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Everything posted by Brittany1116

  1. Yes to inflation on plant starts. Things I have bought for 2.99 many times are now 4.99+.
  2. @mommyoffive Florida. Idk why it's short but it has been a couple places now. @MissLemon I have one from Martha Stewart. I use it often and have absolutely no complaints. My grandmother gave it to me. We went to the Cuban cafe for breakfast, and picked up a couple of things at Lowes. $65ish today?
  3. Hello. We are planning a birthday party this month. Hoping for no big surprises with the budget. Miiiight call a relator to see about possibly selling but too much backstory to share more info now. Gas is hard to find right now! Multiple stations are out multiple days this week. And the prices sure don't help me feek better about it.
  4. Exactly the same. Didn't pick it. Don't love it at all. Would never recommend.
  5. My neighbor and I both lost young German shepherds to bloat/flipped stomach this year. Neither of us had even heard of it til mine passed suddenly in Feb. Then theirs did in March. And they have had 7 Germans. Body shape is the main indicator. Slow feeders and sheduling can help but still aren't a guarantee. Neither is surgery. They have a close friend who works in veterinary surgery and advised them to have tacking done when their next dog is fixed, but warned them it wasn't 100% effective. FWIW, mine started acting odd in the late morning, phoned the vet and they weren't terribly concered, but she regressed and by nightfall I was across town at emergency vet being optioned with a $6k surgery that was a 50/50 shot of recovery.
  6. LoL yes. We have 4 outdoor rescues and it is totally normal for them to jump them, run along them, and hang out on them for naps.
  7. RS BCE is not remedial. Milestone offers additional support in a link marked Remedial English. It is separate from the textbook series for grades 2-10. This is from the website, RE: remedial Rod and Staff Remedial English Programs Supplementary/Remedial Worksheets These courses provide drill in three core aspects of grammar, and are available in two levels: grades 3-5 and grades 6-8. They are useful as supplementary reinforcement exercises for students working at the specified levels, or for students beyond these grade levels who need some remedial catch-up and review work.⁷ These are not the standard RS English materials. BCE is very thorough and compared to many programs, advanced. Memoria Press and I believe WTM recommend it.
  8. I assume once he finds something, he'll self-audit. I assume he'll realize he has to put in several months of work up front before heading back to CA, and that it'll be easier to start small and add on versus go all in on plants and animals.
  9. If you look in areas near the Suwannee River, like Columbia County, he should be able to find 5 acres and plop a small mobile home on it at that price.
  10. You can definitely find people in certain areas to be year-round or occasional farm hands. I am not insinuating only migrant workers. But it's not terribly common in my experience. My husband and I have farming in the family on both sides. Renting land to others to farm is also something people do here, especially when they get to retirement age or are otherwise unable to do most of the work themselves.
  11. You probably want North Florida but not panhandle. We actually recently were looking at acreage. Is he looking for 5 acres or 50?
  12. I was pondering why everyone here has a sock issue and then remembered we live in FL. 🙄🤣
  13. I just watched someone say something about this. She said, always delegate a chore to the person with the lowest skill set required to get it done. So instead of Oldest getting a chore when Youngest is born, and then adding more to each as they grow, hand down chores when Youngest is capable and ask more of Oldest. That may look like Oldest having 3 chores that take a total of an hour, and Youngest having 7 that total 45 minutes.
  14. I'll head to TN this summer to see a new baby in the family but so far, no other plans. I'll probably find something to do in the fall between now and then.
  15. Yes, I heard this not long ago. Something to do with masking and isolation effects.
  16. If he is content where he is now, I'd lean more towards keeping him with his current peer group another year. You can always bump him up again later if you run into issues. Higher grades require more than just higher ability. Hand stamina for more extensive writing, and social skills are two things my older son would have struggled with as a 5 year old among kids 2-3 years older. Currently, he is in 5th on paper, doing grammar and sciences 1-2 years ahead, and Algebra 1. He might be mentally ready for college at 15, but will very unlikely be emotionally ready because of his personality.
  17. Our orange Felix talks as much as I do! He is the BEST cat.
  18. This is interesting to me to read because my oldest had 30 words at 1 and my adopted sister the same age didn't speak at all until about 37 months, when she began speaking clearly in 3-4 word sentences. I have a casual friend whose now 6 year old was clearly delayed and likely on the spectrum at 3, and I toyed with the idea of approaching it with her, but since we were not particularly close, I decided not to, not knowing how she would handle it. I saw her a year later and found out someone else realized the need to speak up and he was in therapies.
  19. Dulcolax or magnesium citrate drink for a one-time try? If you really want a good shot at avoiding the doc.
  20. One erupted suddenly around 22. Had it pulled with a conservative oral surgeon. Exactly 3 years later to the day, another caused trouble so I made an appointment to have all 3 removed the next day. I was careful and got dry sockets and it sucked. I don't know yet what will happen with the kids. Husband and our parents never got theirs out.
  21. Following to remind myself to take notes. We plan to pay off the house by the time oldest son goes to college.
  22. Piggybacking on your post... I posted a bit in another thread but I had mine Fri morning and went home that afternoon. Laproscopic robot assist total, kept ovaries, and some bladder examination with dye and a scope? I can't recall. I took a while to come off O2. I had a terrible time coming out of anesthesia, and I remember a lot of what happened once I got to recovery. Felt like I was on fire, searing pains, retching, suction, fighting, etc. It took several different meds to get my pain under control and relax me. I was not a "felt great and never took a pain pill" case. I had heavy duty drugs for 2.5 days and needed it all. Now on Tylenol and Advil and still feel like I have a knife in my navel and I move delicately to avoid it jostling. I can walk fine, use the bathroom, not a drop of blood so far. But transitioning up and down SUUUUCKS. Wearing a belly binder, doing ice and heat, etc. Post op appt tmrw. We have great people who have brought tons of food so I don't even have to think about what to eat.
  23. My husband is a Coke drinker. A 12 pack is $6.49 here. A typical deal is B2G1. But hey have jumped a lot in the last 6ish months.
  24. I don't need these anymore, but I did use a cup (Luna cup maybe? Something with an L) and washable pads for years. I have tons of pads but my favorite are from Yurtcraft on Etsy. Custom length, absorbancy, snap placement and fabric. To find the best cup, there is a quiz of sorts on a page called something like PutACupInIt. I am foggy on particulars at the moment; still medicated from hysterectomy.
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