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Everything posted by pinball

  1. I found it under a VLR… so it’s Virginia, not National https://www.dhr.virginia.gov/historic-registers/128-6477/
  2. Are you talking about the National Register of Historic Places? bc it isn’t on there https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Register_of_Historic_Places_listings_in_Roanoke,_Virginia or do you mean a state (Virginia) or city (Roanoke) list?
  3. I’d be more worried about emotional manipulation by the people they are visiting than anything criminal/dangerous happening to them in Japan by Japanese citizens. What is the age difference between the couples?
  4. How unusual. Does your son have a history of traveling outside the US or is this the first time? Is he particularly interested in Japan or their history/culture? What does he have in common with this man? How long have they had a relationship? Who is paying for the trip? Are their return tickets purchased or is the return open-ended? What about work? School? Has he graduated from college yet? so many questions!
  5. Push It You Baby…this is a tricky one bc the chorus says ooh, baby and you baby
  6. Over Sea, Under Stone a mystery with fantasy and legendary elements First in dark is rising series but stands alone very well
  7. LOL, oh wow! That was smart to send the bread home with her. roadkill…prettier than you think! I’m glad you can laugh about it.
  8. This is one of the funniest things I’ve read in a long time. It sounds like a scene cut from Christmas Vacation
  9. The last few baby showers I went to had a “no wrap” request. presents were just displayed. it saved a bunch of time. i like games that are quizzes about the mom and dad
  10. Wait, I’M trying to stir the pot. LOL That’s funny. Pssst….the commercial is the potstirrer.
  11. I wonder why 120 people have looked at this but only 2 people commented? 🤔
  12. I saw the rules said don’t quote but hashtag sorry not sorry: you’re just doing Sir Kenneth Branagh nasty with this gif. 😡
  13. Male nipples are erotic as long as they are symmetrical and not the color of salami.
  14. It was a child who pointed out that the Emperor had no clothes. 😉
  15. The responses to this topic are similar to a person with facial tattoos wondering why people are staring at his face.
  16. Ah, I see…it’s the old “let people use their imaginations” strategy. Works well, especially in horror movies. The monster you imagine is always worse than the monster you are shown. Just think of all the horrible things people are imagining you said to me then so adroitly deleted !
  17. The AI answers to forum questions are as banal as most of the actual forum answers.
  18. Is she the mother of both of them? I mean…kids these days! LOL anyhow… if you can afford it, send her her own card. if not, put down: the couple’s names the mother’s name address
  19. Thanks for replying but you have to know that “because” is a non-answer answer. So I guess I can assume neither you nor he can articulate the why… If either of you can articulate the “why” why don’t you? You have to realize there is a list of assumptions people will make when you post that your son wears a skirt to college. Not to mention the assumptions people will make when people see him in a skirt on a weekly basis (As an aside, I can spell wear. And where. And sorta know the difference)
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