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Everything posted by farmgirlinwv

  1. I've thought of giving dd a caffeine pill, well half of one to see if that helped. I still might. I don't remember how many mgs they are. Dd does not have hyperactivity issues.
  2. County people might want to stock up on canning lids, rings, parafin, and heirloom seeds. I found a way to rejuvinate canning lids if ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. I would never do it unless I had to. I won't post it because it's not USDA approved.
  3. What I found is 16 gtts bleach per 1 gallon of water. You can also run this through 2 thicknesses of a tightly woven cotton bath towel. Run it through the towel before adding bleach. After adding bleach, let sit 15 minutes. Good to know, though I hope we never NEED to know it! Lisa
  4. This appears to be a good, simple list. I hope it's ok to post. They don't appear to be selling anything. http://standeyo.com/News_Files/LTAH_Food_Store6b.html I'm printing it out. Also, I called Sams Club to get some of their big containers the icing comes in. I'm going to use it to store grains, sugar, salt, ect. They want $1/tub donation for a charity. They're 5 gallon w/ a lid. Freeze your grains before storing to kill larvae. Be sure to store in airtight containers in a cool, dry place. I try to pick up something extra every time I go shopping. I use coupons also to help in this. I have enough shampoo, soap, deodorant, lotion, ect to last 2 years. Mostly free through couponing. I'm also buying 2 5 gallon gas cans to keep filled. We would go to our farm if things got too bad and gas usually sells out quickly.
  5. Hi! I'm working on this as well. I found a great list on a website. I don't know if I can post it so pm me if you want it. Lisa
  6. :grouphug: BTDT as well. It stinks, but something good came out of it in our case. When I was pg w/ dd dh had lots of stress and problems at work, many of which were beyond his control. He did quit/terminated. This led to the job he has now, which is a better/less stressful job. Well, it was until recently. I think everyone is stressed now. Dh only took off one day when dd was born. He has always been our provider and takes it very seriously. He didnot take 8 days vacation last year because of all the work that needed done. He was not compensated for this. He lost it. He works 60 hours a week at least. He is salary. He was given a big promotion w/ no raise in pay. He is due a yearly bonus and we don't know if he will get it. He just focuses on doing his very best. It's a difficult time in his industry and he knows lots of people out of work. He tries to make himself invaluable. It is very stressful for him. I know its hard on you as well. You'll all get through it and be that much stronger and closer than before. This too shall pass. We all hope. :001_smile: Lisa
  7. I am compelled to stock up also. It's on my heart, though I have no impression that disaster is immentent. I think it's just smart to have a supply of food/water, just in case. Our food supply is fragile. If something disrupted it stores would be sold out in hours and if trucks could not come in for even a few days there wouldn't be any more. Stores only stock enough of many items to last until the next shipment. It's not a fear thing to me. It's a practical thing. Like the Proverbs 31 woman. She did not fear what was to come. Why? She was prepared. That said, there's a lot of "prophesies" that Mr. Wilkerson has said that did not come true. In the OT false prophets were stoned. Obviously, we don't do that. However, it speaks to how very seriously prophesy should be taken. I think Mr. Wilkerson believes he is speaking to help people w/ what he believes God is telling him. Pray and listen to your own spirit. God will lead you and your family w/ what's best for you. Different areas of the county may be led in very different ways. I do believe it is practical for everyone, believers and non-believers, to have some supplies on hand for emergencies. Lisa
  8. I voted "other". I do not in any way support embryonic stem cell research. Other stem cell research I support in theory, but not w/ gov't $$. lisa
  9. Thanks! I couldn't let my dd make brownies at will! We'd all weigh 300lbs! :D
  10. Well, I hang out practically all laundry all spring/summer into fall. We did not have a decrease in $$. Compared to previous years, about the same. I don't know why. As a matter of fact the dryer was broken for 3 months. No change at all. IDK why. We weren't on a budget w/ power company.
  11. I just wanted to agree that doll clothes are much more difficult than children's clothes. Also, I have a strawberry patch and it took 2 years before I got very much off of it. Now it's taking over the yard! It helps to have 2 patches. One to start w/. Then when the runners go everywhere, clip them off and plant in second patch. LOVE fresh strawberries. The ones in the supermarkets do not compare!
  12. I have an HP printer which I refill w/ a refill kit purchased at WM. The kit is about $10 and I get 6-8 refills out of it. It can be a little tricky. You have to be careful not to overfill (big mess). It also helps to let it sit overnight after filling. I use a lot of ink and this saves me some $$. I also refill my color cartridge. I don't know if they work w/ all printers though.
  13. We use R&S w/ my dd w/ dyslexia. Great program. I type up the student worksheets in word so that she doesn't have so much writing to do. I read through the lesson, explaining it to her. Then she does the worksheet. It is working for us.
  14. I didn't read all the posts, but this is what worked for me and dd. At first sign I begin taking cranberry capsules, probably 6-8/day. I also immediatly drink a glass of something, juice, water, lemonaide, w/ a tsp of baking soda. The baking soda helps tremendously w/ that *gotta go* feeling. I continue taking cranberry capsules for 5-7 days. I've never had a problem this way. Now if your urine is bloody I would suggest going to MD if you can afford it. Otherwise I would add in doses of echinacea or goldenseal w/ the cranberry. Not what the medical community rec's, but I'm not a fan of the medical community. I'm a nurse, btw. :D The baking soda works just as well as AZO for pain/urgency imo.
  15. My dd was the same way. At 3 and a few months she decided she would go potty and she did. From then on out she used the potty independenlty and even had very few nighttime accidents.
  16. My dh has had 2 of these removed. No problems at all. Don't borrow worry!
  17. These are all nice worksheet sites, but none of them let you pick out the facts on which you want to work. I guess I'll keep writing them out. Thanks anyway! Lisa
  18. Have any of you come across such a site? I would like to type in the facts I've chosen...say 2x8, 6x3, 9x5 ect. and have it generate a worksheet. This would be for multiplication. Lisa :lurk5:
  19. It does vary state to state, but I don't know how it works when you move. Sorry.
  20. I generally assume the *blame* is shared. This has proven to be true in most instances I know.
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