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Everything posted by Kebo

  1. You're welcome! I haven't personally tried any of these recipe yet, but I will be doing so soon.
  2. Do any of these look promising?: http://notdabblinginnormal.wordpress.com/2011/09/28/a-nourishing-breakfast/ http://healthfoodlover.com/hfl/2010/09/milk-honey-amaranth-pudding/ http://whatscookingamerica.net/BakedCustard.htm http://www.thisdiabeticlife.com/2013/05/breakfast-custard.html This one has Splenda in it, but could be made with honey or another sweetener.
  3. Maybe you would be less stressed if the television was on an electronic controller. We use this one: http://www.amazon.com/BOB-Screen-Manager-Manage-Video/dp/B000GU78UY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1375663930&sr=8-1&keywords=bob+electronic+controller It generally works very well. There are glitches from time to time (typically spontaneously turning the tv off every so often), but it has been very useful in our house. You can give each family member (up to 6, plus a master code) a PIN number, and each user can have time assigned by day or by week, with the option to put blocks on their use at any time throughout the day. For example, user one may be allowed 1 hour of use, but not between the hours of 6am and 4pm. Users 2,3,4, etc, can all be completely different. That way, you could decide how much television (or video game) use you are comfortable with, and your son can be responsible for using his time when he wants without upsetting you. It works on any electronic item that needs to be plugged into an outlet while running. We also have our iPad PIN protected to limit use. That has cut down on electronic use considerably! Good luck : )
  4. Mozzarella S'mores are good -- it's really just a variation of the suggestions already made above. I dressed them up a bit when I made them (used prosciutto and a few other things, can't remember all of the changes) http://www.food.com/recipe/mozzarella-smores-131089
  5. Roux (pronounced Roo) is the French word for redhead. I think that would be cute. My son said he looks like an Archie. If he is very active, you could call him Turbo, or something similar. If you like Irony, you could choose something like Spike (my chinchillas many years ago was named Spike). I usually live with a pet for a while before I am ready to commit to a name. Eventually, one just feels right.
  6. FIP was my first thought, too. I wouldn't rule it out as it can be tricky to diagnose. And I agree that FIV and FELV need to be ruled out if they haven't already been. You said she was given antibiotics -- did it seem that she responded to them? It would be unusual in such a young cat, but she could possibly have a kidney infection. If she responded to the antibiotics but they weren't continued long enough, the infection could rebound and the symptoms return.
  7. YellowRaysPhotography.com GoldenHourPhotography.com HappyPixPhotography.com OR find a name you like that is taken and call it Studios instead of Photography....e.g. Serendipity Studio Edited to Add: Or Images, as in Serendipity Images Other ideas: Luxe Images or Luxe Studio (Luxe Photography is taken) This is a kind of a play on Lux (latin for light) and luxe meaning deluxe or luxurious And assuming you are in Colorado: Lark Images ...... the Lark Bunting is the state bird. You could fancy it up with Blue Lark Studio, etc. Red River Photography/Images
  8. Was constipation discussed as a possible underlying/complicating cause? If not, please look into it, there is a lot of information out there. Our DD is finishing up 6 months of antibiotics for recurrent kidney infections, but we were also simultaneously working on treating/preventing constipation. We're hoping she won't need surgery. I agree that you need to find someone knowledgable to guide you through this!
  9. Your mother sounds spoiled. Under your circumstances, I would not host the party -- I would find a way to bow out politely. She's had more celebrations than most people are going to get already.
  10. Sure, we had 3 rats and 4 cats at the same time. The bigger threat was our border terrier, but a very sturdy cage took care of that problem. We loved this one: http://www.amazon.com/Midwest-Critter-Nation-Animal-Habitat/dp/B001NJ0DAY/ref=sr_1_1?s=pet-supplies&ie=UTF8&qid=1372037731&sr=1-1&keywords=critter+nation Our cats mostly showed mild interest in the rats without aggression, but that was their style ... other cats might be more predatory. Most cats wouldn't go to the trouble of trying to get into a closed cage, though, like our terrier did.
  11. When I felt similar to this, it was mycoplasma (walking) pneumonia, combined with allergies and a sinus infection. It doesn't show up on x-rays -- a blood test was needed.
  12. Kebo


    I thought of that, too ..... but not all introverts are quiet once you get to know them. It might work, with the right mix of personalities.
  13. Kebo


    Is there anyone else in her circle of friends that might have a bit of the same problem? Perhaps she could focus her attention on someone else who is NOT a social butterfly, and try to become really good friends with her. It might help her appreciate her own subtler personality if she can become close with someone who tends the same way.
  14. Maybe you could check Yelp, Urban Spoon, etc. and get some gift cards to local restaurants and attractions. With enough on them to take a friend or two. That only works if he has some free time and his own transportation, of course.
  15. Sierra Ash Avis (latin for bird) Wren Sage Laurel Willow Fern Ivy Rose Cliff Forest Glen Coral Clementine Gaia Garland Jade Jasmine Luna Olive Poppy Ruby Savannah Sky Star / Stella Wolf
  16. Here are a few that come to mind that we have enjoyed... Hugo The Blind Side Stand and Deliver Gifted Hands The Ultimate Gift Temple Grandin Akeelah and the Bee Searching for Bobby Fischer
  17. I would strongly recommend getting a workup (bloodwork and urinalysis, to start with). There are many conditions that could cause this to start.
  18. A nice watch, with a personalized engraving A high quality set of tools with a bag or case, if he is handy with his hands, or wants to be
  19. In an urban environment, chances are that there is a business nearby that DOES have a changing table. I typically used the car, or the floor of the restroom with a pad. Never an eating area.
  20. He sounds perfectly suited for general home minor remodeling / handyman work. It would probably pay better than garden work, but I would be guessing on that...
  21. Are you looking for something like this? http://www.amazon.com/Andrews-50-Foot-Tube-Sprinkler-10-12348/dp/B00004R9UE/ref=sr_1_1?s=lawn-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1368461337&sr=1-1&keywords=sprinkler+hose I haven't used it personally, but the reviews are good. Probably using the shortest length you can get away with would help for the low pressure issue.
  22. I am adding a movie I just watched: Buck. It's a documentary about a horse trainer -- a consult for the movie The Horse Whisperer, which I haven't yet seen, but would probably also be a good family movie. Buck was awesome, very inspiring, sad at times. I am planning on having the whole family watch it.
  23. I don't have much to offer by way of help that hasn't already been offered, except to consider allergy shots. However, I did want to say that while allergies don't affect me emotionally, many antihistamines do. I had to stop taking Claritin after I noticed an escalating edginess/anger developing. It went away as soon as I stopped taking Claritin. Antihistamines can cause significant mood changes in some people.
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