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Everything posted by Meriwether

  1. I have used it. For three whole years. I'm glad I went to college; I met Dh there. In all seriousness, I'm glad I have a degree to fall back on if something happens to Dh.
  2. :iagree: ETA: Except that I wouldn't actually pay someone else to mow my lawn. Dh does a fantastic job mowing. Soon after we were married he asked me to mow while he was at work (I was home for the summer). I went out to mow and couldn't even figure out how to start the lawn mower. Dh hasn't asked since. Not being able to start that thing was probably one of the best things to happen to me since I've been married. With that being said, I would figure out how to mow before paying for it.
  3. Those were the names in grandparents couldn't handle? Good grief! I like them both. I like Josiah, too.
  4. My kids use the CD and point to a wall map as they sing. I do like the map to have the kids color and label so I bought one for each kid, but I consider it an extra. I vote not necessary.
  5. Meriwether Homeschool. At the time we started homeschooling, all of my children had been born along the Lewis and Clark trail. We have colors and a mascot (The Explorers of course), but we haven't actually done anything with all of that. I mostly like it because Dh sat and made a list of goals with me one day, and he hates that kind of thing. That was the day we chose our name.
  6. Thanks. I meant to type that he said 29 was closed. He doesn't want to take 75 all the way down. He said it was probably getting a lot of traffic. He'll probably want to take a scenic route through IA and cross in Kansas City. We've got to cross at some point. Sioux City is a mess. My SIL said the water crested today in another town we lived in. I'm guessing our old house is under water. It was in a flood plain.
  7. Is 29 still closed? We usually take 29 south to Neb. City and then take 75 down to Kansas. A couple days ago Dh said they closed 75 down to the Missouri line.
  8. We were still called the new kids three years after we moved to that town. Dad ended up coaching my brother's team. It is the only reason it was worthwhile for him to play baseball. You can hope for the best, but I wouldn't expect it to get better. My brother was 6'5 in high school, won the 3 point contest and could dunk the ball. He still sat on the bench. (He wasn't related to anyone on the school board, you know.)
  9. I was 9 when we moved to the small town where my parents live. My sister and I played softball that summer. The coach split one inning between us. If one of us batted, the other played outfield. For one inning each game. I really dislike that town. I'd stick up for my kid in a situation like that.
  10. On that note - If you sell DVD's, check each case they buy. Some people will put two discs in one case.
  11. :svengo:Did they ever say anything to you about it?
  12. If I was molested and my mom knew and didn't want to cut the family member that did it, I would no long have anything to do with her.
  13. In this case, I would finish up the PM asap and then start whatever else you want to use. I think it would be very doable to do a two-three weeks worth in a week. I wouldn't do two books in one week and wouldn't do two handwriting sheets in one day. Other than that, you could breeze right through.
  14. 2nd grade goals for Ds6(almost 7): *Learn to compose and write from a keyword outline *Multiplication and Division facts memorized *Learn to lable an African map *Increase reading fluency *Introduce cursive *Learn to take care of the chickens I would love, really love, if he would learn to keep on task this year. It should not take 7 minutes and 20 reminders to do a simple subtraction problem.:glare: Especially when the problem is well understood and memorized.
  15. I'd use the Phonics Museum. Most days it is quick and easy. I don't know how comfortable your Dd is with letters and sounds. My kids knew their letters and sounds fairly well before starting PM, so this may not be good advice for you. It usually took us about 15 minutes per day to use the Phonics Museum. The days that took longer had the coloring sheets and books. The books are designed for classroom use and are over 20 pages. My Dd zipped right through them. Ds6 took almost an hour to read them.:banghead: When he got to the last page of Runs from Gunds after almost two hours, he said, "Praise the Lord!" The only appropriate response was "Amen!".:tongue_smilie: But really, most days went really well. Both my older kids say they miss it when Ds4 is doing it.
  16. I wouldn't worry about age too much. Dd8 completed Saxon 1 before she was five and Ds4 is currently on lesson 12. Ds6 completed it when he was 5. If your son isn't ready for it, then it would be a good idea to wait a bit. Or use something else if you'd rather. I wouldn't shelve it for a whole year, though, because he may be ready for it in a month. Or two months. Or four. I started HOP with my Ds6 when he was four. He just wasn't ready. Flipping through the flashcards a couple of times a week, he would get A (it was first), C (the first letter of his name), O and X. That was all he could get for about 7 months. Then, in a couple of weeks he went from knowing 4 letters to reading CVC words. I wouldn't want to frustrate him by asking him to do something he isn't ready for yet, but I would try it again every so often to see if is ready soon.
  17. I wanted to have a good relationship with my MIL. We are cordial, but my inlaws are just not loving kind of people. Since I have gotten into the habit of thinking about them in more of a negative way, I wanted to take the opportunity this thread presents and mention some of MIL's good points. She is a workhorse. I really admire the amount of work she gets done in a day. She has had several jobs working with people who need an advocate and she really goes to bat for them. When my Ds4 was born, my mom couldn't come right away. MIL took off work and drove to our place (5 hours) to help for a few days.
  18. My Dd started K at 4. I didn't know if I was supposed to answer choice A. My perfect answer would be when my oldest started K at home.
  19. Could you give me an example of what information you are looking for? Dd8 is going to be in 4th grade. I want to work on her word problem skills. She is doing Life of Fred Fractions now and will start Saxon 6/5 in the fall. She is good at computations but has some trouble knowing what to do to solve a problem. Are you looking for information like that? Or what our writing goals are? Something else entirely? After seeing what others put down, I would add: 1. Work on writing. We've done very little writing. I would like her to be able to write 1-2 pages of well-written work. To accomplish this she will need to work on writing skills and learn to think of herself as creative. She doesn't write for fun. 2. Handwriting. I would like for her to do well with cursive by the end of 4th. 3. Personal grooming. I would like for her to brush her hair without me nagging her. 4. I would like her to memorize 30+ good sized chuncks of scripture, poems, etc. 5. I would like for her to learn to cook 5 or 6 meals and to make some sides.
  20. I was so excited to meet Dh's parents when we were dating. I fully intended to love them. My parents always called their inlaws "Mom" and "Dad". When we were about a mile from the place, Dh pulled the car over and warned me that his mom was going a little crazy.:001_huh: I found his parents to be odd but not in a crazy way. Their family culture is so different than the one I grew up in. It is even harder for me now that I have children. They do not value their children and grandchildren like my parents do. They live almost 6 hours away. Three of the four times we visited in the past year, they made other plans for when we were there and we hardly saw them. It makes me not want to go. But it is even harder when they are there for the whole weekend. They "parent" the kids when Dh and I are right there. I have really good kids - not perfect, but they routinely get complimented on their good behavior. The inlaws get after them for every little thing. It is very difficult to be there. Without getting into specifics, they would meet the general board definition for toxic people. The thing is, they raised my Dh. They are my kids' grandparents. We go visit. I encourage Dh to call. I never confront them, although I have encouraged Dh to say "I've got it, Dad (or Mom)" when they are parenting our kids. I don't know that I will ever like them. I don't love them with that special familial love I expected to have. At this point I am trying to be content with loving them with the same love I have for humanity in general. ETA: Justamouse said how I feel much more concisely than I did. A loving relationship is a twoway street.
  21. Just wanting to know how many Mennonites and Amish you are expecting to answer an internet poll?:tongue_smilie:
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