
  18. And this is one rason why college research sucks up so much time! Dd has one in-state option, but it's only a partial fit for her needs and interests. We have on The List multiple oos flagship schools (U of State, State U) and private achools that are better fits and either offer guaranteed merit aid based on her stats (ACT and GPA), guaranteed merit aid based on NMF (who knows what will happen with cutoffs this year), and competitive merit aid that she might be awarded. Some schools came off lists like http://automaticfulltuition.yolasite.com http://competitivefulltuition.yolasite.com http://nmfscholarships.yolasite.com but most came from digging deeply into the schools' websites.
  19. Today's training session was a bunch of deadlift variations and a squat variation I had never done before. My lower back is feeling it all. I stretched right after and will get out the foam roller after dinner. I had wanted to do some intervals on the elliptical between training and picking up dd, but sanity and stretching won!
  20. I could only find a version for French speakers on amazon https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=a9_sc_1?rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Aassimil+farsi&keywords=assimil+farsi&ie=UTF8&qid=1457385720 So I should be looking for the English version?
  21. Yesterday---walking to gym and a weight session with dh :)
  22. Our library has Pimsleur Farsi. I'm glad to know it's a good program.
  23. I'm pretty sure I saw a ninth grade thread on the high school board :)
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