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Everything posted by bethben

  1. I know this is an older thread, but is there a good starting with Instant pot cookbook? The dummies guide to instant pot?
  2. I called my similar situation appliance Armageddon. About 10 years after we built the house, the stove, the dishwasher, the water heater, the washer, and the fridge all died. There were also a number of small appliances. It was very very sad. We wound up moving soon after leaving all those great new appliances for someone else to enjoy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Their brains are melting and reforming. I told my 12 year old last night that it's like his brain is going through a total remodel- gutting the walls down to the studs so it can build a better home. Still totally annoying. My 16 is like this but getting better. Still--we'll tell up the stairs that we have to go in 5 minutes. Only then does he jump in the shower because he was too distracted to think of it previously. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. bethben


    I tried a new schedule this year. I REALLY did not want to homeschool this year and when, in the first two days of starting, my daughter had her daily math emotional hissy fit (which I thought we had solved), I said, "THAT'S IT!". I called two charter schools only to find out the waiting lists for both schools were over 20 kids long. So, I am following the public school schedule. They start August 3rd and have some very nice breaks built in. For example, we have two weeks off in October, followed by a week off in November, followed by two weeks off in December. For some reason, knowing I will have a very long break has made things seem more doable. Like I'm taking a short sprint and then getting to rest instead of doing a marathon. I have also realized that I need to laugh more. My "favored" friendships are serious people like myself. I am trying to find people that like to laugh and have fun.
  5. Watch Leap Frog Letter Factory often . It is phonics, but it really helps speed up the learning to read process when they get there.
  6. How big should I get? 8 quart seems like overkill, but 6 quart doesn't seem like it would be enough. What says the hive?
  7. So, it does well as a slow cooker? What about soups and things that tell you to simmer for 4 hours on the stove? Can you actually get those type of things to cook faster yet still have that slow cooked taste where all the spices combine well?
  8. I was reading reviews on Amazon and someone tested the lead content after cooking to more than 80 degrees. Apparently, the ceramic insert leaches lead into your food when cooking. Most use cheap ceramic inserts made in China.
  9. I really have to get a big family crock pot. I've had the same one since I got married over 20 years ago and it's really just too small (4 quart). Is there a recommended one that won't leach lead into my food from the ceramic insert? ETA: Am I really looking at an Instant pot with the stainless steel interior? Does that have a decent slow cook setting? Thanks!
  10. With our family, we tend not to have our kids get involved in children's church mostly because we don't want to feel obligated to have to lead/ help in children's church. We have a ds with special needs who has to follow us everywhere and needs constant supervision. I don't have the brain power to try to keep ds happy and teach a roomful of children also. If we had a church that required us to be a part of our children's Sunday School, we would be dropping Sunday School.
  11. Like the pp, Rose Charlotte would be pretty Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. I found a place in our city that had an online learning component for the education section and included the required 6 hours behind the wheel instructor. We have to have 50 hours of driving time behind the wheel. I told DH that I have homeschooled now for going on my 12 year and he can teach the children how to drive. Apparently, I make my ds nervous which means he makes mistakes which means he calmly pulls in front of cars that could hit us. I only instruct him in my "calm mommy voice" to make a right turn, watch out for that car, etc. Apparently "calm mommy voice" freaks him out. Dh is the guy.
  13. My daughter who is 9 has an underbite from a cleft. Have hey talked about a reverse head gear? There is also a procedure where they can place metal plates on the upper and lower jaw with hooks in them and then use rubber bands to pull the upper jaw forward. Jaw surgery should be a last resort for an underbite. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Just want to give a thumbs up for Reflex Math. I got a sample subscription as a desperate attempt to quell the math monster that reared it's ugly head whenever math needed to be done. So, if my daughter didn't complain and yell at me during math, she would get to do Reflex math instead of boring flash cards. It's working! She LOVES reflex math. She has to do some work to get the games, but the games actually continue to practice math facts instead of just being a video game. It's $35 for the year, but after the math fights we have had, it's well worth it. I just wanted to share because it's made a difference here.
  15. I've been outsourcing the 16 year old since he was in 6th grade. I started with one class in 6th grade and have gone up from there. He is now completely outsourced. 4 classes online and 1 college math class at the Community College. In the eyes of the state homeschool organization, he is no longer a homeschooler, but I could care less. He does better and I get to choose teachers that are good at what they do. My 6th grader is starting his one online class. He's a different kind of kid, so we'll see. The way I see it, it's an affordable private school education. I have only admiration for moms who can homeschool high schoolers without outside classes successfully.
  16. Pediatric Occupational, speech, physical therapist. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. It depends upon where they wanted to work. Yes, I think they would in general have a hard time getting a job. The thing is, they wouldn't know if they were being discriminated against. They just wouldn't get the job. A smart employer is not going to tell them their appearance lost them the job. They just won't hire them. I remember going up to a restaurant with a help wanted sign on the front door (before the internet) and asked for an application. I wasn't even allowed to apply based only on my appearance which was "young and naive".
  18. My brother discriminates all the time based on Facebook photos. He runs an adventure camp for adults and is looking for people who aren't going to be drunk and partying every night after they get off work since they stay at the adventure camp all summer. He won't even interview people whose Facebook is plastered with the very things he wants them to avoid when they're at his camp. What is on Facebook is the persona they want to portray to the world. So, yes, you can discriminate. Especially when you're looking for someone to take care of vulnerable children.
  19. Here's my take. If you quizzed any of the women here, you would find that most if not all of us have bought curriculum we hated. I am in my 12th year homeschooling and I bought something I hated just recently. For a first year homeschooler, do not beat yourself up about this. If you can afford it, sell/ return the stuff you have and try something else. It sure beats having to go through a year with a curriculum you don't like using. And to further muddy the water, you don't want to have a year where you feel like you failed and it was only because of a curriculum that didn't work for you. Have you looked at Sonlight? They have a history program that is world history with historical novels (http://www.sonlight.com/GC5.html). You could buy an instructor's guide used off of homeschoolclassifieds.com and get most of the books from the library. Someone is even selling an almost complete core for less than $200. Just a thought.
  20. "I think" they're offering a free year of mystery science. Try here: http://mys.ci/r/1859034 -- It's my referral link. I don't think it gets me a lick of anything. Otherwise, try mystery science.com. For some reason, I thought they were charging people to use this curriculum. ETA: I think it's "free" with conditions. The fine print on the bottom states: Heads up! Over the course of 2016-2017 we will continue to release additional units. Your free membership does not include these new units. Still - there's enough there for a year.
  21. Measure inseam for sure! My 5'1" 11 year old son has a pretty large inseam where he can fit length wise into a men's small at old navy. Apparently the gene pool around here states the legs must grow first before the torso. And yes, if my 11 year old tucks in his shirt, it looks really odd. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. I am supposed to teach the constitution each year per state requirements. Now, I know that I don't have to do this subject everyday, but it would be good for my kids to learn it anyway. I have books and can get books, but are there any other ways? Games? Interactive learning activities?
  23. Another vote for Potter's school. Ds has done their English classes now for 3 years and they have all been excellent. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. We had this plan for 2-3 years and have recently stopped. I think it had less to do with Republic and a lot more to do with the secondary carrier Sprint. We have had trouble getting coverage with Sprint and had trouble with especially text messages not going through. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. My oldest son has special needs and as a result doesn't know how to spit out the toothpaste when I brush his teeth. We have used Dessert Essence toothpaste with tea tree oil and no fluoride his whole life and only gotten fluoride treatments twice a year at the dentist. He has had one surface cavity. I'm not sure if this would be everyone's experience, but it's worked well for him.
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