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Everything posted by missmoe

  1. We did know about the foreclosure. We were working with the bank to buy the property! The state we live in allows renters 90 days to vacate. So someone had sent them a bit prematurely.
  2. You mean Kohl's clothes aren't the trendy ones! :crying: That's where I go to get my "cool" clothes! I'll be at the party and I will be wearing clothes! Thanks for the invite!
  3. Yes this! We were renting a home that went into foreclosure and someone showed up to empty out the house! They were going to junk all my stuff! Good thing I was home, huh?!
  4. Thanks Annie. The recipe is a good one! I stuck the cornstarch in a little bag in the freezer with the meat (and directions!)
  5. I am thinking about prepping and freezing this mongolian-beef recipe. Do you think it would work to slice the beef and coat it in the cornstarch before freezing? Or would it need to be coated in the cornstarch after it was defrosted? I'm trying to make things easy for my girls and in-laws.
  6. Love the pictures--she looks so happy! What a wonderful weekend for your whole family.
  7. How do you keep things neat and organized in a small space?
  8. I've spent my 30s being "fat" and have decided I want to be fit and fab in my 40s. Your plan sounds like mine. I don't know how much weight I've lost (I tend to be obsessive about things---so I'm not watching my weight), but I've gone down a little bit more than a clothing size. I'm eating between 1500 and 1700 calories a day. It really took a change of focus for me to get use to that amount of food. I use to feel that I "deserved" the food. I really really like food. I've learned that I really really like how I feel when I eat reasonable amounts of healthy food. My thinking has started to change--and it helps that I like seeing the changes in the mirror. Keep at it! You are worth it!
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Species Followed by What species live in and around coral reefs I also got What species is Yoda when typing in the question!
  10. East coast---from top to bottom. Lots and lots of neat history sites to visit.
  11. Thanks so much for all the birthday wishes! I wore the tiara out to dinner because my dd told me that wearing a tiara makes any occasion into an event!:D
  12. http://spudnutshop.com/ Now how could you not know about spudnuts!
  13. Juniper, Pray about it and if it's right listen to Dynamite and do what you need to do!
  14. Are you not aware? As a true member of the hive I have given up cupcakes forever! I will dine on spudnuts while wearing my tiara! Much classier anyway!
  15. Juniper, It sounds like your solution of moving to be near family is a way of dealing with a lifestyle that isn't working for your family right now. Where you live and your husband's job are things that can be changed. Is it possible your husband could look for another job that would allow him to be in one place long term? Could that place be somewhere you are more comfortable living? or somewhere near your parents and grandparents? And if not now, could it be a goal your family could work towards? And about kids going with dad when he goes back to work, what about them not being with you and their siblings?
  16. Well one never knows what birthday you are celebrating next week--you could be quite old and blind!
  17. It looks like this one, but instead of a dangling heart it has a dangling flower! http://www.amazon.com/Bridal-Wedding-Tiara-Crown-Crystal/dp/B000WMYFQ6/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1346451065&sr=8-8&keywords=tiara
  18. My tiara is a new fancy one gifted to me by an excellent friend for my fortieth birthday! Long live MissMOE! and I guess I'll keep the news about the sash and purple cape to myself!
  19. Erica, You will know you are truly part of the hive when it colors your whole life!!!
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