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Everything posted by idnib

  1. Don't respond. Her suggestion is so ridiculous you shouldn't have to spend any of your energy writing a difficult email. It's not worthy of a response, not even a negative one. Instead just delete and focus on your family. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  2. We're in a rush to finish some stuff but I'll be back later!
  3. Here's a good thread if you're considering college aspects. Scroll down to ~post #40 if you want to read more about that topic, but read the entire thing if you want some discussion about East Bay cities.
  4. I took my 7 yo and she was fine. Normally I wouldn't consider taking her to a PG-13 (or honestly even most PG movies) at all, but for once I thought it would be okay. It's the same level as the other SW films. And there's a cute droid for the younger set while we parents get to enjoy our older heroes. I did remember one other scene with blood. At one point someone is injured but it's not clear until the camera shows a small pool of blood on the ground. Someone pointed out to me there was one "damn it" and one "hell no" in the movie.
  5. We just got back. it was really good! We had a fun/loud audience, which I normally wouldn't like but we were all excited and it was opening night so it was all good. The local school's band even showed up to play music from Star Wars while we waited, and there was Star Wars trivia with candy prizes. Got some pics of the kids in front of a giant inflatable Darth Vader. We arrived at 4:15 to get in line for a 7:00 showing. There were about 200 people in line in front of us, including people with folding chairs and blankets, but as we finally filed into the theatre some people fell out of line because they were actually there for a later showing. Alison, there was no profanity or sexual content. It wasn't gory. The only blood I remember seeing was a smear on a helmet. There was a lot of "pew pew" still fighting and shooting between people and spaceships. Also, of course, light saber fights galore.
  6. Yep. Subduction faults keep me from moving north, along with feeling unwelcome. ;)
  7. Yeah, the earthquake thing is real. Lots of people have moved here since the last big one (1989) and it's not on their radars enough. You do need to be prepared at all times.
  8. You can tell how little I know about this topic because I saw the title and clicked in order to discuss math experiences. :huh:
  9. I live just outside SF. Would his job depend at all on the financial markets? People here who need to be on top of the markets are often at work by 4:30-5:00 am, although they're done early too, which can be handy. I'm just trying to come up with any considerations not mentioned yet.
  10. Why do you think I was (slyly) asking what was still on her plate? ;) (Just kidding, I was genuinely curious about her seemingly boundless energy.) Muttichen, I would love it if you self-published a PDF (like 8 did) and just told us your story and what you did and how you worked with your children, etc. I'm so inspired and would love to read that.
  11. That's simply amazing. Congrats! Are there younger siblings still, or are all your kids done after this current senior?
  12. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I would tell her what you told us and if that doesn't have an impact, I'm afraid you'll have to move on.
  13. I'm not Christian and it doesn't bother me if people say "Merry Christmas" to me at all. I will also take any other holiday greetings people wish to direct my way! I am a bit curious to see what would happen if I wished everyone I met "Eid Mubarak" on our next holiday, but I'm nervous in today's climate. Maybe I should try it, though, "for science" of course. ;)
  14. Definitely worth it. He can always prove himself and move into a higher paid position. Sounds like there's room to grow, whereas the other company is less so for now.
  15. Wow, considering how many high quality books you read, this is quite an endorsement!
  16. Although I try not to have set pictures of the prophets in my head, Moses (peace be upon him) is always Charlton Heston to me!
  17. It's best to just ask. Everyone is so different. My DH's side of the family are all Christian except him. They were supportive and very gracious when he became Muslim, but of course it must have been difficult for them. My in-laws send small gifts (under $30) at Christmas and the kids understand that it makes them happy to be able to send Christmas gifts to their only grandchildren. In turn we send a box of chocolates and give them each a book and that's it. We don't exchange any gifts with the rest of the family, nor do we visit for Christmas or anything like that. I like this compromise and it works for our family. Someone else would probably be upset if their in-laws sent Christmas presents. It's very individual. None of them have invited us to any particularly Christian events like baptisms or communions, but if we were invited we would absolutely go. Before giving any gifts to the kids for the Eids, I would check in with the parents. Some Muslims, esp in the U.S. where people are really into Christmas gifts, are wary of Muslims holidays becoming commercialized and gift-focused. Some Muslims give children small amounts of cash ($5-$20) called "Eidee" or the gifts are very small. It's an austere religion. :) Also be aware the holidays move (lunar vs. solar calendar) so if you do decide to go ahead with Eid gifts, they won't be the same dates every year. After a few years, they will be in a completely different season, even.
  18. If she has room, Williams-Sonoma has a great set of glass bowls that come in a great range of sizes. They are at your price limit but they have free shipping right now. I have this kitchen spatula and I love it. It also comes in a larger set. I like that it's all silicone and can handle high heat and that I can leave it in the sink to soak, unlike a spatula with a wooden handle. It's very high quality and solid.
  19. Farrar, it's so good you got a chance to go see your dad before he passed. I'm sorry for your loss. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  20. :party: Wow, what a place to live! Just beautiful.
  21. Oh good! I'm relieved to hear students weren't having to run a gauntlet or hears "shots" fired during an exam.
  22. I almost always read a book the second way, which is one of the reasons I take a long time to finish books. I re-read passages I like, mull things over, sometimes say them out loud to hear how they sound if the words are put together particularly well. I do read shallowly when I read what I call "airplane books." I can't read deeply when 40,000 feet in the air, with drink/snack offers every hour, people getting in and out of seats, pilots making announcements, etc. That's how I've managed to read most of the Grisham and Lee Child books. Luckily someone in my neighborhood reads a lot of those types of novels and leaves them in the Little Library down the street. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  23. Just checking in for updates. I hope everything went well.
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