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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. http://www.classicalliberalarts.com/ (I'd Love responses of how this is.....) I looked this over last night.... WOW.... I think I might sign up for at least some classes.... Carrie
  2. 10 years ago... with mine.... it didn't... I'd give them a call tomorrow and ask:-) Just by asking, you may get some benefit... I'd try to call by the "day of". Carrie:-)
  3. I'd love to look at the thread, Colleen, but that takes me to a thread about light sabers:-) Although, with this, I do wish to see the light:-) Carrie:-)
  4. I have to say that IEW might fit this. It shows how to take a simple B&W drawing and expand with a "Key Word Outline". They use English, yes? They probably don't have a computer, right? You should ask for donations:-) You've been on here too long to be a scammer:-) I wonder how much it'd cost to send things from the US... Brainstorm with us, and perhaps we can help them:-) Carrie:-)
  5. Has anyone used the Composition in the Classical Tradition by Frank J. D'Angelo? My 12th grader would like to tackle a progymnasmata type writing course. I read a bit about it and it looks like you're guided through various writing assignments. If you've used this, I'd love to have a review... If not, I'd love to have your ideas for a student led book to write/do. My dad is willing to help with this, and it an author by trade. (and college/seminary prof) Suggestions?? Thanks!! Carrie :D
  6. Yes!! And, I just saw one of her books at the Goodwill yesterday! They are kinda like Chicken Soup for the Soul.... (Right lady, right??) and have inspirational things about life... and she hasn't had a perfect one, poor lady! PS... Go by the GoodWill... if you want a sack of books cheap! Carrie
  7. Hey There, Reminding all Oregonians to join the "Oregon" Social Group:-) I'm in Salem... and I'd love to chat with anyone around here:-) Carrie
  8. So, If I were using TOG, I'd pull apart the memory work so that it went over four cycles... or add in... I like to play with pulling apart cds and them putting them back together the way I want. I'd look at the science and put it together according to my science schedule and such. I also think I prefer Shurley Grammar for the definitions and such... and might plug those into the proper slots if I happened to have a cd. I like the math ok.... If you have other math you prefer.... well:-)... but leave in all the later weeks... squares... cubes... etc. I would also do recitations for cumulative weeks for work..... in otherwords... I wouldn't want to "forget" the other cycles while you're working on the present one:-) I also like "Visualize World Geography" ... I think it's called... and might try to incorporate this starting next year:-) (For the right Geography slots:-0 ) Carrie:-)
  9. Frozen Meals... yum:-) I like Chicken Divan. We do ours with less chicken and plenty of broccoli. I like the chicken in "large shreds" My mom loves the chicken pineapple meatballs with rice. That seems like it'd lend itself to being cooked crockpot style with a pineapple-ish sauce... over rice:-) Crockpot roast/chicken (shredded) with barbeque sauce served over rolls.... Hamburger Pot Pie... It's the best! Although I'm not into hamburger anymore... Memories of this are delicious. My mom's was a beautiful flaky crust with a tomato sauce.... and green beans... all cooked... Yum!! Desserts.... You can make a "crumb topping" and then put it over any fruit like apples, pears...etc.... Fruit crisp.. Yum:-) Easy...peasy:-) For breakfast... Baked French Toast:-) Carrie:-)
  10. I do it with CC, but I know how I'd use it if I weren't... I'll share, but modify with your info... Are you already doing VP? What do you do for Grammar? And... what do you do for Math? Tell me that... and I'll let you know how I'd do it:-) Carrie
  11. Well, Christmas Day is special to me... to spend with extended family... because I love to spend time all together. I didn't have g-parents to visit while younger... and my children wouldn't know what to do if we didn't. Of course, as you pointed out, you have invited others to your house... and they'd prefer the tv. In that way, it's really their choice to not come, and they're not at their house wishing they could be celebrating with you. Of course, at my parent's house... my dad is reading through the Christmas Story:-) So... as long as everyone is happy with the choices they're making... Carrie:D
  12. Wow, all I can think of... is how crushed I'd be with just my husband and me at Christmas... and my children with just their families during the holidays. I just get sad ... thinking about it. I think that this is part of the sadness about America and how we see our families..... just our nuclear one is important... "Do what's best for YOU; that's what's important." Bummer..... Carrie
  13. Ok, I'm frustrated that I study how and what to learn with my daughter, and she'd rather do anything than study. Especially read books that have no value... like... Twilight. Carrie
  14. Hi There :D SO, do you make your kids get up and start school? Do they do so willingly? Do you offer punishments or incentives? I really want my daughter to wake up sunshiny in time to start school at 9am. Reality is, it doesn't work well. I have yet to find the right "motivator" to get a happy willing student... Age.... 11... grade 6:-) Carrie:-)
  15. My dog particularly likes them to chew on... when I forget them on the kitchen counter. He sneaks them off... and chews on them... and I just wanna smack him with it. Instead, I put them in the woodstove... and just say,"Bad dog" no bone for you! Carrie:-)
  16. Hey Amber... What type of pup? Can you easily get Lagotto's (sp?) there? They are my next... "dream" dog... Carrie:-)
  17. The Maple Smoked/With Maple Syrup and butter tucked under the skin worked. It was incredible!! Worth a try, if you want a smoked Turkey next time:-) Carrie
  18. A Toto is what Whoopie talked about:D and how she loved her toilet seat warmed one... She talked on and on about it...:lol::lol::lol: Carrie:tongue_smilie:
  19. What a great person to enter the conversations! I'm assuming that you're the Andrew Kern of http://www.circeinstitute.org/ ;am I correct? Carrie :D
  20. Here's the weird thing... Legally, I think he's entitled to talk to the DR without you... HMmm... maybe you should both talk to the Dr:-) Carrie
  21. I'd be offended. Can't think I wouldn't. BUT, I wouldn't be offended if you just kept your kids on the hand sanitizer thing.... while at my house... say... well.. when there's soap and water... I'd just wash my kids hands... Carrie:-)
  22. http://www.sgbox.com/p1nspm.html My Pals Are Here! Mathematics For Primary 1 / 1st Grade textbook 1A Anyone ordered this math... from Singapore? By: Dr Fong Ho Kheong Carrie:-) PS, feel free to educate me... This is somehow connected to the
  23. You're suppose to cover it... submerge... in rice... Carrie:-) Hope your cell phone works... my daughter's was toast..
  24. Staying at your house if it's not too late at night would be great. I have a 14 year old, and she's "going cheap" for the one babysitting job she has, but that's because it's informal.... and she is doing it here. (She's charging $3 an hour) BUT, at an age that a babysitter can babysit at either spot... I think that a minimum is $4-$5 an hour. For a college aged student.... $10 or so. Just depends on how long it is.... how old the kids are.... what the perks are. I told my oldest that I'm not paying top rate for her as a babysitter.... cuz she leaves a mess after. If your daughter "cleans up" the dishes after dinner... and tries to straighten/have your children help straighten... That's worth extra:-) Also, when I was her age, I set up "contracts" to have families arrange to have me every week during the summer on a certain day. I had a couple that took half days. ( I would have one of the moms bring me back... and another ready to whisk me off) I made a decent amount of money that summer. The set schedule was nice, too. Remember to give her ways to deal with snotty kids... games to play.... safety reminders... etc. Carrie:-0
  25. I did this weird thing last night that was good. Pasta (spaghetti is what I used) Can of Mex Stewed Tomatoes... cut up.. Can of Mex Beans stirred with some Mex Cheese.... I couldn't believe how much I liked it. I served it with sour cream and salsa. I also gave my husband meatballs, you could use hamburger in it:-) (It's my "standby" meat for him) I called it Mexican Spaghetti:-) Carrie PS... I baked it at 375 for about 30-45 minutes
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