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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. For the record I am currently wearing leggings and they are not affecting my gut biome🤓
  2. Which begs the question...do you really want to only give the gut one kind of probiotic? Does each person have their own personal mix to maintain? Would solving one problem create another? Just pondering and really glad I let my kids be grubby. Here's a nice round up of some of the tedious studies I've been reading about the role of fiber http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/fiber-famished-gut-microbes-linked-to-poor-health1/
  3. Well, runners wear them all the time so it's not crazy. I'd let him wear them but YMMV. *i wear them and so do my dd's so that may color my choices. I've got to agree with foxbridgeacademy " is this the hill, etc".
  4. I wouldn't have cared but me being me I would probably have gotten into a loud, messy altercation that would have alerted the staff anyway.😚
  5. I find all this extremely interesting but I can't help but think that like everything having to do with humans it's complicated. I firmly believe that the gut but also lifestyles, refined foods, sugar, sleep patterns, food availability, heck for all I know dishwashers and probably things we haven't discovered yet affect our weight. I am a lucky one who has lost and kept weight off and I constantly wonder why. Adding: from the articles I'm finding a ton of fiber seems to help gut microbiome. Just another puzzle piece.
  6. Several of my kids are like that and I like sleep too. My 14 yo sleeps whenever he can. He can fall asleep on a 10 minute car ride. I think that when kids are physically active (so they can fall asleep) and are allowed to sleep that this is actually normal.
  7. Unnecessary but worth it this week...I took my youngest two to the circus. That was a big deal for us. Dh and I decided that we will probably never do it again to go big so breaking all my own rules I bought popcorn and a lemonade and let the 8 yo ride the elephant. I'm working on overcoming my inability to enjoy money. This was really hard for me but the girls had a great time. Dh replaced the dead car battery while we were gone. That was expensive but necessary.
  8. My dd dislikes it too but figured it out. She's in her 3rd year of teaching 5th grade. In after school tutoring she can break away from the curriculum and has found creative ways to incorporate traditional approaches with common core.
  9. Catching up. On Wednesday I did yoga, ran on Thursday and went to the gym on Friday. Today I'm taking my 12 and 8 yo to the circus and lunch,nthen i promised hair dying help to the 17 yo this afternoon. The 14yo has indoor soccer at 7. I don't see a window for working out today. Oh and 21 yo wants oversight to file his taxes. Long day.
  10. Breathe,breathe. You will have to find your own rhythm and try things to see what works best for you. I had a 3yo, 18 mo old and a baby. I freely admit to using child gates, play pens and what ever else I had to do to keep them alive. Be kind to yourself.
  11. I've pondered my answer to you for awhile. I had my own little moment 4 years ago when I emerged from 20 years of toddlers and babies. I think the key is to zero in on just what it is you wish were different. Is it money, prestige, exciting work, admiration? My own path ( which included better health, dressing better and ultimately becoming a certified yoga instructor) won't be your path but I figured out what it was I was missing. Once you actually know what it is you're " missing" you can find a path to address it. It doesn't have to be an Ivy degree to satisfy what is missing.
  12. I live in a rural farming community. Our recession never ends...
  13. I taught yoga this morning. That was pretty much it unless you count vigorous cleaning.
  14. This why I totally believe authors should write what they wish and readers should choose. We love Junie B. We are Junie B. ( Yes, not just my girls). I may be a hideous brat because I read any old thing. My mother never checked or cared 😉
  15. Maybe this talk seems more personal? More revealing of your own thoughts and beliefs? I wouldn't be ashamed to start the talk with explaining how it was difficult. Practice is good but being authentic will put you and the audience at ease. Just my $.02.
  16. I would answer but my kid is out picking berries with bears and I want those berries and I need to text my 23 yo who undoubtedly moved out because of weak maternal bonds formed by too many repetitions of "Are You My Mother".
  17. I take fish oil for the same issues and eat ground flax meal. I eat it in smoothies or oatmeal. Flax does have laxative roper ties so you might ease into it. Flax oil does exist but must be kept refrigerated as should your flax meal. Unground flax seeds pass through undigested.
  18. I have learned that sugar is not too hard for me to quit but I really miss " starchy" carbs. I just like beans darn it. I don't care much about meat but if I don't force it I end up eating a smoothie and two salads for the day. That feels fine but probably isn't. I need to reassess and find a middle ground. It also irritates me that I pretty much feel the same whether I eat well or consume junk. I am obviously descended from folks who did well as scavengers while the industrious types were hunting and gathering.
  19. Yes. My breasts felt huuuuuge. In three days. Not possible but it was. Also, suddenly enough saliva to float a boat. The 24/7 nausea at 3 weeks was always the clencher.
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