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Everything posted by BakersDozen

  1. I can say with complete honesty that my last 3 babies I felt right at 9.5-10.5 weeks. My OB said I was nuts but I found other moms-of-many who felt quickening at that point. I know it was that because it was in the same spot each time, it was right where I heard that precious heartbeat w/my home doppler, and I just "knew" what I was feeling. So I don't care what the medical profession tells me, I know it was my baby moving no matter how early I was.
  2. :iagree: We spank. My dc are not bound for counseling for low self-esteem. They know they are loved and do not fear me. They also know boundaries and the consequences for crossing those boundaries. I choose spanking over other "effective" parenting techniques like counting to 3 ("One, two...Joey you know what happens when I say 3 (absolutely nothing happens, btw)...three...Joey come here NOW!!! DO YOU HEAR ME??? (Yes, he hears you as does the entire playground and he knows as well as we all do that you are going to do nothing about his disobedience)".), threatening abandonment ("Mama is leaving...goodbye...I'm leaving now!"), bribery ("If you get your shoes on now and come with Mama we can go get some ice cream."), dragging/grabbing by the arms (love it when I see parents yanking their kid by one arm), shouting/yelling/screaming, or the always lovely technique of allowing my dc to scream and throw things (or kick holes in walls) alone in their room (my friend's version of a time-out). If there is a behavior I want stopped immediately, never to happen again I spank/swat because I have witnessed a 3yo pulling a TV down onto his private area and will never get the sound of the screams out of my head. His mother didn't spank/swat him because she didn't want to hurt him. :001_huh: Another friend who also didn't want to hurt her child watched as he got my front door open and ran into a busy street, narrowly missed being hit by a truck (she used a child latch on her front door instead of training him which worked really well (sarcastic) when she left her house for a house that didn't have a latch). Born in the South, raised in the West, set in my ways however backward they may be.
  3. The very thought of others touching me makes me squirm. I actually had to ask a friend's dh to stop hugging me every time we were together - no funny business, it was just the new greeting which I can't stand. I won't even sit close to someone on the couch and detest goodbyes that involve lots of hugs. I can't say I get offended but definitely uncomfortable. What bothers me most is if anyone takes my hand; I have to fight the urge to not only pull my hand away but to smack the other person's hand as well. Oddly enough I love people touching my preggo belly. Maybe because I thought I would not have more babies and so the acknowledgment of the pregnancy thrills me?
  4. Honestly, if she hasn't asked for advice/input I would not give it no matter how gentle you could be. Her toddler's behavior would bother me to no end but I would just keep my mouth shut and hope the mother eventually asked me for advice. I would also hope that my training of my dc would be an example to the mother whose toddler controls her, and that as she saw the difference in my dc's behavior she might ask me what I do. Often times waiting for an opening is better than making one. ;)
  5. We are at my mom's house visiting. My baby is in my mom's walk-in closet where I moved everything away from her reach and have the monitor on constantly. My dd went up to get the baby, came into the kitchen with Megan in her arms; her was face white and she said, "Mama, Megan had a plastic bag over her face!" There was a bag in a bin that I never saw and thought was blocked from Megan's reach. All afternoon I have looked at Megan and fought tears as I think of what could have happened, that she could no longer be here with us. We went through so much to get her, she is our miracle baby, and I could have lost her. There are times I could have lost each of my dc (some of them more than once!) and I believe that then as in this time there were angels protecting my dc. In this case maybe it was God who prompted me to tell my dd to go get her sister at just the moment she needed to be gotten; a minute longer...good grief. I don't even want to put Megan down, I just want to hold her and tell her again how much I love her, to reassure myself that she is OK and with us still.
  6. Can one book be used by multiple dc? My older 3dc will be doing this and I need to know how many books I should get.
  7. I read that it is a 2-year program but really I would like something that can be done in a year. Would it be possible to finish this in one year?
  8. amen to that! My 3 oldest dc are starting 8th grade and oh wow, I'm struggling to fit everything into their day!! So far I have: Bible Math Logic Spanish Science Literature Writing Grammar Vocabulary Spelling History/Government Geography Piano PE I wake up at night in a panic because I just don't see how it is all going to fit, especially w/me teaching 4th, 3rd, 1st and PreK (plus baby). AAARRGGGHHH
  9. We alternate a year of Easy Grammar with a year (or so) of Daily Grams. I really liked Easy Grammar although I did make my own reviews that were given on Fridays. I added diagramming in with the books and felt that my dc got a solid grasp of grammar. I looked at Shurley several times yet I know myself and the jingles and repetition would make me crazy!!
  10. OK, I figure I should have posted this before I bought a writing program however since I've only bought one program (so far) I figure if I find something else that may work better it's OK. My older 3dc are amazing writers. (I would say that even if they weren't my dc. ;)) I have not used a formal writing program with them since they were in 3rd grade and I took them through the Paragraph Book series. I invested an enormous amount of $ on a set from IEW that we used for about 4 weeks until my dc begged me to do something else. So from there I just came up with my own writing assignments: take a simple child's storybook and rewrite it, write a poem about the painting above our fireplace (those turned out so well I thought about sending their work in to a local contest). They can outline very well, do key word outlines, rewrite work, summarize, etc. So I don't have struggling writers. I would like a more formal writing program from here on out, however, simply because the less I have to come up with on my own the better. I can't have something that is teacher-intensive which is why I have balked at even looking at some of the programs mentioned on this board. I want something fun yet not remedial. I can't afford more IEW material and after our first experience with it don't know that I want to even consider IEW again. Any suggestions before I go off the deep end and buy more writing programs? For the record, I just bought Jump In and was eyeing Write Shop or WordSmith. My goal was to use this next year to nail down paragraphs and then focus on essays and research papers.
  11. I'm overly tired today so maybe I'm a bit more emotional than usual, but I feel discouraged and want to know if I'm alone in feeling this way. I spent hours researching writing programs. After too many late nights I decided on a program, bought it today, and then read a post that was surprisingly negative about it. I felt...defeated, maybe? As one poster stated, there doesn't seem to be the perfect program out there for writing or maybe for any subject! I don't even allow myself to research all the programs/curricula I read about on the board because it would make me crazy, so when I follow links and download sample pages then finally make my choice I feel incredibly discouraged when my choice turns out to be not as well liked as I thought. I know it is more about what works for my family and maybe I'll be one who really loves this writing program. If I'm not, though, what do I do??? I don't have the $ to buy programs that don't work and I sure don't have the time to keep trying and rejecting programs, either. Sorry for the whine/rant. I have learned so much from this board and would be even more lost than I feel right now without it. I feel, lately, as though I'm doing most things wrong, at least as far as wrong curriculum choices, mostly.
  12. I was thinking about posting this same ? myself! Here's what we've done; whether or not it changes in the fall remains to be seen. Our school day begins at 8:30. I spend 1 hour with the "littles" while my 5 older dc do chores, piano, typing and YOYO (You're On Your Own) work. Snack and 15 minute break at 9:15. At 9:30 I meet w/my 6 & 8 yo for math while older 3dc do more YOYO work (grammar, vocabulary) for an hour. At 10:30 I am with older 3dc going over morning work and doing mom-intensive work (writing, logic). Lunch is at 11:30. After lunch we have reading time where I listen to my 6 or 8yo read out loud and older dc read to little girls. Nap at 1:00 then I spend 2 hours w/older 5dc doing History and Science. In the fall I am adding Spanish and a few other fun topics into our day so I have to find more time somewhere and hope our day can still be done at 3:30. It's a balancing act for sure! My goal is to have a good 2 hours of YOYO work for my older ones so I am free to work with my 6 & 8yo who need more mom-time as well as spend good time with my "littles".
  13. It makes me angry because it just does! My biological parents divorced, my mom divorced my stepdad, my sister has divorced twice, another sister once and I hate it!!! I hate the effect it has on children, especially. Except in cases of true spousal abuse I say grow up, stick it out, commit to something that is less than ideal. I guess I should apologize for this harshness but man, I just burn inside at the very thought of divorce (especially when there are kids involved). Lately it has made me even more angry because at church we had a marriage renewal Sunday and the elderly couples who have been married for 60+ years shared what they had gone through in their married lives, the challenges and how they each had times when they had to commit to stay even when they didn't want to. What a testimony they were to the younger couples, most of whom (like myself) can't imagine going through anything close to what these dear couples went through.
  14. I feel very, very angry. Having faced what seemed like a marriage that was truly over twice, having made the decision to stick with my dh and make things work, having kept my commitment I made to him for better or for worse, having not given in to my own hurt feelings (or he, his) I feel such anger when I hear of divorce. And the children...I'd love to adopt them.
  15. What worked: Sum Swamp (a favorite even with my now-teens) Musical Notebooks - an absolute must-have!! One for the home and one for the van. all math manipulatives but especially pattern blocks and the animal book it came with educational posters - We put 3 posters on our dining room table: one science, one history, one geography. Over this we put a clear plastic tablecloth and watch as our dc learn more about U.S. geography than they did the year I actually taught it! I plan to change the posters every 3mo so next they will learn about Africa, the circulatory system, and Native American tribes. I wish I'd done this years ago! educational shower curtains - We have one in each bathroom (metamorphosis and the water cycle) and one on our dining room wall (we hung a curtain rod on the wall behind the table). That one is the Periodic Table as we will be studying Chemistry in the fall. I cannot say enough about these wonderful resources! My dc no longer stand and stare at themselves in the mirror while brushing their teeth, they stand and learn science! educational yet fun books - I collect sets of books (Sir Cumference, Christian Liberty Nature Readers, etc.) and every Sunday night I lay out a new set on a side table in my living room. It is a joy to watch my dc walk by, notice the new set out (well, new in that it is no longer on a shelf in our garage/schoolroom) and sit down for a quick read. Much better than having the books gather dust until I am teaching that particular topic. educational extras: Just as I do with the books I bring out a hands-on resource (Mr. Bones, take-apart human body, Creation Ball set, circuit set, etc.) and put it on a table in the living room. After a week it is put away and a new resource is put out. Our back door (sliding glass) is home to a life-size x-ray of a child's body complete with labels for the bones. A 16" diameter blow-up earth hangs from a bathroom ceiling (not a cartoonish colored globe, a realistic model of what Earth looks like from space). History Channel DVDs - We invested a huge amount of $ on these a few years ago and have never regretted it. Future investment will be good quality models of human body parts (eye, brain, etc.). Miss: The only one I can think of right now is Quarter Mile math. Big bomb in our family.
  16. Brian is an excellent father because: ;) *He has never put an expectation on me to work outside the home; being a mom is my job and he supports me 100% in that *He has never put an expectation on me for how we keep our home; he appreciates what I do in my "workspace" *His idea of free time is to load up all 8 dc and go hiking or on a trip; not once in 13 years of marriage has he put his personal time in front of family time *His priorities are rock solid when it comes to finances, family and faith and he is passing on those priorities to his dc *He views children as a gift to be desired; he has never told me "no" to having more babies and that, for me, is precious and beautiful
  17. ooooh, enjoy!!! My dh and I did this a few years ago and know what we did?? (no, not "that") We slept! All night without interruption in separate beds (got 2 queen beds). It was wonderful. :D
  18. We start vocabulary in 3rd grade and I've wondered if this was too young. This post makes me glad we do it that way! It also makes me wonder if I'm using the right books or doing enough. Guess I'll find out in a couple of years.
  19. OMG!!!!!!!!! (That would be Oh My Goodness, of course) I just got an email from my mil! She wants to know what time we will be there on the 4th so she can make reservations for the restaurant they always go to. Then she said oh, you may not be here in time for brunch so we'll see you for the fireworks. HUH??? I emailed her back and reminded her that we will be there on the 5th due to our friend being there. What in the world?!?! I did NOT tell her we were coming on the 4th! In fact it was my email telling her we wouldn't be there that prompted her to say that we would miss the parade/fireworks and her precious dd (and grandkids) that started all of this mess. I know she will say I told her we would be there on the 4th, I just know it. And my email sent messages don't get saved. Good grief...if I drank I'd need a drink. As it is I think I'll go down a chocolate muffin from Costco. The whole thing!
  20. Well I'm both laughing and sniffling - you ladies have such wisdom (and humor!). It is true that I can't win with the outlaws no matter what I do/don't do. My sil emailed me back and it wasn't pretty. She is challenging me and oh wow, the guilt trip. But I listened to you all and did not over explain, just shared with her that we had a fantastic day at Bandelier, wished her safe travel, etc. The time you all have taken to respond has encouraged me greatly - thank you all so much. In my effort to be above reproach with the outlaws I have given in to demands and expectations that have exhausted me and my dc for 13 years.
  21. And so it begins... Got an email from sil accusing me of treating her like an afterthought, of not being willing to drive 2 hours each way to see them. Here's my response: We will be in Los Alamos through the 5th or 6th, it all depends on when our friend leaves. After that we'll head to CO, then to AZ. Depending on when you come through on your way home from CO maybe we could meet even if it is in Espanola for a bit - give your kids a chance to get out and stretch their legs. I'm sorry plans weren't made in advance but please know that it wasn't just you. I didn't make any plans with anyone, in fact I didn't even tell people (except for your mom) that we were coming just so I could get here, get settled and see how things went. Turns out it was a good thing to do since our first week was a bust thanks to illness; had I made any plans they would have all been cancelled. So no, you are not at all an afterthought - please do not feel that way! We have in the past tried to include you in our plans even if it was for a quick dinner at a hotel or driving down there from CO when you were unable to make it up to your parents' house. There are a few people in Alb. I would like to see yet this trip we've decided to stay put and if people are able to come see us, great, otherwise maybe the next time we can do the running around thing. Even in Los Alamos we are meeting people at the park just 2 minutes from my mom's house rather than drive to White Rock in the morning, North Mesa at noon, and downtown in the evening. Gets a bit exhausting! We're off to Bandelier. Hopefully no one falls off of a ladder or anything. :) Karen This is going to get ugly, I just know it.
  22. No, this fire threatened the Los Alamos National Laboratory - not a good thing.
  23. Wow, did I need these replies/insights! I wrote the "Bummer, maybe next time" email last night (It was very warm/loving and not in any way negative) because I knew if I didn't do it then I would chicken out. As for my guilt, well, it's just who I am. I want to please everyone, to do the right thing, to not cause waves. My inlaws are so horrid (sil included) that I want to do anything I can to not give them a reason to slam me. I felt bad for not going down there because my sil is getting ready to go on a trip, yet that wasn't given as a reason in her email for not wanting to come up here so that shouldn't be a consideration for me. I may need prayers because my mil is exactly like the mil on "Everybody Loves Raymond" with a lot of Cruella DeVil thrown in. No exaggeration. Should make for a lovely time of dodging verbal barbs when I do go up there in July. Backbone...must grow a backbone.
  24. Oh, this fire was the craziest thing! There were pictures in the newspaper of an entire quad gone yet in the backyard was a Little Tikes playset untouched. An entire block of houses was burned to the ground yet one unfortunate home remained (these were Group 11 quads/duplexes so it wasn't all a bad loss except for those that didn't burn and are now surrounded by luxury homes). But for a table that is over 25 years old and not seen a coat of sealant in 2 decades, it is amazing that it survived.
  25. My dh is very firm that I should not go see her because he is sick to death of his family pulling stuff like this. He can't respond to them, though, because he would lose his temper and that is an ugly thing when it comes to his mom/sister. So for the sake of any relationship I have to respond. I actually just got off the phone with him and he said I do not need to feel guilty, just tell her I can't make it. What he can't do is to actually convince me I shouldn't feel guilty. What's getting me is that I can't come up with a truly valid reason to not drive and see her other than that I don't want to. That would make me a hypocrite, wouldn't it? Since that is probably her reason for not wanting to drive up here? I don't have any reason to be upset with her if I feel the same way, right? blech, I can't stand inlaw stuff.
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