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Melissa B

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Everything posted by Melissa B

  1. Well, we're basically doing it for all those menial reasons listed: to cut corners, save money, and get done early. :D Going for a liberal arts degree (even double major) dd can earn nearly her entire BA before graduating high school and we make no apologies for doing it this way. ;)
  2. Kolbe Connect the Thoughts Teaching Company lectures (and now I've just discovered Modern Scholar lectures at our library)
  3. We moved this summer and our new library has a whole bunch of Modern Scholars CD lectures. Does anyone have an opinion on these or any they recommend?
  4. Alice in Wonderland James and the Giant Peach The Secret of NIHM ETA: A Christmas Carol Wind in the Willows
  5. Other incident - Bill Clinton Tiger Woods (several others following a similar theme ;))
  6. dd 7th grade - 9 hours (but she admits to being a rather slow worker) math - 1.5 hrs science - 1.5 hrs history - 1.5 hrs English/Lit - 1.5 hrs Spanish - 1 hr music history/theory - 1 hr guitar/keyboard practice - 1 hr
  7. Our official start date is tomorrow. :) Chemistry (Kolbe) H Algebra I (FLVS, Life of Fred) AP Human Geography (FLVS) AP Art History (FLVS) Latin I / Latin II (DE) Comp I / Comp II (DE) Hopefully, volleyball (Freshman tryouts are on Tuesday.)
  8. You read the full books. Each unit is 4 weeks, so 36 weeks total. There isn't really any teaching of literary analysis in this program. It sort of assumes that literary analysis has already been taught and the student applies that knowledge to the novels. There are some book (or website?) suggestions in the EIL 1 program for students that need additional literary analysis work.
  9. I've never seen Rats, Bulls and Flying Machines. I tried looking at it on Rainbow Resource and I would say no it is not like that. From what I could see and the description on Amazon I would say that Rats, Bulls, and Flying Machines is more like the type of history text that Oxford Press generally puts out. The Core Knowledge books are more basic textbook-y and written at a lower level so that the student can read it. They are more like a standard public school text just a step up.
  10. I have the student textbooks for grades 3-6 and a few of the teacher's guides. The student texts are nice. They cover the same areas as the Core Knowledge book, but much more in-depth. The student text is information, generally written at the grade level, broken into small (2-4 page) segments with a vocabulary list at the end of each segment. The number of segments per unit can vary from around seven segments up to thirty-five or forty. There are usually six to ten units per grade level. The teacher's guides are all individual. So each grade has 6-10 individual teacher's guides. The guides are black and white and very thin paper (like newspaper print) and three hole punched. The teacher's guides have additional info, activities, teaching suggestions, etc. for each individual segment of the student text. And then there is usually an activity page (like a crossword puzzle) or two and an exam to cover each unit.
  11. Kolbe lit - Misty of Chincoteague Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIHM The Children's Homer The Black Cauldron The Great Brain The Boxcar Children 1 Eleanor Estes study - The Moffats The Middle Moffat Rufus M. The Moffat Museum Ginger Pye Pinky Pye The Witch Family The Hundred Dresses The Alley History and Science reading are still TBD.
  12. I have no idea. My daughter had already had the two doses of MMR, so I didn't ask. It was the only "required" vaccination that didn't allow for a signed exemption waiver on the standard immunization form. Maybe it can be waived on a case-by-case basis only?
  13. The form we just filled out allowed signed exemption waivers on everything except the MMR vaccine.
  14. We just tried submitting shot records from dd's doctor and were denied a couple of weeks ago. It turns out that the university will not accept any form other than their specific university headed form that must be printed out from a link online or picked up at the university. We printed it out and took it to her doctor, who transferred all of the information from the original shot records, signed and stamped it (both absolutely required,) and it was immediately approved by the university.:glare:
  15. All of the Florida high schools I am aware of begin with Algebra I. But most of the larger high schools have a two-year Algebra track for the kids that aren't solid on their pre-algebra skills. You may want to check into that. I think the classes are generally called Algebra IA and Algebra IB.
  16. I don't believe for a second that we can fit all of this in. I've even added more since the last thread. I just can't figure out what I want to eliminate. :tongue_smilie: An added issue since moving is that they appear to take gymnastics more seriously here and practice three hours more per week, plus competitions fall and spring rather than just spring. :glare: I have plans for three children done, but this last child has stumped me. Beast Academy 3 Singapore Primary Math 3 Saxon 54 Galore Park Junior English 2 MCT Grammar Island / Practice Island Pentime 3 and 4 Kolbe Elementary Literature CTT Creative Writing Latin - online Skoldo French 1 MP Greek Alphabet workbook Connect The Thoughts - Science Connect The Thoughts - Life Skills Burgess Bird Book Galore Park Junior History 1 +booklist Geography/Chronology - online Connect The Thoughts Ancient History Phonics of Drawing Connect The Thoughts Art History Oak Meadow Recorder Gymnastics Archery
  17. I've read and it and likely have it around here somewhere, as I find Adler interesting. But, it was a program that was meant for schools, so much of it doesn't apply to a homeschool. And honestly his ideas are generally the opposite of homeschool. He supported the idea of the same education for all children whereas homeschool tends to be about an individual and specific program for each child. I remember his program was split into three parts. I believe it was one part lecture, one part independent study/tutoring and one part group (socratic) discussion. He was an advocate for as little lecture and as much discussion as possible.
  18. Math - Saxon 76, LOF Fractions, Decimals, Physics Science - Connect the Thoughts (Earth) and TOPS (Intro to Physics) English - Lingua Mater 7, Galore Park SYR English 3 History - Connect the Thoughts (Ancients) Spanish - Breaking the Barrier I, FLVS Intermediate Spanish Music Theory (.5 credit) - CLAA Music Theory II, Connect the Thoughts Music Theory I Music History (.5 credit) - Connect the Thoughts (3 music history units) Creative Writing - (.5 credit) The Creative Writer, Connect the Thoughts Creative Writing II and III Art (.5 credit) - Phonics of Drawing, Connect the Thoughts Animation I and II If I can fit it in, I would like to add a half credit of poetry second semester. Extracurriculars - guitar, keyboard, maybe volleyball, maybe acting
  19. I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for but, here's a link. I'm also not certain it is current. If you click on the division it will open a link to SAT comparisons and provide another link for ACT comparisons.
  20. I look over our curriculum and then the calendar to determine when we will likely break. This year we are going to do five 8-week terms. :D Each break between terms will be 2 weeks with the exception of Christmas which will be four weeks.
  21. DD 14 will be doing three (or four) classes through Florida Virtual School: Honors Algebra II AP Human Geography AP Art History She was supposed to do driver's ed this summer, but we couldn't fit it in with the move and a vacation coming up soon. She may do that sometime this year through FLVS or we may just wait until next summer. I am not doing any scheduling for dd this year, but FLVS generally does a good job of keeping kids on track. They split each class into two semesters. They are self-paced, so the only requirement I've given her is that she finish semester one of each class before Christmas break or else she will need to continue to work on them through her break.
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