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Everything posted by BakersDozen

  1. Well, according to the lovely families I am around they continue to be on assistance so they can continue their lifestyle - a lifestyle I can't afford to have. They have their food paid for them so they go out to eat...to Olive Garden...every week. They have their food paid for them so they buy animals...horses...several horses. They have their food paid for them so they can continue to stock their pantries/freezers with junk food for their kids...their 8, 9, 10 kids. The question around here isn't so much WHY would someone want to be on assistance as much as WHY WOULDN'T someone want to be on assistance? There is nothing spurring these families to get themselves off of the help, to support themselves, because doing so would cramp their style. I wish I had the power to overhaul the entire food stamp/WIC system; oh the changes I would make...
  2. Answer: my 2yodd after her nap during which she found her 6yo sister's smiley-face stamps and proceeded to decorate her dresser, mattress, floor, and her own body. Thankfully, the ink washes off easily so once I got the floor and furniture done I began to clean up my dd. Up till then I had kept a stern face, admonishing her strongly that what she did was wrong, but as I wiped smiley faces off of her own face (under her chin, the tip of her nose, even the back of her neck) I felt the giggles rising. As I proceeded down her body, finding smiley faces under her arms, on her elbows, on her belly and inner thighs, I had to keep my face hidden because I was turning red from laughter contained. But when I thought I was done and she plopped her little self down on her mattress, a picture of forlornment, and I saw 6 more smiley faces on the soles of her toddler feet, I lost it. I laughed so hard I almost cried. She's at the table now happily munching afternoon snack, oblivious to the redness of her skin that was scrubbed, and I love knowing the story I will one day tell her when she calls me, frantic that her own toddler decorated herself during naptime. Just wanted to share. I love being a mom. :)
  3. I had 2 little ones and one on the way when I graduated college and it was great! Having kids while in school helped me in many ways with money and time management, plus I didn't have time to be on my own, to indulge myself which (for me) was a good thing. I won't encourage or discourage early marriage with my dc any more than I will encourage/discourage going to college. My boys better be able to support their wife/family, though! I am hammering home to them even now that they should not start a family on the taxpayer dime. I'm excited to see my dc become parents, although the thought that I could be a grandmother by the age of 41 or so is a bit daunting.
  4. Oh my, I am laughing!!! After yet another couple of hours researching different Greek/Latin roots books I stumbled upon this book on amazon.com. It is hilarious! I showed it to my dc (who were anxiously watching me as I waded through samples of what were mostly boring books) and they begged me to get it. I know it is highly unconventional but if anyone is looking for a lighter dose of Greek/Latin this may be just the thing. I figure there will come a time for the less interesting books; for now this book will keep us laughing and (hopefully!) loving our root-learning. :) I particularly like the sentences they will have to translate into their own words.
  5. For review I use Horizons and LOF at the upper elementary level. LOF is more focused, Horizons covers all the math concepts. So my 4th grader will do 20 minutes of Horizons then LOF.
  6. I'm not Kris but CD was a miss for us as well, much to my disappointment. Dana Mosley was great - very funny, engaging, etc. Yet I found that I still had to add my own instruction most of the time, I couldn't just let my dc watch the DVD and get through the lesson with total understanding, I had to spend time reteaching and "fleshing" out the material. There were a lot of "gaps" as my dc described it. The biggest thing for us was the lack of constant review; by the time the review came at the end of each chapter a lot of what had been learned many chapters prior was difficult to remember. If I use the program again I will supplement with a review book. I also felt that the content of the word problems was WAY over my dc's heads. There was no application for them as far as their understanding and that frustrated them greatly. Honestly, I felt the content was at high school level or even higher. The range of wp topics was fabulous and I liked that each one was labeled for its use in real life (economics, sports, etc.) yet since it had no application for my dc's 7th grade world it was pretty much useless. I just tested my dc using 3 different PreAlgebra assessments and they aced all of them, yet did very poorly on the CD final exam. So it wasn't that they aren't ready for this level of math. Oh, and the textbooks fell apart...literally into pieces. One of my dd's is in 4 pieces and she is very, very careful with her books. :confused:
  7. Thanks for the replies/insights. What is frustrating is that while putting "penalties" or financial responsibility on low-income women for pregnancy might lead to them not getting good prenatal care, the same thing is happening for those with private insurance, too. This last pregnancy I only went in every 2mo if that because of the copays and left the hospital when my baby was 4.5 hours old to avoid any more charges. I was exhausted, had the flu, and found myself at home 5 hours after giving birth just to not pay the huge charge for a recovery room. I still fight tears when I think of that, when I think of my friends getting the full 2 days of hospital stay and they didn't pay a dime.
  8. 5WolfCubs lives in the East Valley and is by far the most wonderful person I know in the Valley. Her dd's are precious! If you can connect with her she is quite far out east yet it will be worth getting to know her. :)
  9. My Top 10: #1: Seeing kids riding in the basket part of a shopping cart. I'd rather hear a screaming child in the seat part than hear the sickening crack of a child's head hitting the floor in Target then seeing that child lay motionless. #2: Being called by my first name by anyone age 18 or younger #3: Having the parents introduce me by my first name to their dc or as Miss K. #4: Being pushed past by teenagers or having the door slammed in my face as I follow a teenager out of a store despite the fact that I have a baby in my arms and 5 more kids with me #5: Christian music that sounds no different than the rest of the world's music or music that I can't understand the lyrics to #6: Being told I am crazy/nuts to have/want more children...or any other negative comment on my family size #7: Forwarded emails (especially political ones) that are untrue #8: Forwarded emails that are about my favorite color, song, etc. Please don't waste my time! #9: Those who complain about the lack of money yet continue to buy dogs, cats, horses, etc. #10: The use of the word "like": "I was like...it was like..." UGH!
  10. I would absolutely go! If it is open tomorrow get up and go first thing - get there before it opens to avoid what may be a busy waiting room. Just the aching chest would warrant a visit rather than waiting until next week.
  11. I hope this is in no way inflammatory and doesn't progress into a debate. Right now I am overly sensitive to this topic and the fact that my dh's work just sent out the new health care packet showing yet another substantial increase in premiums yet decrease in benefits has me frustrated to the point of tears. We pay a large amount each month for health insurance. I'm thankful for the coverage yet angry at the constant hike in rates. The latest thing to be added on is a $100 charge for maternity services before any coverage begins. I'm fine with paying my OB $500, the hospital gets another $1000-1500 (and that's if I leave right away and have no complications). What I'm not fine with is this "penalty" for being pg, which is how I see it. What I'm also not fine with are my friends who are on taxpayer-funded insurance and have full coverage, who pay a whopping $1/office visit, who get an u/s "just to see the baby", and who have no limit whatsoever on the # of pregnancies that will be covered on the taxpayer dime. I was on gov't aid once and was thankful for it, yet I never dreamed of continuing to increase my family size without taking myself (and my dc) off of the aid and getting my own insurance. I'm frustrated that legislation is introduced every year in our state trying to limit the coverage past a certain # of pregnancies and it is shot down. I get that people need financial help (especially in today's economy), I get that health care costs are huge. What I don't get is why those on gov't aid have no "penalty" at all that I know of like those paying for private insurance have; heck, we're the ones paying over $1000/month for health care coverage (And that's just the premiums! Add in out-of-pocket and it comes to about $1700/mo.) - the last thing we need are penalties! Why not require those on gov't aid to pay more with each pregnancy? 1st pregnancy=full coverage; 2nd pregnancy=10% responsibility; 3rd pregnancy=20% responsibility; etc. I'm sorry if this steps on anyone's toes, I truly am. I realize there are those who may truly need assistance and find themselves with a surprise pregnancy (I was one of those at one time). I guess I just don't see any fairness in this at all. I'm absolutely not for socialized health care - but getting rid of insurance companies, yes! I'd just like to see a bit more financial responsibility put on everyone, especially those who continue to utilize taxpayer-funded programs while growing their family size. Am I wrong in feeling this way?
  12. I've just spent a few hours reading so many threads on this topic my head is spinning! Add to that the links I used, the sample pages and reviews and I'm about to lose my mind! However thanks to you all I've narrowed down my choices and now need some final input. We've finished English From the Roots Up. It went very well, just enough to introduce the basics. I made my own reviews/tests and the dc study their cards every day. Now I want something more, something they can use to apply what they have learned. I looked at Vocabulary Vine but honestly it looks so much like EFRU I hesitate to buy it (although I will purchase the Bingo/tiles). I love the online games and know my dc will enjoy using those as supplement/incentive. I also looked at VCR but it seemed very...dull, maybe? I was hoping for something a bit lighter. Ideally I would like a workbook. Any suggestions? TIA to anyone who responds. I know these topics come up so often there are those who may roll their eyes, however the time you all take to answer yet another Greek/Latin roots post is really a blessing.
  13. I've lost 8 precious little ones. :( After the 4th loss I really knew something was wrong yet all the tests came back normal (my OB didn't even want to run tests as I did get/stay pg between losses yet I insisted). I got on INCIID, did tons of research and diagnosed myself. Unfortunately it took going to a RE to confirm what I already knew (my body does not respond to normal levels of hormones; even supplements didn't have any affect). My OBs could not help at all, it was my wonderful RE who ran the right tests at the right time. People questioned why I was pursuing tests yet for me I wanted to know what was wrong and, if possible, prevent more miscarriages; knowledge is power IMO and I will feel "armed" now when we ttc again. The tests were so easy and helped eliminate possibilities for us so we could focus on the real issue. That, for me, was better than wondering what was wrong and fearing another pregnancy/loss. Infertility just hurts so badly and the longing for another child is overwhelming. I am so sorry for your loss...my heart hurts for you.
  14. Last night at 11pm I placed my order, received an email this morning from Stan about a mistake I made (ordered 2 books instead of just 1) and oh my, he is a funny guy! My dc read his response to my question about the Home Companion books and say they can't wait to start the math written by "the funny guy". Just wanted to share...hopefully LOF will restore confidence and a love of math to my dc who had a very rough time this last year.
  15. We've always used leotards for swimsuits as they are very modest and comfortable - no riding up like regular swimsuits. Just a thought...
  16. I'm so sorry...I was posting while nursing so wasn't really focused on details. Chalkdust PreAlgebra is what we just finished...well, didn't finish actually. I did it with my 3 older dc as my 10yo caught up to her siblings a couple of years ago. I know it may be strange to have a 13yo and a 10yo doing the same math but really, my 10yo is at or above where my 13yo is. For example on the placement tests today my 13yo did worse than my 10yo! My 10yo works at problems like a dog chews on a bone - she doesn't give up until she's got the answer; my 13yo gives problems a quick try and doesn't really care to check her work to see if it is right.
  17. We just finished CD chapter 9 and have put the book away. I knew my dc were struggling with this book and I should have stopped it in December. It is a fabulous program but (IMO) not enough review so I should have supplemented. When it came to chapter tests they did fine, but the cumulative reviews killed them. They were frustrated, I was angry, so I'm not even finishing it. One thing that really frustrated all of us were the word problems - the content was WAY over their heads! Today we began placement testing using Saxon and TT. So far they have all done very well, even aced some tests through Algebra 1/2. My 10yod didn't miss one problem on the Saxon placement yet I don't feel she is ready for Algebra 1. I've considered taking a break from the traditional texts and using LOF, supplementing with a review book I picked up at Barnes and Noble. Does this sound like an OK idea? I don't feel as though we've wasted this past year yet at the same time I feel I could have made a better choice as far as math programs go. I don't want to mess up this next year, too. I'm sorry if this seems like "well, duh!" post but honestly I second-guess myself and lose sleep over making math choices. I see defeat and discouragement in my dc's faces and desperately want to help them regain confidence in themselves. It's frustrating to them to do so well on placement tests and final exams yet have done so poorly with CD.
  18. My experience was awesome with Rainbow Girls! Being in Rainbow changed me from a girl who wouldn't talk to anyone, never spoke up in class and was painfully shy to a girl who could give a word-perfect speech in front of hundreds of people (I was Grand Charity). I learned to interview, to walk with poise, to be involved in something that really changed my life. As a Christian the only thing that bothered me was one line that said that the rainbow was a symbol of God's promise to never again destroy the earth. Since that line was in my speech I always said (to myself), "...with water." ;) Aside from that I was fine with what I learned. Yes, it was 'secret' but that didn't bother me because my parents weren't involved in my life anyway. As a former Rainbow Girl I can attend meetings and plan to be fully involved if I get my dds involved. Really, I'd say the crowning moment of my adolescent life was being at the Grand Assembly and giving one of the longest speeches before all the people present and receiving the top award for my station. I know I should be more concerned with the Masonic teachings, however my time in Rainbow Girls so changed me that I really want my dds to be in it, too.
  19. I love our Awana group! The kids get one piece of sugar-free candy when they check in, then a group snack at the end which always includes fruit. No rewards for verses in the form of candy! We have never used candy for any kind of reward (potty training, etc.) so the use of it really bothers me. Praise is huge for a child and, IMO, the best reward.
  20. First of all, we live just 2 hours or so from the Grand Canyon, Sedona, Phx, etc. so if anyone wants to do a house swap I'm up for it! I want to take my dc back East where I grew up. I'm serious - what a blessing it would be to not have to worry about hotels and all that! We've considered the RV thing as well. As for dh...he knows that travel such as I want to do would not involve him. Right now we plan for 2 weeks of travel with him each year. We've gone to Mexico and CA together which works for now. When we do our big trip back east he will not be able to join us which is a bummer yet it is important for us that our dc get that experience.
  21. I'm Karen from AZ. I try not to be on the boards much as I can easily find my hours spent online instead of focused on my home/school responsibilities, yet I try to pop in and at least read a few threads before mom-duty calls again. My user name is a bit obsolete yet I didn't realize I couldn't change it once I registered...oh well. I do love my 7, plus 1. :D Let's see...what else? I've hs'ed from the start, plan to go all the way through high school, and pray for at least 14dc.
  22. Today a museum in town did a huge hands-on event for homeschooled kids -the adults were dressed in character, lots of crafts, about 80 kids not including all the babies/toddlers attended...it was something! A female volunteer was standing nearby and asked a man who also worked there what was going on and when he replied that it was a day for homeschoolers she responded with this: "Oh, so we get the weirdos today." :001_huh: I could not believe what I heard! Particularly since all 80 of our kids were sitting together on a lawn waiting patiently for the speaker to begin, no one was running around or having to be spoken to, the moms were visiting with each other since we didn't have to watch our dc every second, trusting that they knew what was appropriate to do/not do. In fact in the hour we had been there waiting for the volunteers to be ready for us there was not one single incident...and there were EIGHTY kids ages 14 and under! And she calls us "weird"?!?! I was nursing my baby when this happened so couldn't go after her, yet I wish I had just to ask why she used such a word to describe us. I don't know if I should address this with the woman who put together this event or not especially since I can't remember the name of the volunteer who made the comment.
  23. Just want to pop in and say that coding and the right RE can make all the difference. I knew after #7 and yet another loss that something was wrong and that my OB could not help me. I went to a RE, presented my case, he took me seriously once he got over his surprise at having a mom of 7 in his office, ordered the right tests with the right codes, and just like that I was diagnosed. A RE knows things regular OBs do not so it was worth the appointment which I would have gladly paid OOP for just to get an answer. I wasted too many years and too many lost babies w/OBs who didn't know their FSH from their LH. ;) I hope you get the tests you need and answers soon.
  24. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels this way! My dh and I grew up being forced to celebrate Mother's Day for moms whom we felt did not deserve a day for themselves and today we have to lie our way through cards and phone calls because we just don't care, as horrible as that sounds. Our moms are selfish and terrible so we don't feel the burden to celebrate them. As for me, I don't want Mother's Day celebrated because I, too, feel it is artificial and I hate attention on me. Plus I don't think I'm that great of a mother so if my dc want to call me when they are older or send a card then great, but for now they won't be forced to do anything.
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