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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. It was 6 this morning on the way to the gym. So done with this. My day: --exercise at gym w dh --school stuff (chem, math, history, APHG, some Science Olympiad things) --daily house stuff --continue w bio planning for next year (I am increasingly convinced I can do this on my own :)) --book dd's airfare --emails du jour --order more pointe shoes --research hotels in Seattle --discuss English choice for next year w dd --vote in the school district referendum --library for holds --groceries --dd ballet 5:30-7:30 Ok, that's more than I thought :eek:
  2. Lisa, in all my funky language searching this past month I have found *one* school requesting one fine arts credit---Princeton. If dd should need a fine arts credit on her transcript, I will create one from bits and pieces of history classes over the four years. I make a point to discuss the art and architecture of each civilization we cover in ancient history, for example. All these museum visits last summer would count as well. I could call it "Art Appreciation" or "Survey of World Art" or some such.
  3. They replayed his interview this morning. I had to turn the radio off for a few minutes because I just couldn't.
  4. Rieshy :lol: So the trainer upped my weights again :D I spent 30 min on the elliptical after the session. My abs and shoulders and glutes will be sore tomorrow :)
  5. Other John, some of us are having problems today with being kicked off while using an iPad or phone. All was fine this morning for me. I haven't made any changes on my iPad or updated anything in the past three hours, but now I cannot reply nor can I navigate from page to page and remain logged in. Thanks :)
  6. Everything was fine this morning from my iPad. I did not change any settings or update anything, but now I cannot stay logged in. I cannot reply. I cannot navigate between pages. I hope the glitch is short-lived because I don't have much access to a computer! (I am sneaking in on dh's laptop at lunch break.)
  7. Ah Monday :) --gym w trainer at 11 --school (my part: math, chem, history, APHG, orally quiz on astronomy topics for Science Olympiad) --emails (halfway through :lol:) --daily house things --special laundry --book dd's airfare to visit her bestie this summer --pick up library holds --some vacation decisions --continue w school planning for next year Have a good day :party:
  8. This is where I am wrt my list: --eat the blueberry muffins Dh cooked :D --serve in my capacity as SO coach and take notes during the training event --double-check school plans for the week --fix dinner before dh leaves for a Chinese New Year shindig on campus (I decided not to go this year) --continue working on school planning for next year --finish the latest library book :D See you later :party:
  9. Let me link some of the websites I found... http://cibt.bio.cornell.edu/labs_and_activities/ http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/sci_edu/waldron/ http://www.explorebiology.com/apbiology/labs/ That should help you get started :)
  10. I thought about using The Illustrated Guide for bio next year (we're using the chem one this year), but decided not to for several reasons: --biology is dd's least favorite science --we'll be doing bio in a semester block --I own a lot of supplies already and really don't want to purchase much, if anything, new So this weekend I spent a lot of quality time with Google ;) and found great, straight-forward biology labs (at NY Regents, honors, AP levels) that would use supplies we already own. She'll be doing --two biochemistry labs --analysis of the biodiversity in the creek water --some population estimate work --cell studies w the microscope using plants, cheek cells, etc --traditional osmosis and diffusion labs --photosynthesis and respiration with Elodea --mitosis and meiosis studies w the microscope --DNA extraction just for the coolness factor --mushroom dissection --leaf dissection --leaf stomata lab plus many modeling and simulation activities (all hands-on, nothing virtual) such as protein synthesis and natural selection in butterflies. We will not be doing any animal dissections by dd's request.
  11. Thank you! I just put that on my Amazon wish list so I wouldn't forget the title :)
  12. Dd would try to get by with the minimum if she could :lol: But she knows that (1) the grade will be on her transcript, (2) if she wants to be considered for certain scholarships and colleges she needs specific classes, grades and scores, and (3) once she does well on an AP English exam she'll be able to choose whatever type of English class she wants for the remaining high school years. Mrs. Proctor told me this week that dd has shown amazing growth and will be ready to take AP English Language next year (there is no way she'd want to do the Lit version--lit analysis w her is like pulling teeth omg). My English-hating yet motivated kid will "suffer" through a demanding English class next year to see that mythology/ancient lit light at the end of the tunnel :D
  13. Dd liked it so much she took English 2 from Mrs. Proctor this year :D The average week required about 6-7 hours. However, if it was an essay-writing week, dd needed much more time during the first half of the year. There were tears, there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth-----------over things like writing a thesis statement or a proper conclusion. She could drag two pages out over eighty bazillion hours :rolleyes: A perfectionist, she is :lol: But that all passed :) By the end of the year, she had no problem getting started with writing. Thank goodness! And this year, she can bang out 300 words in one sitting without agonizing over each and every word. For future reference, dd has been spending 6-10 hours a week on Blue Tent English 2 (I'm including time spent on tests and on the optional chats).
  14. Not at all :) She may be an unusual math student, but she does not need multiple exposures to topics. She has used AoPS from prealgebra through precalc, including Intro to Number Theory and Intro to Counting and Probability. She took two classes through AoPS, geometry because that's my least favorite and I didn't want to grade proofs (she did that March of seventh grade to Sept of eighth) and NT (last summer). We thought all along she'd do the AoPS calculus class and then sit the AP BC exam, but she's switched her school focus from All Math All The Time to more diverse interests and will instead just do AB level :)
  15. Hey Susie :) We had more snow yesterday and less icy rain overnight than I expected. In two hours I have to drive dd to a Science Olympiad training event at the local-ish observatory. I hope those winding roads have been adequately plowed! Up ahead: --eat the blueberry muffins Dh cooked :D --serve in my capacity as SO coach and take notes during the training event --double-check school plans for the week --fix dinner before dh leaves for a Chinese New Year shindig on campus (I decided not to go this year) --continue working on school planning for next year --finish the latest library book :D
  16. Integrated math is common in our area, at both traditional high schools and the very-difficult-to-get-into math and science charter high school. You'd list the topics covered each year in the course description document for college applications :)
  17. We started homeschooling when did was in fifth grade, primarily for math reasons :) That year we used a variety of resources (not Saxon---we vetoed that with one look). I knew I wanted dd to use AoPS for algebra and beyond based on her learning style (no repetition, please). Well, that summer AoPS PreAlgebra was released, so she began sixth with it, finished it in February, and began the algebra book. I'm glad she started with prealgebra. She became accustomed to the AoPS style before being faced with absolutely new topics. Prealgebra contained some new math (like the chapters on number theory and counting) and went way deeper, conceptually, into the math she had covered before.
  18. Gosh, the snow is beautiful :) Too bad we'll end with freezing rain some time tonight. Amy and family :grouphug:
  19. These are the videos we watched during a study of American History last year (in combination with the K12 text, The American Odyssey. All came from our library system, though some may be available on Netflix or Amazon Prime. We deliberately skipped many biographies and graphic war documentaries, by dd's request. The later 20th century selections are light because we had watched many documentaries during modern history the prior year. In somewhat chronological order: The West (first 3 parts of episode 1), Ken Burns The New World: Nightmare in Jamestown (50 min), National Geographic Desperate Crossing: The Untold Story of the Mayflower (137 min), A&E The West (finished episode 1) Salem Witch Trials (50 min), History Channel Liberty! (360 min), PBS George Washington: The Man Who Wouldn't Be King (60 min), Ameican Experience Lewis and Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery (240 min), Ken Burns Dolley Madison (90 min), American Experience Mill Times (60 min), David Macaulay, PBS a We Shall Remain: American Through Native Eyes (disc 2; 75 min), American Experience Roots of Resistance: A Story of the Undeground Railroad (56 min), American Experience The Abolitionists (180 min), American Experience The West (episode 2), Ken Burns The Gold Rush (120 min), American Experience The Civil War (700 min), Ken Burns Transcontinental Railroad (120 min), American Experience Triangle Fire (60 min), American Experience The Orphan Trains (60 min), American Experience The Brooklyn Bridge (58 min), Ken Burns One Woman, One Vote (106 min), American Experience Panama Canal (90 min), American Experience The Great War 1918 (56 min), American Experience Influenza 1918 (60 min), American Experience The Monkey Trial (90 min), American Experience Riding the Rails (72 min), American Experience The Great Depression (200 min), A&E The Civilian Conservation Corps, American Experience Eyes of the Prize (very long lol), American Experience Earth Days (110 min), American Experience
  20. I just looked over our plans from last year, and boy howdy, we watched a lot of videos! Some were from American Experience; some were not. I just have to check the type and then will post my list in this thread :)
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