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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Working on throwing/giving away and cleaning up so we can enjoy what we keep :)
  2. I nannied in Leonia 20 years ago... I noticed someone said Paramus and that's close to Leonia... Incredible Bagels, if they're still there... You'll be able to get fresh mozzarella, incredible deli bread (fresh) Shabbot Dinners ..... (which you don't have to be Jewish to enjoy!!) It was an incredible area and I loved the fact that you could get to NY quick... Museums... and more are going to be in your future... AND Philly is just a short bit away. Seriously... you're gonna have a BLAST!!! :)
  3. I like Naomi pronounced.... "Nie omi" :) I like all of your names.... I do know that the meaning of Bethany sets some off of it... (poor house) But, it's beautiful, in my opinion. I know a little girl who was named "Bethany" and they changed it... due to Gothard influence. They "renamed" her Mary Beth. (so they must have been ok with "bitter"?) ;)
  4. My suggestions would be: Rhythm chart... (Just a chart with a "schedule" not necessarily with times, but with an "order of the day") Prep for "room time" Depending on how long they are, maybe you can spend 5 minutes with your daughter.... and at some point 5 minutes with niece would be good, too. If they complain, you can say something about "You can talk about that during 'Chat time'." I sometimes gave sweets to the girls, "You can have this piece of candy if you promise it'll make you feel sweeter".... (and laugh... we all knew this was me giving them a treat to encourage laughter and love, not bribery) I'd suggest NOT spanking your daughter, even if you usually do... because of course, you're not spanking your niece. (at least I'm assuming this) I'd see if you can spend a bit of time away with just daughter... and away with daughter and niece.... bonding "fun" time... Pick up books at the library, icecream, McDonalds!! :) Anything special. Maybe even give "tokens" to earn something special. (If both of you can be kind for 1 hr, we'll go get McDonalds, just the 3 of us!) Whenever possible let them earn rewards rather than punishments. And wow... hope that you have some "you" time to recharge and get ready to start again. It's hard, I'm sure!! I'm praying for you that it'll get smoother and you'll see bits of rewards for all of your hard work!!! (And be easy on yourself)
  5. Lots of opinions, but my first question would be, "why?" :) I'd try Art of Problem Solving or something like that... if it's her best subject :)
  6. Kinda seems crazy to me.... Also, for the Janitor to lose their job?? Seriously?? Crazy :(
  7. I sanitize everything in my dishwasher (an actual sanitize cycle.) If I didn't... I'd bleach everything. (Doesn't take much bleach...) Although, I tend to get bleach drops on me when I use it. I also wash restroom towels & kitchen towels separately and have a sanitation cycle and sometimes add some bleach. Putting bleach in a dishpan saves the metal in your sink... :)
  8. You can usually do a test with someone to see how they go. If you REALLY want it to work, as someone else said, I'd have a trainer available. Someone who can encourage them to get along together. I wasn't impressed with the people's ability to help at our Humane Society. I would see if you could have a trainer come in and do the intro with the two dogs, after you've seen if you like the dog. I know that it's best for a female/male... but better for male/male than female/female :)
  9. I want to go to church to worship God for who He is and what He has done. In our tiny town that isn't working. I stopped going, actually, but have started back because my daughter asked to go back. She wanted to go to church and have a "church community" where she can go to school with some of the same youth. So, I believe that we are to go to church to worship God, hold together as community (and fellowship with each other) and also to participate in communion and baptism. Regretfully, our churches are more focused on worship that I don't find worship, and sermons that I don't find really Scriptural. BUT, our church is friendly as well as they love God and are kind to each other :) So... for now... that's where it is.
  10. Yup, thanks!! I'm checking at the library for these!! :)
  11. Sugar.... I gave it up all the way for a while. Perfect time to do a sugar strike with summer coming on... Do this and eat only whole grains, preferably fresh... (well... and fruits and veggies :)) You'll lose weight, which helps motivate to do exercise :) Good Luck!! :)
  12. How great!! :) Congrats on both... the Son graduating and then him getting married!! :)
  13. Teaching the Trivium by the Bluedorns. :) Great book on family life, in my opinion :)
  14. I hear that Danes are awesome!! I suggest looking into feeding raw food, as it generally extends life expectancy :) There was a Blue Merle at the humane society when we were there... that was beautiful!!! :) (This was years ago)
  15. I still have to remind my husband to call his mom, multiple times, before he does. Yesterday, because of the time zone difference... he called her minutes from midnight. As for me... well... in a couple years or so... I plan on taking myself to a place that gives massages. My step daughters don't even text me Happy Mother's day and they live with us half time. I also found out that at least one of them thinks I'm a sucky parent this last weekend. Bummer day for me, except I enjoyed being with my mom. :) I really think that having kids is not what it's cracked up to be :( My mom suggested waiting till they're around 25 to give up :)
  16. http://www.retrainthebrain.com/order.html is what I had looked at... WTM Thread about it are the only posts I got back.. I'd love to hear more ;)
  17. This looks great. If I had a lot of kids I would purchase it, probably. I have a hard time spending that for one child...
  18. I didn't vote... studying comes before everything else, here. My daughter would have had to tell me about studying, and declined helping/watching movies. Here.... even watching a movie would come before helping in the yard, as you do need some mental down time. By highschool, they're responsible to get studying down and are responsible for reminding us if they haven't studied for tests...
  19. I would try to keep contact down... antibiotics makes it safer... but not completely, if my Dr was right :)
  20. Thanks... I'm burning it to cds right now :) My son will be so happy... It was time to switch out his Huckleberry Finn Cds... I didn't realize how many words it had that are inappropriate for an 8 year old :( It was his favorite... and he said that a Hercules cd would make it better!! :)
  21. This!! :) My son had to ask me how to spell his last name... He's almost 9. He's never had to spell it. He knows our phone number... address.... his dad's phone number (we all have cells) Lots of other info... but his last name??!! :) He knows stuff about wars, myths, math, but ask him other questions and it's just missed info :)
  22. Looks like this is one spot to monitor texts http://www.mymobilewatchdog.com/
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