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Everything posted by farmgirlinwv

  1. I'm just getting re-started. I made my dd her own ~Control Journal~. Now, I need to do mine. One thing I REFUSE to do is wear shoes in the house! We live in the country on a farm...I don't even wear shoes outside unless I go to town or am on the tractor!
  2. I also don't think it's insane. We're getting ready to buy a house as well. I would almost rather buy a trailor then be saddled w/ a big house payment. Renting is just as expensive! I understand completely!
  3. I'm a very private person and would not feel at all inclined to *hang out* w/ others. I don't have any friends outside of family and do wish we knew some nice homeschooling families. Maybe when we move.
  4. My dd just turned 11 and she does not love learning either. I think that I have also inadvertently encouraged lazy habits. She has some learning issues that fueled that. I am changing that though. We are doing summer school, much to her displeasure! She is waaaay behind in math and her penmanship is awful! I think some children are naturally good learners, but others need to be forced into it. Education is a discipline, not a good time. She does enjoy crafts, geography, and science though.
  5. My dd just turned 11 and the answer is NO to all of your questions. I wouldn't allow any of it til she's much older 16 or so. NEVER 2 ear piercings. I don't even have pierced ears! She does have lip gloss and body spray though.
  6. We love lasagna w/ lots of different kinds of cheeses, homemade spaghetti sauce, browned ground beef w/ onions and peppers and pepperoni!
  7. When my dd was 2.5 she got small warts on her hands. The only thing that worked was banana peel. I would rub the fleshy side of one on them before she went to bed and in a few weeks they were gone!
  8. I think a square neck top might look good on you. I love them! I also love jean skirts that hit at the knee. Capri's look nice to on the right people or bermuda shorts. A pair of Clark's look nicer than crocs if you're interested in that. I agree that personality is much more important than attire. However, I don't want to undermine my dh at work in any way so I try to look nice whenever I'm around the people he works with. lisa
  9. Or something like it? Spelling may be off. Thanks. I couldn't find what I wanted through google. Lisa
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