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Everything posted by SproutMamaK

  1. I assumed that Eloise, with her cryptic comments (and her referral at one point Desmond's past life and how he finally had Widmore's approval, shouldn't he be happy, etc), that she had regained her memory. I just thought she was trying to keep Daniel from regaining his earthly memories so that he wouldn't remember that she killed him, and be in a "soul group" with Charlotte, Miles, or the other Losties rather than her. She'd rather he never move on than be separated from him. So while she is indulging what her son in what he would always have wanted - she's still holding him back.
  2. I've had 2 science curricula recommended to me - Christian Liberty Science and Critical Thinking Through Science. I'd vastly prefer a religious curricula, since I'm not particularly good at remembering to "work things into" a curricula if they're not spelled out right in front of me. ;) However, I've also been told that Critical Thinking Through Science is much more hands-on, whereas Christian Liberty Science is more book-based. My children are visual-spatial and tactile learners. Does anyone use CLS, and if so, were there options given for more hands-on study? And if not - are there any Christian-based science curricula that are very hands-on?
  3. TONS of sexual content, depending no the episode. Most might be okay, but you may be more comfortable pre-screening them. However, that's a LOT of work.
  4. I don't even know what I am anymore. Does that mean I'm having an identity crisis? Which begs that great philosophical question, is it better to know exactly who you are and realize that you are but a puny (and probably slimy) little larvae, or to be unaware of your own identity? See what you've started? :tongue_smilie:
  5. I registered when homeschooling was an "option" for us. I wanted to get more info, see what different curricula had to offer, see how crazy Moms went when they dared to do this :lol:, and in general get a better feel for how homeschooling might change our lives. It was so helpful to have a forum to ask any questions I might have, and to feel better armed with the information we needed to make out final decision. If we hadn't chosen to homeschool, I probably would have stayed anyways, to keep getting fresh ideas on what I could do with my kids to make sure they were maximizing the education they would have gotten at school.
  6. You know, last night I was really disappointed in it. But I was thinking about it last night, when I should have been sleeping :lol:, and now that I've dwelt on it for a while - I'm quite pleased with it. I was hoping for everyone to end up living their alternate reality lives somehow, but this ending is fine with me. And I LOVED Hurley being made the keeper of the island. I always thought it should've been him, with his pure heart. Sun & Jin's memories coming back was the highlight for me - I was BAWLING. And I cracked up when Jin called Sawyer "detective". :lol: As everyone else, I also loved Claire & Charlie reunion scene, as well and Sawyer & Juliet. Does anyone know if Claire & Charlie had baby Aaron in the church with them? That would seem strange to me, that Aaron's "soul group" would be people he didn't really know (except for his Mom, Charlie, and Kate, that is).
  7. I liked everything but the last 15 minutes. I hate that the resolved the flash sideways as not being real. What a waste of time.
  8. :iagree: I know it's easier to say than to do, but if DD says that she will not stop, then you need to tell her that if she refuses to stop, she will not longer be given the opportunity to behave badly - ie, no more contact with her sisters.
  9. I don't know there was a replay of the pilot last night! What sort of things did the commentary reveal that made things make more sense?
  10. Absolutely. I use one, so obviously they're out there - and I think they do quite well for themselves.
  11. Try basmati rice- my family didn't like brown rice either, but they'll eat basmati.
  12. works his butt off. loves God, and wants to teach our children to do the same. is generous. has no problem with buying tampons or pads for me (saw a bew commercial last night that made me appreciate this little detail). ;)
  13. We both went to summer camp with my (former) church denomination's youth groups. He wasn't from my denomination, but had a lot of friends and decided to join them. I was 18 and the choir director (every year we'd have a camp choir that practiced twice and performed on the last day). He was 24 and came to the choir just to hang out and chat with his friends. I, in an attempt to prove myself as the stern director :lol: told him off and told him that if just wanted to talk over the rest of the choir's singing, he was welcome to do so outside. Erm, maybe not in those words. ;) He came up to me later and apologized, and we got to talking, and I gave him a hug at the end. I was at that point in a pseudo-relationship with someone else. That guy ALSO met another girl at said camp (whom he later also married), and a few weeks later we broke up. One of my friends happened to mention our break up around my now-DH, and his response was, "Kathryn? Oh, she was kinda cute. She gave me a big hug after we talked, I thought that was sweet." My friend went :willy_nilly: and gave him my email addy, and we hit it off. If you have time for another story..... Unfortunately, the first time we tried to get together in person afterwards was supposed to be a group date. However, at the last minute, unbeknown to me, everyone but him and one other guy cancelled due to the weather. My friend and I were out shopping and our car broke down (this was before cell phones were popular), so we showed up at the place the group was meeting an hour late. In this case, the "place the group was meeting" was my parent's house. My Dad had heard a bunch of us were going out minigolfing that night and meeting at our home, but we was a little, shall we say, "concerned" when two guys showed up at our house and both told him they were going minigolfing with me that night. :lol: And then they were kind of trapped with him for an hour while they waited for us to show up. My Dad spent the whole time trying to figure out if this was a mix-up, which guy I was interested in, if I would actually intentionally take two guys out on a date with me at once to 'try them both out', etc. I'm sad I couldn't have observed the hour, it must have been interesting. :lol: In teh end, my Dad decided the other guy was more my type, and was quite surprised when I later told them I was now dating now-DH. His response (in front of DH) was "But what about that other guy?" :lol: I'm so glad I can look back on this and laugh instead of cry.
  14. I've been thinking of getting one. Do you have one, and if so, do you like the ice cream it makes? Actually, I'd more likely be making frozen yogurt than ice cream, so do you like that frozen yogurt it makes? Any recommendations for me on which ones are good and which ones aren't?
  15. Aw, thanks! That's my youngest when he was a baby. Gosh, I want another one. Now. Right now. C'mere, DH. :leaving: Kathryn ~ who promised herself that she would get back to a healthier weight before trying to have another baby, and is now getting very annoyed about that promise. Kathryn ~ who planted her first vegetable garden today, and is pretty excited about it!
  16. Mariann, since I KNOW you're checking this thread - any update on the hedge-trimming privacy-peepers? Kathryn ~ who lost the aforementioned battle to control her temper.
  17. True, but I needed to say SOMETHING in order to put a quote at the end of my post. Kathryn ~ who has, for the first time today, found an autism troll amusing rather than evil.
  18. But then doesn't that makes us all copycats? Kathryn ~ who hopes she can control her temper until the kid's bedtime.
  19. For anyone interested in actual conversation about this, Einstein is one of the "poster children" for autism. Speaking late, very socially awkward, different understand in math and the sciences, visual/spatially oriented, echolalia, reportedly often speaking in a repetitive/scripted way, etc, etc. If there's a "classic" sign of autism, Einstein displayed it. I don't like that he's been put forward as one of the faces of autism becasue it's purely anecdotal, and there was no understanding of it at the time. At any point someone could say, "But Einstein DID do this, and that's no autistic, and he behaved in this way, and that's DEFINITELY not autistic." And that lends credibility to people like our lovely friend on page two, who like to pretend the issue is just in everyone's imagination.
  20. Wow, that is so ridiculously offensive, that I feel like I MUST argue... oh wait. One post, controversial topic with an obviously inflammatory nature... Hm, where have I seen this before? :glare: In other words - if you're gonna troll, you might wanna work on your finesse a little before you dive right into the genre of attacking special needs children. If you're gonna successfully do THAT kind of trolling, you need to work the crowd for a while first. ;)
  21. We've recently renovated our home and added a second floor and a new living room on the main floor. It's 14x20 and will have a dark wood (walnut-stained) staircase and hardwood floors (cherry wood stained dark - not quite as dark as the walnut, but still dark). For furniture we have a loveseat like this one http://www.ashleyfurniturehomestore.com/catalog/product.aspx?group=&id=2260338&ref=search-t , and a co-ordinating couch. The couch is the same style, but the cushions are the gold colour you saw on the pillow in the above link, and the wood trim is painted black. Almost all of our accents are dark red. The bottom 3 feet of the wall will be white wainscotting, so only the top portion of the wall will be painted (Though the ceilings are 10 feet, so it's still a significant amount). Because we've got brown, gold, and red going on, I'm assuming I have to go with a neutral, right? We don't have a LOT of gold in the room, just the one couch and accent pillows on the leather loveseat - could I go with a golden tone? It's a century home and we're trying to keep it looking slightly "to period", but I don't want it to be boring either. Frankly, I like a little excitement in my rooms and can't quite bring myself to admit that neutral walls are my only option. ;) Is there anything other than beige that I can do here without making it look like a clown house, or do I just need to suck it up and go over to the dark (er, in this case neutral) side?
  22. I'd worry more about hte quality of the primer than the quality of the paint itself. If you have a good primer, the paint tends to spread more evenly, etc. Just my experience. Our bedroom is painted red. We originally chose one colour that we thought we "deep and dark". On our walls, even after 3 coats (and a tinted primer), it was BRIGHT! We went back to the store and had them add as much black as they could to the remaining cans, and did another 2 coats, which ended up looking fabulous. So my advice would be - get a good (tinted) primer, choose a colour that's a shade or two darker than you think you want (unless you WANT clown-nose red), and be prepared to do at least 2 or 3 coats. I have to say, I LOVe our red room, LOVE it. I want to do another room in red, but all of our remaining room are so small that it wouldn't work. Although you may be on to something with doing on wall in the kitchen..... I may steal your plan!
  23. NOTE - possible spoilers for those who haven't watched the show yet. I'll give you some room to scroll past my post now.... In case you didn't know (which I think you did since you said you saw part of it), last night's episode was about a shooter coming into the hospital and terrorizing everyone. About half the characters were shot, some died, and those that didn't at some point had a terrifying encounter with the guy, and/or were having breakdown while trying to save their friend's lives. Any person that didn't have the common sense to know that it was NOT appropriate for children does NOT have enough common sense to being watching children. Seriously, she has her own kids and thought this was okay?! That's ridiculous.
  24. Sorry to quote myself here - I'm not saying that all children who don't read by K have disinterested parents, or that a child SHOULD be reading by K. I'm just saying that, if you could easily split a K class up into two groups - those who have proactive parents and those who do not - the group of children with parents who haven't worked on reading with them would likely have more children who don't read, or don't read as well. It's not a blanket statement that's true in all instances. I certainly don't think that a parent (or child) should be labeled for having a child that doesn't read by K. I just think that overall, a child is more likely to be reading in kindergarten if their parents have tried to help them learn how. If the teacher in the OP meant that ALL children who don't read by K have parents who haven't bothered to teach them, that would certainly be offensive to almost anyone, I think.
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