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Everything posted by ZooRho

  1. me too, both of my boys have been stopped while they were out alone during the school day. One got stopped a couple of times, I was totally frustrated about that too. I also know of a few other kids who have been stopped by officers when they were out during the day.
  2. I have had several friends that have had bat incidents, ALL OF THEM with the type of scenerio you present, ALL OF THEM got shots. I wouldn't pass it off at all. Do you have a health department that might help?
  3. Seeing that number is shocking to think about, 10 years out of a young woman's life. so very sad.
  4. Yes he was a big speaker at the convention I go to also, can't remember the last time he was there though. the VF shop is always there. Will be interesting to see what is there this year. And how they are received.
  5. And It took having someone else point it out to me that in that one he does say there was physical contact. what is sad he still does not ask for prayers for her, just his family, the board and the other men who make up the staff. sickening.
  6. The notebook paper this year was a smaller size too.
  7. I think you are confusing the two Guys, Doug Phillips is the guy with VF Doug Wilson is a different person.
  8. me too. 6 have too many other things on their minds that they can't help. so yes you must help him keep up with stuff, I would make rules about wearing the expensive things. Does HE want to replace the watch? I wouldn't force him to replace it. It isn't a need for him. I'm like some of the others, I'm horrible about misplacing things thankfully it is mostly in my house.
  9. My dh has significant hearing loss. He'd probably have it up loud too. Heck I listen to it loud when I'm working out too. But you could have asked him to turn it down some.
  10. Here is a link to a blog post that a hsing dad did about Christian colleges. He had been seeking others input when he put it out,-not sure if he still is or not now. http://www.faithonview.com/top-christian-colleges/?fb_source=pubv1
  11. My Son went to Bryan College in Tn. I hve mixed feelings about it. There were some things that were good. He did end up leaving and graduated from Liberty U online.
  12. Sorry I wasn't clear, I meant the two score for the SAT not an SAT 2 test. The two score meaning Math and reading. not the writing, (and I am sure my names are wrong too many changes over the years for me.).
  13. Agreeing with the others. My youngest started swimming at 7 so would have had 2 years worth of instruction/training at 9. I am sure she would be happier to swim with some of the already 9 yos. But there are probably 8 yos that will turn 9 during the year in her practice group. I would also encourage her to ask the coach instead of you. She will then know what she needs to work on. but do look at the skill levels required for each group. If they occasionally move her up that is good, they are checking her out then and that is good. And usually depending on your swim seasons they do mid year move ups and changes. Here they may move in Jan or after short course season which ends in March here. If your team doesn't have the group information then I would encourage you to talk to a parent about the groups and how they make decisions, when do they do changes. I was always willing to share how things worked. Maybe your team already has a parent liaison to ask questions. Do ask out of curiosity rather than being a pushy parent.
  14. I don't think many of them give weight to it. there would be too many to list. My son is looking at several colleges in NC, VA and PA. I don't think any of them say you have to have it. Most also just give ranges of the SAT 2 score. I did actually see ONE that listed the total score range. Most also have a 50% range, meaning 50% of the students have this score. as the lady said meaning 24% have LOWER than that and 25% have HIGHER than that. so it is a range not a set in stone score.
  15. No idea, We did go visit GM last week. hope you find answers, did you call them and ask
  16. Definitely complain. I did have a dr tell my teen about a child who ended up worse in his similar situation. Totally appropriate for my child. He was a teen and it had to do with eating. My son remembered it and did the right thing for himself..
  17. my dh wears one. he snored horribly. IT has helped with that, so we are back in the same room, he has used it several years now. I do think it has helped him to feel more rested. I do think it probably takes time to get use to. They do have different kinds of "mask" so if that one isn't comfortable see what else they have.
  18. Lived in the Anchorage area 23+ years ago. Still miss it. Would love to go back for a long visit. I was a TX girl. You do get use to the cold. And yes Anchorage is in the Banana Belt of AK. The Long summer days are great, and while the long short days are tough there are lots of things going on that help distract you. Just get out and enjoy the area. Learn to ski and get skis so you can go regularly. We actually lived in Eagle River.
  19. The college board will eventually need it I think some will be tied with possible scholarships. I do have a friend that has rescinded his SS # and he understands how to not use it if you don't have it. But if you have one I don't think you can get away with not using it on this.
  20. I had dermoid cyst on my ovaries, they were not cancerous but I did loose both my ovaries. It was a difficult time for me but not an impossible thing either.
  21. It's okay. It is just something we recently found out about so I'm encouragaing others to at least check. PLEASE contact the A place for mom. I think there are other orgs like them. They will give you the guidance you need. it does not cost anything they get stuff from the places. They were so helpful. They knew of all the specific places we could use. My dad needed the locked dementia place and my mom needed independent living. we found a place for both of them together, it was good. Do start now. My parents fell apart in 30 days going from living alone to needing help. My mom recovered once she no longer had to care for my dad, but she was a mess when he first got sick.
  22. we have a lady that just joined our local eloop. She is pulling her 15 yo. They just found out how bad things really were for him. bullying wise and what ever else was going on. They decided no more. and are pulling him.
  23. my son is a swimmer we have been in pools that were indoor and grounded so the meet kept going. The one we used the most that wasn't grounded, did not allow anyone in the bathrooms either and they were militeristic about evacuating the place.
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