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Everything posted by SproutMamaK

  1. Just out of curiosity, when you were going all calm-before-the-storm-Momzilla on them, did you mention that you'd be making them pay for the cost of replacing the hedge? What did they say? I know you probably 'got' it, but that "You know that children in Africa are starving" comment would tick me off SO bad! I mean, he was essentially saying that you were being petty by getting angry, because there are bigger problems in the world than the one he inflicted on you. So how DARE you be upset at him, rather than running off to Africa to right THOSE injustices?! What he did to you is NOTHING by comparison! Honestly, you petty, selfish woman. :001_huh: Seriously, that would make me SO angry. He's justifying doing something wrong because there are worse wrongs out there? Erm.... neither God nor the justice system grade on a curve.
  2. Yes, they do. If they didn't have that snack, they wouldn't fall asleep.
  3. Congratulations! It sounds like perfect fit for you. :D
  4. I'm 28. About 6 weeks ago, I got my hair highlighted with blonde and red highlights. But the red went a little wonky, and I ended up having bright pink streaks. They faded to a strawberry blonde in about two weeks. I MISS those pink streak! I think I'm going to get them done again. it was fun! I smiled a little every time I looked in a mirror. Why not? I'm gonna go for it in mid-summer, I think.
  5. So, if the reasoning for getting him into trouble (as opposed to a warning) was that he was sending PMs of a personal nature without permission - did the other kid get in trouble, too? I wouldn't push the issue, but it seems to me that the real issue is that Mr C has no sense of humour. I would think anyone with an ounce of common sense could see that there was no harm intended. I'm glad the principal can see straight! ;)
  6. Yes, but I'm not sure it's an option in your area. I took a two-year course to become in insurance broker, but there was an intensive one-year option.
  7. Not one in particular, no. There is a KIND of house, though (2 or 3 storey century home on the outskirts of the city with a lot of land). There are only a few of them in my area, so ALL of them are on my "love" list, though none in particular is favoured. It doesn't matter, though, as they'd all be out of my price range.
  8. I'm going to the market often this year to buy more locally grown produce (what I can't grow myself). Generally speaking, a seller will note on their sign if their produce is pesticide free. While that's obviously a plus, what other questions should I be asking? Should I ask what sort of fertilizer they use? And for each of those questions, what answers should I be concerned about (or conversely, encouraged by)?
  9. Yup, I would! And I may have to, if I keep collecting books at this rate. :D
  10. I inwardly cringe a little every time I hear this usage of it. I also cringe when people use the word "talk" instead of speech (or even speak sometimes, as in "he doesn't talk nicely") as a PP mentioned. But I'll stop now, or this will become a rant. ;)
  11. Hmm. According to the quiz i AM more Elinor than Marianne! I just ordered the collected works of Jane Austen, so I can't wait to reread the book and remember what that actually means! :lol: Everytime I read Jane Austen, I read through ALL her books in a very short period of time (I take the anthology out of the library and devour it), but it seems that the end result is that I muddle all the stories together and can't remember which character (and plot!) is which.
  12. For me, it would depend on the boy. If he's generally responsible and has proven himself trustworthy, I would give him the chance. If, however, he's a 'typical' 15 year old, probably not.
  13. Thank you! I knew it was Jane Austen but couldn't remember the book or the personalities. It's all coming back now. ;) I'd like to think I'm Elinor, but truth be told, I'm probably Marianne more often than not.
  14. Is there a "would love to know what on earth you're referring to" option? :confused: :tongue_smilie: ETA - the names are SO familiar, I KNOW I know what you're referring to ,but I just can't place it!
  15. My second was earlier, but only slightly. My first was born on his due date, my second was 4 days early. (For the record, my third was 3 days early.)
  16. Yes and no. It's a repeat of the Richard episode, with some "extras" thrown in.
  17. We bought our home ourselves (including a sizeable downpayment). However, our home was VERY much a fixer-upper, and DHs parents helped us get the rental portion of the home renovated (it's a duplex), to the tune of about $5K and a lot of labour. Before they gave us the money, they asked if we'd prefer to have 5K for the renovations and their help with the work, or 5K for our wedding and help with the planning of it. We would have been fine without it either way, but it was nice to be able to start renting out the apartment sooner rather than later. My father helped with the labour of renovations, but not financially - they gave a small amount towards the wedding instead (and considering their financial state, I didn't want them to do even that).
  18. This. It's good for kids to exercise their own judgment. EXERCISE, not solely rely on. We're supposed to train them to make the right choices as an adult. She's not an adult yet, which means she's still firmly in the "training" stage. How DARE you use your influence over her? She's her own little person with RIGHTS, you know! [sarcasm off]
  19. My kids looove picture books. Not books that are just pictures, but books where the picture take up most of the page and there's just a paragraph or two of writing per page. They get bored with a book if we stay on the same page (and hence looking at the same picture) if we're reading a full page of text, and they'll zone out of the story. I'm having trouble finding a good Bible story book. Everything we've tried is either too simple (board book style with one simple sentence per page), or too wordy. Ideally I'd like a rather large volume with many bible stories in one book. (I'm aware that since a story would be spread out over several pages, I may have to buy a different book for each story or get a huuuuuuge book (or two). Any suggestions? Cost isn't really a concern.
  20. How much are you looking to spend? I second tigerdirect, and also suggest factorydirect.
  21. My DH makes a rockin' salad that goes with food like this. He uses: Romaine or red leaf lettuce Broccoli heads sunflower seeds slice strawberries raspberry vinaigrette dressing I'm not a salad person, but I LOVE this one. Give it a try, even with a different meal if you don't have this stuff handy for tonight.
  22. It doesn't involve a LOT of pumpkin (2 cups), but this cake is AMAZING. Honestly, they best cake I've ever made (and I make a LOT of cakes). http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Pumpkin-Cake-III/Detail.aspx?prop31=2 Paired with this icing http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Cream-Cheese-Frosting-II-2/Detail.aspx?prop31=1
  23. From what I understand, whatever information you had previously requested to be private will still private (even if you don't uncheck "allow"). This allows them to take the information that you had previously chosen to remain PUBLIC and use it for marketing purposes, though what exactly those purposes are isn't too clear yet. For most people I know, their facebook account was already set to private, and not much would change.
  24. And Locke's shoes were black. (Of course, they were, he was in his coffin in a black suit, but Ben DID make an issue out of the shoes, right?)
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