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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. My opinion is that if you're done by lunch... with older children.... add more. Maybe not more "teaching" but audio cds.... or something. I've told my daughter that families on here say they spend 1 hr per grade.... up to 8 or 9 hrs a day. So, when you're in 10th grade, you'll be still spending 8 or 9 hrs a day... plus maybe some after school time work... at night or on the wknds. Right now, she's in 6th grade, and I try for 5 hrs a day. (I'd rather 6, though...) My son is 6 and in 1st and I try for one hr:-) :-)
  2. Mounce is often recommended:-) I think he was actually the prof that taught my dad:-)
  3. I started a Classical Conversations group. (classicalconversations.com) It's much like starting a co-op instead of everyone doing all the work split, everyone pays... and then those who work.... split that money in a certain way/percentage... Here's the catch, there is a harder time getting people to join, if you charge, but it's fair. If you have a co-op it's fair... if everyone pays in some way. So, some can pay.... some can work.... or... you can just help out everyone without getting $$$ and get burned out.... Here's the other part. You need to decide what percentage you want to be academic, what part to be just fun.... If you want to focus on memory work... certain ages... To let people know... you let local hs groups know... Library... grocery store.... signs on your car... etc. If you have hs friends... you ask them to let their friends know... etc. Then, you gather a board, if you choose... to help make "rules" and spread the work.... I would do "Information Meetings" and make sure you are ok with the dynamics of the different families... :-)
  4. I refuse to say how often I do it:-) Although... what it really needs is the gratish type thing at the bottom. I've tried to clean it... and it just never really looks clean... urgh
  5. Maybe someone should post one lesson to the authors to give them your ideas. :-)
  6. You know, I hadn't thought of things like in this post.... My daughter lives in a family (ours) that include my husband, her two step-sisters and a younger brother. Here's the weird thing, I see that she has many issues that adopted children do. She knows her bio-dad since she's with him a total of 3-6 weeks a year. But, she still says that my husband is her "real" dad. I believe that knowing her bio-dad loves her is important, but she has a whole host of problems that come from not being able to be a "complete" family member here; although the problems/issues may be no worse than the emotional turmoil that may come if her bio-dad was willing to relinquish his rights. (BTW she's never actually "lived" with her bio-dad, and she's been with my husband since just before she was 3) I guess I should ask her more about feelings.... although I'm not sure what I could do with them. Right now, she just jokes that she'd like to not have to leave anymore.... to go stay with him... since it's an intrusion into her life. Hmmmm.
  7. My friend's g-parents use to "split" those meals for seniors that you order. So, I'd think "normal portion plus a bit" split in half, for portion size. (except a roll or some bread for each, if you're taking rolls.) Of course, if you take whole wheat products, that's the "right kind of carbo" for anyone:-) And... if they have dentures... perhaps think "soft". Veggies that are cooked the way you use to.... (like canned). Nice of you! :-)
  8. This might sound crazy, but does this mean that the Teacher's Guide doesn't help you teach or schedule the lesson?
  9. Hey All:-) If you're doing IEW history based IEW, do you think it's crazy to do the CW on your "off" time? If you kinda hs all year round... you could do both. I was planning to dabble with CW for April- August. Of course, we already have to keep up with math... and hopefully do some fun science. I have a full summer planned with some "lighter" academics... (Who's kidding... keeping up with Latin, Math and Writing... maybe I'm not planning on really "light" just "different".) :-)
  10. Funny that I said you should go to Exodus since it's on your blog. Also, I've always looked at King's Academy as something I wouldn't mind having my children attend:-) :-)
  11. I have a suggestion:-) Go to Exodus Books just outside Portland... www.exodusbooks.com Oh.. and I like Shurley English.... :-) Easy... open and go. I don't use the writing portion... Don't know if it's that early anyway, but it's chanting for the parts of speech and the "sentence flow" and you can see it in person... and compare:-) 18321 SE McLoughlin Blvd Milwaukie, OR 97267 (503) 655-1951 :-)
  12. They should play this ALL over the US on Monday!!!!!! MLK would be proud! Carrie
  13. Hi Sara, I use cursive for my son. (age 6.5) There is all kind of research to look at... and it use to be that cursive was taught first.... I like Modern Cursive.... I use SWR's cursive.. kind of.... The book was around $10 or so and has some really good insight about why cursive should be taught first... :-)
  14. My husband, an engineer of tools, make a wooden one with my 6 year old son. It's fully functioning, and my husband said that when he learned to care for this one... and be careful....he'd make a "real" one with him.
  15. I was told that I needed to not order so many books, that for each book they have to enter it in... check it out to me... and then get it back to the library of origin. Really... why can't I get my own books???(at other libraries??)
  16. I think it's worth it at 4, if your daughter wants to be in a class. Personally, I think the best time to start is 1st grade/age 6. This would take you 2 times through each cycle. This works if your child is obedient. We just had a lousy day in our age 6/7 class; this was our first day back and the just didn't try to listen.. Kids talking all at once.... kids bouncing out of their seat... Just naughty!! And yes, my son is 6 and in there. Bummer for me!! You have to be willing to train... train... train. Of course, there are 4 year olds that are just great for it. I think my daughter would have worked out well. We have a few little children that just participate and are willing to listen. The sing... move around with games.... do little actions... Have fun.... but are willing to sit down when the Tutor says, "Please sit"... or "Don't poke your neighbor..." BTW... it's a total of about $412 plus a facility fee. Our facility fee added $30. This is for 24 weeks and well worth it... when your child is ready:-) :-)
  17. I keep my second ...tucked inside the first... kinda sandwiched... when I'm reading... going back and forth. I actually made a huge chart from my son's kindergarten year to his 12 grade with all of the suggestions. So... It's poster sized... as soon as I tweak it... I'm gonna print it at the printers... (which is inexpensive) I hung the one I made in my office... so I can see his whole school life:-) :-)
  18. There's a dvd course from The Teaching Company that I purchased and plan to have my daughter watch before next year. It's not too expensive... and maybe you library has it:-) (Superstar Study Skills or something???) :-)
  19. I purchased pencil grips from Spell to Read and Write... any school supply spot should have them... They are three sided and I purchased 10. :-)
  20. Oh... yes.. no longer have to think.... "I'd ask France.... I could ask a ton of spots about what to do. I just happen to have spoken 1st with my friend ... from France about this. She and my friend from Israel were talking about this all..." :-)
  21. Hmmm.... well, depends on how you look at it.... it had to be retracted to cut it off.... so it seems like you'd be able to retract and have it heal... if you actually wanted a choice. I'd wanna see what France would do with the same situation before I made a choice. Seems like when you want a certain outcome... it can sometimes happen:-)
  22. Praise be to God, his mercies and love are overwhelming! I am SO happy for your family, and I like the name Natalie, too! :-)
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