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Everything posted by brehon

  1. I took up through differential equations at university. However, that's been 20+ years and I wouldn't say I remember much, if anything. I *think* I would be correct to say I functionally remember algebra and trig, though I probably need some review. Most of my problem solving these days involves drug calculations. ETA: Thank you for the book recommendation.
  2. Does anyone know of a statistics MOOC for rank beginners? This is for a couple of colleagues and me; i.e., people who have been out of school for <ahem> several decades and have probably forgotten a good bit of math. We find ourselves needing a better understanding of statistics for some high level research projects at work. I’m really looking for Statistics for Dummies. All the courses I looked at on Coursera seemed to presume some basic stats knowledge. That isn’t for me. Would Khan help? I could certainly brush up on my mathematics skills using Khan. Thanks!
  3. The government could always re-release “Duck and Coverâ€.
  4. Were we partners and I missed it? 😠I once had a nursing home nurse yell at me for not rushing an unconscious elderly patient to the hospital because she thought he was having a stroke. Three guesses as to what was really wrong with him.... (It won't take you that long to figure it out.) Yeah, elderly + altered = UTI until proven otherwise Elderly + altered + (febrile X THAT smell) = urosepsis. Always. It was patently obvious the poor man had a high fever to anyone who bothered to do even the most basic exam. <sigh> Glad you found a good place for your grandfather. It can be so difficult to fine decent care and it really shouldn't be.
  5. QFT!!! No one outside emergency medicine wants to know what it’s really like. In my area, it’s not the bad/horrendous calls that lead to utter burn-out. Rather, it’s the seemingly never ceasing calls like you listed above that cause the burn-out. In a bit of EMS humor, the crews of one of our units that run a *lot* of calls in nursing homes created a “Dial-An-Excuse†spinning wheel to track how often the staff at the nursing homes used the usual litany of excuses for why no one can give us a (somewhat) reasonable and coherent HPI. Say them with me: Not my patient Not my hall Just came on shift Just hired Just came back from vacation I was just in here and s/he was fine (for a patient who is DRT) It’s *always* one of those excuses. [see above re: burn-out]
  6. Ugh! Completely agree with everything you wrote. No one (EMS, FD, & LE) liked it in my neck of the woods.
  7. You’re right to be suspicious. No credible scholar believes “real witchcraft†(however that may be defined) was the cause of the trials. As Poppy said, even primary sources from Massachusetts don’t support that view. Did the author cite any actual evidence or scholarly research? Truly, this is so egregious that it would call the rest of the book into question for me. I simply couldn’t trust the author after reading that bit of extremely sloppy “researchâ€.
  8. Oooh!!! Thanks for bringing this up. My baby girl has her FHC this year and I need to see if the dress my older girls wore will work. And snap! This is also Confirmation year for my eldest and he needs a new suit - from the men’s section. Gulp! I think I bought the dress my older girls wore at a Catholic gift store of some sort.
  9. I outed myself at work many years ago when someone younger than I <ahem> accused me of “angry typing†because of how my fingers hit the keyboard. I honestly could not figure out what they were talking about for the longest time. When I finally realized what this person meant I laughed and explained that my grandmother taught me to type on an old 1949 IBM manual typewriter. My colleague looked simultaneously horrified and awed.
  10. Yes. My dh’s heart attack last year precipitated the changes and my family’s history if osteoporosis/arthritis and Type II diabetes cemented them. We always ate generally healthy. However, now we make an effort to have more salads and vegetables, less meat per meal. I can’t say that I’m exercising more, unfortunately. Working 70-80 hours per week really bites into exercise time. Dh is doing great, though. He swims 5 days per week and has lost a lot of weight.
  11. You know what I’m going to say, right? I imagine that your system uses something similar to CAD for transfers. (That’s what the wheelchair van is for, right? Sorry old 911 gov’t employee here. I know what we do for transfers.) That means you’ll be looking at screens for at least a portion of the shift, if not the whole shift. NOT what your brain needs right now. I completely understand about giving up the OT & associated pay when you get sick. It’s definitely a pain in the pay packet. However, you may end up having to take more time off in the future if you don’t take the time to rest now. Call in sick. Don’t make me come up here and pull rank on you, mmmk? 😉
  12. Not until Epiphany at the earliest. We really enjoy the Christmas season after Advent. We have left decorations up until Candlemas before; however, I have to admit that it was more because of a lack of time as opposed to intentionally.
  13. Saturday, 23rd - Vigil Mass [Advent IV] @ 5:30 (2 of my kids are altar servers, 2 are ushers) Sunday, 24th - Noon Mass [Advent IV] (again, 2 kids are altar servers, 2 are ushers, I’m singing) Sunday, 24th - Lessons and Carols @ 11:15 p.m. followed immediately by Sunday, 24th-Monday, 25th - Midnight Christmas Mass (altar servers, ushers, singing for both) Monday, 25th - Christmas Day Mass @ Noon (see above for involvement)
  14. I called CB today as well and the representative, while friendly, was extremely unhelpful. She said that because I didn’t have the access code I would have to wait until the paper results came out. Also, didn’t I read in a thread that we can get our kids’ exam booklets or something? The rep said that we couldn’t. I have a feeling ahe was tired of fielding calls and just told me the least amount/easiest to get me off the phone. 🤔
  15. I completely agree with you. I was sitting at the table blinking and rereading because I was sure I misread something. I hardly think kids asking questions means the pastor is grooming them. OP, I think you can acknowledge your kids’ concerns without believing the pastor is doing anything wrong or inappropriate generally. It may just be that your kids aren’t ready for the depth of discussion yet or it may be that the prior experience you referenced is influencing, or at least is contributing to, their discomfort.
  16. Victory!! I was *finally* able to set up an account using the homeschool code Reg provided. For all you patient, experienced HS parents thanks so much for advice. Now, to wait for the scores.
  17. It is required. I tried leaving it blank and got an error message. <sigh> Nothing I’ve entered has worked and I don’t see an “Other†or “my school not listed†option, either. Grrr...frustrating.
  18. Rookie question here: how does ds sign up for an account on CB. We’re stymied at “Where do you go to school?†What do you put? Entering Homeschool doesn’t work. Thanks.
  19. Then he can make what he wants himself and leave you out of it. Look, I work 24-48 hours at a time, depending on if I have mandatory OT or not. That means I have either 1-2 days off work before I return to duty. What that *really* means is that I have 0-1 functional days off duty before I go back to work. It isn’t unusual for me to back to work still exhausted from the shift before. I generally come home utterly exhausted and barely able to see straight. My dh stays home with the kids and does most of the homeschooling. Even though I’m the sole breadwinner for my family of eight, I do NOT in any way think that that position entitles me to special treatment at home. I come home, shower, and do whatever needs to be done around the house. Truly, your dh needs to grow up and step up to the plate. He helped make the kids and he can help raise them. Although I empathize with the stressful job and needing down time aspects, I am unsympathetic to someone who leaves his spouse to deal with the high percentage of kid and house work that needs to be done.
  20. How wonderful! Her old blog was truly an inspiration.
  21. I had six inches+ of snow yesterday north of Austin and I had to scrape snow & ice off my car this morning. My partner lives in south Austin and she also had 6 inches. My kids had a ball yesterday.
  22. I’m sorry. That’s hard! My system isn’t perfect by a *long* shot and I have my moments (hours, days, weeks, etc) of frustration. [Don’t even ask me about my last couple of shifts. And I’m NOT talking about the patients. 😡] Overall, though, it’s been a good job, mainly because of the field staff. ETA all important negative
  23. Years ago my work rewrote the P&P manual. The people in charge solicited input from all the field staff. After much back and forth, hemming and hawing, and general nit-picking everyone was very frustrated. In a gesture that part frustration and part (ok - mostly) sarcasm, I submitted my version of “X EMS’ Policies and Proceduresâ€. It was 3 pages long - one rule per page: Rule #1 - Be An Adult Rule #2 - Do Your Damn Job Rule #3 - When In Doubt, Refer to Rule #1 It wasn’t, of course, ultimately adopted, though I’m told it was actually shown to the county attorney who really liked it. Even now, some 18 years later, those “rules†are still trotted out. (Ye gods, where has the time gone! This month will mark 20 years in EMS.) ETA - Sounds like both Andy and Dan have violated the first two rules.
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