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Everything posted by Meriwether

  1. I agree. My point is that there probably isn't ever (or at least for a looooong time) going to be a pro-Catholic anabaptist curriculum. I thought it might help if Catholics knew why this group in particular has a knee-jerk reaction to Catholicism.
  2. Can I just thank you for posting this? There are very few things that make me genuinely thankful for my inlaws. I am sorry they did that and hope they have come to appreciate their grandchildren.
  3. I was just wondering about this with Dh's family. They draw names separately for adults and kids. The problem I have with this is that we have 4 of the 9 grandkids. That isn't a problem in itself, but I know the other three families with kids would like to buy for someone other than just my kids. If we included the kids names with the adults, they'd have a better chance of being able to buy for the other kids. The oldest nephew is almost 18 and will graduate this year. If he starts drawing with the adults, everyone with kids will only be buying for my kids and never the others.
  4. Which products do you get? I hate the shakes and the scrambled eggs, but I think the soups are fine. I haven't tried most of the products, though, and would like recommendations. I encourage you to stick with it if you can. I didn't gain the weight back when I went off so I think it is real weight loss.
  5. My uncle lost 40 lbs in 3 months using Medifast. I tried it for 8 days and lost 10 lbs. The food isn't great and it isn't cheap, but it works. I stopped because it was effecting my milk supply. I have another weeks worth waiting to go after Christmas. I think I'll just do a week at a time every so often until I lose the weight.
  6. I wouldn't overcharge someone just because they could afford it, but I would sell an item for less than I want if someone couldn't afford it at the price I want.
  7. I really like you idea of reading a myth and then doing an activity.
  8. No advice, but I am sorry for both you and the baby.
  9. I could have written this last year when Dh got me a kindle. It was so very sweet of him, especially so since I rarely get a gift. I would have had to add that I usually buy books at garage sales and ebay, so buying a book on the kindle is expensive for me. I have gotten to where I like it though. It is never going to be the same as holding a book. I reread books, but I often pick up a book I've read before and just reread favorite passages. That is much harder to do on a kindle. I think ereaders are great to take on vacation. I've also gotten a few pdf files that I can read on the kindle. I'd never print out a pdf book to read because I have issues with using ink for that, so I love using the kindle for those. At first I only used it because Dh was so proud of himself for getting it, but now I see its benefits.
  10. The only stipulation on gift was price. There was no mention of siblings participating and she was the only non scout to participate. From what Dh says, all gifts were piled up on arrival and then each kid was handed a gift from the pile later in the evening. I'm not mad that she was allowed to participate; I just don't know what she was expecting from a gift exchange where everyone else was a younger boy. I was already a little apprehensive about the gift I sent so her reaction made me wonder why?? she was involved in the gift exchange at all. ETA: I'm no longer concerned about the gift since everyone seems to think it was a good idea. I do hope she has some fun with it.
  11. Dh says not. Our dc are all still fairly young, and I don't have a lot of experience with group activities yet. This took me by surprise.
  12. I made the detective's kit for my Ds6 to take to Boy Scouts this evening. I ended up including a fingerprinting kit, flashlight (a nice heavy duty adult one), magnifying glass, several codes with papers (like a booklet on hieroglyphics and some stationary with pyramids on it), lemon juice and cue tips for invisible ink, and some odds and ends. This was all nicely arranged in a small tool box. When Dh and Ds got home tonight, I asked Dh how it went over, because I was a little nervous about sending something homemade. Now if Dh had said, "Honey, maybe next year you could just send a nerf gun or matchbox cars like the other parents," I would have felt bad for sending the kit, but it wouldn't have upset me that the kid didn't like it. BUT, what makes me :confused: and just a bit :banghead: is that an 11 yo GIRL got the gift and said, "Oh, I got a tool box." Will you tell me why a GIRL was participating in the gift exchange? Actually, I know why. Dh said she was the leader's daughter. But, WHY? And should I feel badly about the gift I sent? I mean, would she have been happy with the matchbox cars?
  13. I talk to my mom almost everyday. Since we live far apart, we talk mostly on the phone. When we do go for a visit, we are usually at their house for a week or so to make the drive worth it. I love visiting, but there is always something going on with meals, the kids, etc. Sometimes, I am excited to get home and call my mom on the phone. I rarely have deep or personal conversations in person anymore. Maybe you could try your deeper conversations on the phone where she won't be so distracted with the kids.
  14. We seem to be doing well in our area of the state, but we live in a very conservative area. I'm not sure how the rest of the state feels.
  15. My baby girl is on her fourth in two months. She has only been well about 2 weeks, a few days at a time. My others were hardly ever sick, but the older kids are in activities now and she sees to pick up everything they bring home. ETA: I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. It is never fun being under the weather.
  16. :lol:Okay, but it's nothing juicy or exciting. Most people might not even think it was a big deal, but it was to me. Dh and I dated several years before we married, and we both said from the beginning that we wanted to live close to family. After we had been engaged for about a year, I found out that our definitions of "close to family" were different. I wanted to be close enough to go for dinner; he thought close meant within driving distance (4-12 hours). I felt very strongly that I wanted my kids to live near grandparents - either side - because I grew up 10 hours from one set and 24 from the other, and I didn't want that for my kids. I said I'd have to think about that and consider if I was willing to give up the lifestyle I had thought we were going to have. After a week or two, he said he wanted to work for his company until we had kids and then he would look for a job near family. About a year after we were married, I mention something about it and our conversation went something like, " DH: "I'm not getting a job in _________________." Me: "But, you said you would when we have kids." DH: "I lied. I thought you weren't going to marry me so I said what I had to say to get you to go through with the wedding." I would have married him anyhow, but it would have been better for our relationship if I had CHOSEN this lifestyle. I'm a put down roots kind of girl and being transferred every few years is not what I had in mind. We are now almost 7 hours from my parents and Dh (of his own volition) has sent a resume for a job opening in my parent's hometown. We don't expect him to get it (BIL is applying for the same job, that is a whole 'nother story), but he did apply. People can do and say dumb stuff and still be good people - and good spouses.
  17. See, I have a little ink pad that I thought of including, but I wondered about that, too. I'm afraid some kid is going to take it home and the mom is going to say, "What idiot gives a kid lemon juice and ink pads to play with?"
  18. When getting baby girl's pictures taken at 7 mos. I let her play with the kids in the little play area until everyone was ready. She was a bit fussy after that so I asked for a moment to nurse her. She wouldn't latch on properly so I tried a couple more times. When she did start sucking, she immediately threw up. Turns out a piece of plastic wrap had gagged her when she tried swallowing. I'll always check the floors of public play areas now. My first pediatrician for the kids said that it is a miracle any child makes it to adulthood.
  19. How would you feel about your boy scout age (6-10ish) receiving a detective's kit for a white elephant gift exchange? Dh has a small tool box that came with a larger one that has never been used. I thought I would include a flashlight and magnifying glass as the items I buy, and then include some codes (with some messages prepared) and other things that would go with the theme. One thing I would like to include is a small container of lemon juice, paper, and cue tips to use for "invisible" ink, but I'm not sure how that would go over.
  20. I didn't post earlier because I was holding the baby, but I could have written your first post. I think her comment was shallow, but I wouldn't automatically assume she is a terrible person and will make a bad wife. HIS attitude and actions would color the situation, but even if he was perfect, I wouldn't automatically write her off. Who amoung us wants to be judged by the worst of who we are? What if I said, "My husband lied (a very big lie) to me so that I would marry him." It is true. He happens to be a very good person - and not a habitual liar. He has been a wonderful, but not perfect, spouse. I'm glad I married him.
  21. I love these types of stories. Good for you and your son.
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