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Everything posted by RahRah

  1. Amazon usually has them in their 4 for 3 special....so that's 25% off the price.
  2. I only change a few things each season - table centerpiece, placemats type things - I usually do those on the first day of whatever the new season is, so for Fall, that'd be September 23rd this year.
  3. Wood floors, if properly sealed and/or waxed, do not need to be mopped frequently - just spot cleaning with a damp microfiber cloth and regular dust mopping (once a week)....maybe once every month (or so) a once over with some Bona wood floor cleaner with the microfiber mop head - but never a steam cleaning!
  4. No - there isn't enough contrast in the image to see the tubes, they're very small....that is unless they're inflamed and badly damaged, basically filled with fluid and/or high, high levels of scar tissue but intact.
  5. Oh yeah - coffee is off the charts lately! Check Amazon though - they have Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf varieties (12-ounce bagged), including organic in the subscribe and save section - you have to watch for it, but twice this past month they had the two-pack for $8.50 - or $4.25 a bag! When it goes that low, I order a few at a time so I can wait for it to go on sale again!
  6. How true! We just had this talk with DS, who is almost seven, that his legos, marbles, and other tiny piece toys have to be away from the baby....we're hoping by end of the week to have a space that's just for baby toys and space for DS's smaller stuff that we can put some type of gate in front of? Any ideas?
  7. My six month old started crawling....normally the family room, where he tends to spend the most time on the floor, is done once a week - but now that he's mobile and crawling everywhere, we're doing it every other day, and still checking days we aren't vacuuming for small things, bits of paper, etc. that might be overlooked if it were just us 'bigger folk'. We also don't usually wear shoes in the house, so for me at least, him being on the floor isn't horrifying since I'm thinking about what others might have walked into the room and onto the carpet!
  8. Hellmann's mayo - 30-oz jar, which is downsized 2-ounces, is up to $6.99 not on sale....that's just nuts!
  9. I'm not in KC, but in MO.... Puppetry Arts Institute – Hazelle Rollins Puppet Museum (Independence, MO) - they have puppet shows - check their calendar! KC Rail Experience at Union Station (Kansas City, MO) Line Creek Museum of Archaeology, 594 NW Waukomis Dr., Kansas City (north), MO, 816-741-7201, 11 am to 4 pm on weekends – located on actual dig site features life-size 200 BC Hopewell Indian village diorama and replica hut room Missouri Town 1855 (Lee’s Summit, MO) Science City (Kansas City, MO) Wonderscope Children’s Museum (Shawnee, KS) CoCo Key Water Resort (Kansas City, MO) Hallmark Visitors Center (Kansas City, MO) Kaleidoscope (Kansas City, MO) Moon Marble Company (Bonner Springs, KS) Union Station (Kansas City, MO) Burr Oaks Conservation Nature Center (Blue Springs) - often have really good family programs, check their calendar Deanna Rose Children’s Farmstead (Overland Park, KS) Kansas City Community Gardens & Beanstalk Children’s Garden (Kansas City, MO) Lakeside Nature Center (Kansas City, MO) Overland Park Arboretum and Botanical Gardens (Overland Park, KS) Powell Gardens (east of Lee’s Summit, MO) - often have great family programs - check their calendar Worlds of Fun (Kansas City North, MO) Louisburg Cider Mill (Louisburg, KS) Louisburg Corn Maze (Louisburg, KS) Red Barn Farm (Weston, MO)
  10. For each subject I have a list of what we'll do through the year, in the order we'll do it - like lesson plans, but not by day or even week - just in chronological order from start to finish. For things we already have, I added those in to the list where they belong - books, science kits, art projects, etc. As things I've ordered arrive, before I put them away, I add them to wherever they go on the list - that way when we get to that lesson/chapter/subject/theme, I know what I need to pull out so I don't forget!
  11. Realistically - up to 4.....depends on their ages though....for youngers 2 is better.....a year or two in kids age can make a huge difference with cooperation, planning and negotiation, so up to 4 comfortably!
  12. You can attempt what's called a *Deed Back* - While it is a long shot, it only takes a phone call or two to ask, and even if the resort refuses, you are in no worse situation than you are now so you can at least give it a try! In order for this to be successful, the timeshare MUST be paid in full and have no back taxes/fees/etc owed to the resort. It is simply a matter of calling the resort and speaking to the appropriate person and ask if the resort is willing to take the week(s) back. If they agree, they'll charge a transfer fee for this, but you should only pay this to the resort itself. If they agree, they'll send you the transfer paperwork and quit claim deed to return. You can auction it on eBay also - open your auction at a penny with no reserve, and agree to pay the closing costs & transfer fees. They'll cost you less than $500 and you'll choose a title company to do the paperwork for you, including your deed transfer and title insurance for the buyer. All totaled, with eBay fees and title company handling things for you, it's a fairly simple way to get out from under a TS. Last option to consider is donating it to a charity that will sell it (some use them BTW) - to do that you have to current on maintenance fees and any other special assessments at the resort - you'll file a quit claim deed to transfer to the charity, along with the transfer paperwork with the resort (some resorts charge up to $100 for transfers).
  13. I'd talk to your DH to see where the other boy could move to for a new den - then talk to the boy and his parents - and see if they're open to moving to the den where he could go to complete his Webelos year to cross-over. IF there was no other den to go to or IF the boy really hated the idea of moving dens, I'd work with him to get his work done to do his cross over. If your son wants to continue and do it with him, great, if not, that's okay too....but as a den leader, I wouldn't abandon him (and I am a den leader - my guys are wolves this year) and would just work out a schedule with him to get him through to the cross over! Also - if your son stops this year and doesn't continue with Webelos - I'm not sure that your DH can stay cubmaster? Weren't new charters due last spring if a cubmaster was moving on? How will that affect the pack? I know our cubmaster last year had his last son crossing over, so he had to step down - we recruited a wolf dad to step up and be the cubmaster for the next four years so we'll have consistency in leadership again.
  14. I would NOT....reasons why: The private party value of a 2001 volvo S40, with 130,000 miles is only $3,525 - so $4,000 is more than it's worth. Secondly, the trade in value at this point, if you're lucky, is around $2,300....so again, the car is over-priced. These values are based on Kelly Blue Book, which tends to be more generous than the NADA Book most dealers use. The other reason I would NOT do it is DH owned a volvo - they're great cars, he loved his (2000 S70 T5).....but....they're very expensive to maintain when the little things start to go wrong - and they do go wrong - even minor things wind up costing a lot because it's a volvo. The car did treat him very well and he kept it until late last year - but it did have things that we had to spend money on, more than I liked spending on a car that old!
  15. I think it's because a full tile magnet would be more difficult for a child to move on the board and/or pick off the board than it is when we place the smaller magnet on the back of the tile? That, and I'm sure cost factors into it too!
  16. I try to get things that are protein - canned tuna, chicken, turkey, meat & bean chili, salmon, etc. - that's always on the food pantry's wish list here. Other items I'll also try to get are baby items - baby foods, wipes, diapers, lotions, diaper cream, orajel, gas drops, etc. When the drug stores have great sales on items I also get lots of toothpaste, razors, toothbrushes, shampoo, conditioner, toilet paper, and other HBA items that are needed (on the wish list for our food pantry) regularly. When we have canned sales here, I'll get cases of green beans, corn, peas, carrots, mixed vegetables, assorted fruits.
  17. He never changed beneficiaries, so there is no cause to sue. MIL sucks for doing that, but legally wasn't *wrong* unfortunately. When DH and I drew up our wills, our attorney had us check every account - bank accounts, 401(k)'s, investments, etc. to make sure we had beneficiaries listed correctly so we wouldn't run into any problems if one of us died. Good thing we checked - on a small 401(k) DH started in residency, he'd listed his mom as beneficiary and didn't realize he'd never changed it (he thought he'd changed them all when we married) - it happens, it's easy to overlook a policy or account!
  18. We moved from NoVA so hopefully I can give you some ideas. First, for a 40-minute communte to Reston, you'll either want to live in Reston (it has it's pros and cons) or just East or North, so you're going against rush hour traffic (although even opposite direction traffic these days is a nightmare). We lived in Falls Church and then Vienna - DH worked 6 and 8 miles from work in Falls Church, and that short distance took between 20-30 minutes each morning. So, really, the commute will be crazy! Reston is a planned city - everything was laid out in advance of it's being built, so where stores, residential, etc are located was thought out prior to building. At this point, there is no more land to build in Reston - hasn't been for years - so what is there, is there and because there is no more land available to build, prices are higher than one might expect for some properties. But, Reston also has a wide variety of housing types - from detached single family homes, to townhomes to condos, so you have a lot of choice. If it were me, I'd start in Reston as the place to look at first and then take a look at other nearby cities. Great Falls is very expensive, but you may find something if you luck out - it's a great area, but pricey. Vienna would probably be you next best bet, toward the northwest side of Vienna. Tyson's Corner area is an option also - but steer clear of the mall area and Route 7.....if you look in this area, look toward the west side toward the north, just east of Reston. Herndon is less expensive and just to the wet of Reston (north a bit too)....your DH could commute over to Reston on back roads if you opted for Herndon. Manassas will take a LOT longer than 40-minutes in the morning! Seriously - try to find a place within 8-10 miles from your DH's work if you want him to have half a chance at a commute less than 40 minutes!
  19. DS was a natural cycle IUI, so 14-days post IUI I tested on HPT and got a negative (so that was day my cycle was going to start if I wasn't pregnant).....day 2 negative, day 3 I could swear it was a faint positive, day 4 negative, day 5 negative....day six blood test and my hCG was good (+), day 8 betas doubled. I didn't HPT on day 6 or 8 since I was having the blood tests.
  20. I don't have high expectations of retention for history in the first go-round of SOTW/History - to me, it's an introduction to history and is done to pique interest and plant seeds for the future when we dig deeper. That said, DS (turning 7 next week) has retained quite a lot from SOTW1 - the things he found really interesting and things we had major and/or really fun projects attached to.
  21. We started back July 1 and have been ramping up time so that we'll have our schedule set for the year starting next week, when DS turns 7....we'll do up to two hours of seat work over two time blocks each day, about an hour per block of time, with a break between. How long the seat work takes is really up to DS - if he's finished before the hour allotted, he's done, we move on....everything else happens through active-play, projects, story time, watch videos, etc. - so all totaled in a day, about 4 hours....plus any outside activities (piano, cub scouts, etc.)
  22. Our bridal and groom party took the gifts to our suite for us before the end of the reception, so they were in our room.....we opened them, alone, just the two of us! I can't imagine my mother ever even thinking of taking it upon herself, let alone inviting others, to open our wedding gifts!
  23. :iagree: Something along the lines of "Mom, you know we love you and the time we get to spend with you - this weekend though, DH and I decided we need some time for just us and the kids, I hope you understand we've made plans (no explaining, justifying, defending - you just have made plans!). How about we plan you come again on DATE?"
  24. :iagree: That's why I voted "other" since I wasn't sure if the implication was they needed to change because of some flaw or defect or that they'd change because that's life and we're always growing and changing - it's the core, the moral compass, that one hopes remains throughout!
  25. We have a variety of insurance to cover basic and business needs should something happen to DH. The policies we have that are personal would pay for the house, all other debt, and leave enough that I would have enough for at least 10-years without his social security in our current lifestyle - if I made changes, I could easily make it last 20+ or if I sold the house and downsized, it could last longer than that. Due to an untimely death and small children, at least for now, we'd also have his social security for them - but we planned on the assumption that might disappear years ago, when the SS crisis was making headlines. We also have 401(k)'s and other investment accounts which I would continue manage for the kids and myself until they reach college age and I retirement age. We have additional business policies - one is to maintain payment of salaries and all overhead expenses for his practice for six months should he die. Since all shares of his practice would be mine if he died, I would then have time to sell his practice via the shares, equipment, staff (if they should want to stay on) and good will of the practice. In addition to that, we have another policy which pays any business loans that may still be outstanding - if none remain, I am then beneficiary. All that said, while it looks fine on paper - I really don't care to think about it - I'd be devastated if anything happened to DH!
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