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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. Just back from a frosty run. On to teach co-op. Excelsior!
  2. I am so sorry. My own kids have issues relating to mental health but not suicidal. I would say go with your gut. I wouldn't worry about her wanting to shock you but if you feel hospitalization is necessary listen to the voice in your head. Do you share with the psychiatrist too? Does the doctor take your concerns seriously?
  3. I believe in going with your gut. I would have decided differently but that shouldn't affect you at all.
  4. I think people just want their version of the perfect Christmas and want everyone else to play along. For the record... I always wanted one of those huge, crowded, loud overwhelming family Christmases but I've never had one. I, however, don't hold it against my kids that they aren't bringing 2 or 3 guests.
  5. Sun-ran Mon taught yoga Tue- it is raining so 45 min elliptical and I teach yoga tonight. Kim- I hope you feel better. Reishy- armchairs are for old people. You are an inspiration. On a side note, I think I will take my Christmas funds and buy myself a Fitbit HR. If I can force myself to part with the money.
  6. Ok, maybe it's because I'm one of those sort of liberal Christians or maybe I just am more interested in what is comfortable to understand than in rigorous translation academics but I read The Voice available on Biblegateway. I do compare translations there fairly often. I still have all those KJV psalms and verses memorized from childhood though.
  7. This week: Mac&cheese w/ leftover ham, broccoli Pork roast, mash potatoes, corn Veal parmigiana w/spaghetti and green beans Beef& barley soup, cooked apples Meatball subs, carrot&celery&pepper strips Chicken, ham&swiss sandwiches, cauliflower salad
  8. To further muddy the waters, were he kids' economic backgrounds controlled for? Anecdotally, I have found more altruism and charity from lower socioeconomic households than upper class ones. I'm assuming no statistically significant religious differences in my very small town.
  9. Yep, this. Also people are people. I've got 7 kids ranging from pretty clueless other people exist to probably the nicest, kindest most generous 14 yo ever. Same upbringing, same family, same religious education but very different " types".
  10. I took Friday as a rest day. This morning was beautiful, sunny and 37. It was the weekend so I could wait until it was light And I ran through the woods. It was just one of those " this is why I love running" runs. You need those to counteract the other ones that sometimes happen.
  11. I worked from about 10 starting with yard work, moving to babysitting and then waitressing and hospital cafeteria work. All my kids have followed a similar pattern. This summer 17 yo worked/works as a receptionist at a local elder care facility, 14 yo mowed about four yards and 11 yo sold cookies and stuffed animals at two farmer's markets. The 8 yo is a sluggard.
  12. Is he motivated by food? I'm giving my older kids a "Mom of the Month Club" ticket book I'm basing it on fruit of the month. Each month I'll send them 1 doz. or a bag of some treat I make. So for example Jan. will be a bag of " our" snack mix we eat when watching football, spring will be " our" Easter cookies,Sept. a jar of my homemade jelly. I have no idea if they will be thrilled but who doesn't like getting stuff every month?
  13. My take is that I'm in fairly good shape and I'm sore every time I catch one on TV. :p
  14. I have spent all day quoting the poem at people and getting weird looks. And explaining what an effigy is. And what parliament is. I'm venturing this isn't on anybody's mind but mine in small town Indiana.
  15. Lovely run this morning. If only being busy improved fitness, alas, being in the car dashing around does nothing.
  16. My ds is National Guard, which is different, but make sure there is an understanding of the time commitment involved.
  17. Thank you. I'm just doing total carbs. If net is carbs minus fiber I'm more in the 25-30 range. It's an interesting experiment anyway. Eating enough is surprisingly hard. There's only so much oil and avocado you want. Kudos to you for doing what you need to for your health.
  18. Mamaraby -hope the bruises are gone ASAP Today is a 10 walk. Probably yoga too. I did clean my gutters yesterday so this afternoon is free.
  19. Um, my normal is probably about 250 g/day. I don't have a weight issue and run so it's not a thing. This 50 g thing is very different than my norm.
  20. So, in an effort to show solidarity with a friend who needs a " diet partner" I am low carbing for 14 days. For me,so far, that has translated to lots of greens, meat, eggs and nuts and a few berries. I felt fine day 1 and 2 but today I am beat. Tired. Wimpy. I do run and have an active life. I really don't need to lose weight so have been using olive oil and some feta and olives on the salad. Is this normal day 3 stuff or am I in for 11 more days of being tired. (Eating plan is to have 50 or fewer carbs for 2 weeks then between 75-100. I'm just in for the 2 weeks.)
  21. I don't discount the story but our personal experience has been good. My dd used an online charter for four years. She chose to return to brick and mortar school. She is taking dual credit botany/ zoology, AP Lit, calculus...you get the idea and getting A's in all of them. That's purely anecdotal of course. I also know many kids in her charter were there because 1) they were doing poorly and this was their parents try to improve grades, 2) had been expelled from B&M school, 3) had extensive health problems. The student body makeup could skew results. These kids might have done poorly anywhere.
  22. Yesterday I taught yoga. The girls and I celebrated the weird warm weather with a bike ride and climbing all over the park. I ran today, we went to the park and I'm scheduled to teach yoga tonight.
  23. Sending you positive energy and strength.
  24. Went for a run. I'm trying a new run slow to run fast thing. That sort of drove me nuts. Anybody use a HR monitor and have suggestions? Because checking it every 1/2 Mile is going to drive me bonkers.
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