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Everything posted by Meriwether

  1. Chameleon is another one that more people can play.
  2. Not much. I am not going to live in fear more than I have to. I will likely keep more yeast and flour on hand and buy tp before we strictly need it. We are finally starting a garden at this house this year. If food supplies get really weird, we'll do progressively more stuff and take on the covenant about the no chickens rule.
  3. I agree, but I would add that Ticket to Ride doesn't have complicated strategy. It is really easy to learn and play. My 5 year old still needs some help finding her locations but has come close to winning the regular version. Call person Pitch for a 5 person card game. Dutch Blitz is good with 5 if you get the regular and expansion packs. Unusual Suspects could be played with 5. Ice Cool? It is a different sort of game.
  4. We are from the other side of the state. Everyone I know is taking it seriously. I haven't been out to see how others are acting.
  5. So, every time I see one of these posts from you now, I wonder if you are writing an article or something. Dd16 is supposed to work at a camp for 4 weeks this summer. Although I have cautioned her that it may be canceled. She remains optimistic. Her trip to Spain was canceled already, so I hope camp doesn't have to close even though I know it probably will. I will visit my family a couple states away at least once this summer, maybe at the tail end. It will either be a long visit or several short ones, depending on the situation. The most important thing about it is that I keep my parents safe. I can get there on one tank of gas and we won't do anything in town while there.
  6. I have been to the grocery store twice in the past 2+ weeks, and Dh and I took a drive on Sunday afternoon so I could have a change of scenery. Dh is working from home this week, so we are all staying home except for the one grocery trip.
  7. It will not last a year, nor do I believe it should. I think it will continue until it breaks one way or the other. Either there will be medical advances and increased hospital beds/protective gear and more testing so that it makes less sense to quarantine everyone or it will be so wide spread that quarantine will not seem worth it. I believe efficacy of care will improve every couple of weeks. I hope equipment production also increases quickly.
  8. I forgot to mention the big thing, since I have talked about it several times already. We bought floor pads for sparring.
  9. Some canned fruit, which we don't typically buy. Several different vitamins to send to my parents. I don't know that they will actually help, but I can't do anything else for their health. I bought a puzzle book for my Dad to work on. He is going to be active. He farms and has cattle, so he isn't just going to be cooped up. But he will get restless when he is in the house. We can work through the puzzles together over the phone. That makes my parents sound a bit old and feeble. The are in their 70's, but young for 70. Dad had Rocky Mountain spotted fever last summer and has a bum knee, but he is both stronger and more active than many 40 year olds. Mom is 5 years older than he is, but her blood work is better than many people's in their 20's. Both are busy, hardworking, and mentally sharp. I just wish I could take care of them a bit through this, even if they don't need it.
  10. We'll put some in the bank to cover what I spent on local businesses this month. Probably a good chunk will go to paying fees at our dojo. We haven't decided yet, but I think that is what we will do. We are so heavily involved in it. It would hurt a lot if he went out of business. Plus, we consider the owner a friend. If it won't be helpful to him at this point, we'll probably buy some windows, since that is the next thing we are doing to the house. We will do it over several years due to cost, so it would definitely come in handy.
  11. I have spent more than usual, but some of that will balance out. I think we could grocery shop for 4 weeks now at about $60/week. We may spend more than that if someone wants something in particular, but it *could* be that low. I spent >$300 at the local game store before they closed doors for a little while. I sent vitamins to my parents. The only ones that wouldn't ship before the end of April were more expensive brands. I bought a birdhouse and birdseed since we'll be home so much. That's a lot of discretionary spending for two weeks. But, pur expenses next week will be pretty low? Dh won't even be driving to work. Overall I would say we will be about the same, but it was front loaded. And we may end up spending less. Maybe significantly less. Time will tell. When we get our tax return, I think we'll see if the dojo would like us to pay for the next few years now. And I will buy school stuff for next year. That is more a function of timing on spends rather than amount
  12. My computer does this, too, and it won't let me reinstall Windows or do any kind of reset. I've tried all the options. I will be so excited if someone has an answer.
  13. I personally feel safe now. I am older but not old. My husband and kids are very healthy and would likely have mild or asymptomatic cases. We stay home to protect others. I will feel comfortable going out when either 1) treatment is more effective and hospital beds are available or 2) it is so widespread that going about my business will be unlikely to change anything. If it is a case of number two, we will still be more careful but not homebound.
  14. We are missing a big part of the tournament season, but Districts aren't until June and Worlds is in July. Those may get moved back instead of canceled, if necessary. Sparring at home isn't the same, but with four serious competitors in the house, they at least get to spar one another. All four have/had an excellent chance of winning at least one event in our 4 state district this year. Three of them are in the top ten in the nation for their age and rank this year. The 4th has been several times in the past. So, they have good competition here at home except that the littlest one doesn't have anyone her size. Her brother spars her left handed, but it is still hard for her to score on him. I guess it will make her better.
  15. My 2nd child slept through the night before my first. I stopped giving her naps when she was less than 18 months old, and she still hardly slept. She is still my go go go kid. No advice, except to say that some kids just don't sleep much/well.
  16. I talked to my parents this morning, so read aloud started late. The kids are finally, slowly starting school. I want to do a bit of cleaning in addition to helping them with some things. I think we'll have homemade pizza and play board games tonight. When Dh gets home, he and the kids can spar while I make the pizzas. And that will probably be our day.
  17. I left the house for the first time in 9 days to pick up some things from the local game store. Such a silly reason to leave the house, especially since we didn't need anything. But my Ds15 loves this place and spends most Friday evenings there. It is the one place besides church that he willingly goes. Weekly events have been canceled for a couple weeks already, and he is probably going to be closed down any day now. I desperately want this small business to stay in business, so I went out to get overpriced games we don't need.
  18. I saw these on Carrots and Peas Facebook.
  19. We read loads of historical fiction and biographies that relate to our history. We also read good literature. Sometimes the literature lines up with the history and sometimes it doesn't, but I try to line it up.
  20. I shared in another thread that we set up a new sparring area for the kids and Dh. It has been good for them. We have been playing more board games and doing more reading. In a couple days we will be spending a lot more time outside.
  21. I spent $150 on mats last week and rearranged the school room. I really debated whether or not to do it, but I am glad now that I did. Dh and the kids who compete spent an hour sparring each yesterday and today. Everyone is happier. The exercise makes a difference. And although my kids get along pretty well the majority of the time, I think getting to really whack each other with combat sticks or kick each other in the head helps, too. 😂😂
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