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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Brian Ray... I think he'd fit the bill..... Chris Klicka.... (he had a jd, so that's a "law doctorate"....)
  2. You could check out the "Living Math" site for some extra:-)
  3. Around 15 or so. You have to actually call in to book a "unaccompanied minor" trip. You pay more... and more if there's a stop on the way... Expect $50-$100 extra each way. I like NW if that's an option for your flight. If you have a 16 or 17 year old, I wouldn't bother with the extra... unless they are really nervous... (or it's required) It's really not much of a help, and my 11 year old is sure enough of herself... as she's flown tons.... that she doesn't need it. I'd rather spend the $$$ for a cell phone.... and send that with her:-) :-)
  4. You do have a fireplace?? At least for that room, it should work. Like everyone said... Do the Everyone in one room thing... This is the point that I love having a wood stove... No dependence on electricity. Keep the water dripping, like someone said before. :-)
  5. I love it. We can get it through the Health Store... Azure Standard and Frontier Foods...
  6. :iagree::iagree: I have heard that the Havanese are better and still give you a great dog, hair wise. (hair versus fur) You could be like one person I know... her breeder told her to keep a diaper on her boy rat terrier... YUCK....
  7. Thank You SOOOO much!! They really are beautiful.
  8. I would grab a phonics program like Writing Road to Reading (WRTR) or Spell to Write and Read (SWR) or All About Spelling (AAS).... just the flashcard part if you want. Learn what the letters say. (A makes the three sounds.... first soft (apple) A... (letter name) A....(All).... B.... make sure you say "b" without saying Buuuuuh like some people...(it only says a quick..."b") My mom actually sang the Alphabet song with all of the sounds.... Wow... :-)
  9. :iagree: I was already thinking this. Also, I would pick ONE definition set for her. In other words, Shurley or School House Rock. We haven't had a problem doing many.... but when you have a problem with something, I believe Streamlining is best. :-)
  10. I found one of my favoritist families, right here on the WTM :-) So... ;) We're still doing Info Mtgs. If it sounds interesting to you...... let me know, and I'll help you find the closest one to you! Homeschoolers: Classical Education is a Journey.... (Hmmm, What is Classical Education? No problem, this can work for your family, even if you're not doing Classical Education right now) Classical Conversations Academic Program Leads the Way. Our Mission is to know God and make Him Known. Our Model is combining Classical Learning and a Biblical Worldview. Our Method is Parents equipping Parents. To Find out More, Come to an Information Meeting. We have Once a Week programs for students and their parents, from ages 4-jr high, Registrations for the 2010~2011 school year being taken now. Our Info Meetings are on Thursdays: Choose from: February 11, March 11, April 14th Our Open Houses, to come and experience CC are on the Wednesday following the Info Meeting (RSVP for Open Houses Required, so that I can have enough supplies) Held At: Immanuel’s Reformed Church in Salem * For more information, please call pm or email me :D Carrie ClassicalConversations.com (For listings all over the US)
  11. We "ported" our home phone # to our.... "home cell phone". I forward it to mine... so while we're out... if no one answers it comes to me on the 4th or 5th ring. (ours is $10 a month, for an "add on") My daughter has a cell... and we leave the home cell... usually at home:-) :-)
  12. Our 14 year old has a cell. We like it... it was our idea. She's with us half time and it's good for all of the reasons I've seen on the thread.As long as she has it in her pocket.... we can find her if there's ever a problem. If she was texting too much... we'd talk to her. I have made it clear, that it's her phone... but at any point I can scroll through anything on it. (And I do...) Same thing with anything that is hers.... :-)
  13. My daughter is now mad that I'm "addicted to homeschooling". (Her words) We're reading the Benjamin Franklin book.... and my husband... being an engineer and not the Teacher... said, "She can't make it through that book; I couldn't make it through that book!!) So, now she has an excuse... "How can she read it (even listen to it?) when her dad can't??" I think I'll have "make;-)" him read it with her tonight!! Sorry... I was hoping that HS would be better. When is it "better??" Maybe when we get g-kids??
  14. I'd think about... Cursive First.... It's recommended and a time saver if you ask me. It actually goes with reading phonetically. (Teaching Printing first, came about the time of "whole word memorization for reading.) France and other spots, still do cursive first. Remember that even if you don't do the WHOLE program... it will still work. I have Writing Road To Reading, and I use Cursive First... and I got to go to a mini private seminar at the SRW lady's home... (Wanda's) and I've done bits and pieces and am happy with our results. :-)
  15. "Under the proposed change, the ninth-graders would take a course called global studies, focusing in part on issues such as the environment. The 10th grade still would study civics and economics, but 11th-graders would take U.S. history only from 1877 onward." Wow, look what it'd leave more time for.... Maybe we should knock out Social Studies... and stick with what we want taught. History and Geography. They can watch Al Gore for "Environment & Logic".
  16. Seriously 1A or 1B because they're pretty simple. Personally, if he's been doing math, I would get the TG for 1A and B the part you use to teach the child for that level... but probably not extra..... I do get the whole enchilada after that.. pretty much. So, I teach and do with him.. and then have him do more by himself. BUT, the level 1 is pretty easy:-) From your header, I have no idea where you live... but we have at least one place we can go and purchase the books.... and look at them. (Exodusbooks.com) :-)
  17. Love it or hate it... fast or kinda slow... I'm stuck on her doing latin... (shhhh ...through highschool...) She thinks I may let her quit someday... Course, If I do... she'll be stuck starting Greek:-) She's doing Henle...Unit 3 ... and she's 11.
  18. It's because that's what was correct... not really because of "accent". I think that SWR... does the "We think the sound of short 'i', we say long 'e' " Of course, instead of trying to type it out... they sub the actual sound. When you hear of the why that Spalding based it on.. it makes sense. There are other words that are... we think... we say... :-)
  19. Darn.... you're defriending some of us?? I am living vicariously through you... is that spelled correctly?? This last year....I've... I mean you... have had such an exciting life!! I am super happy for you that you're getting less sleep.... and smelling a sweet baby... Every time I see your pic... I just think about how happy you must be. :-)
  20. http://lds.about.com/od/seminary/a/scripture_songs_4.htm http://lds.about.com/od/seminary/a/scripture_songs_5.htm Ok... so you know... I really love this... great music... and such. And.. the disclaimer that I don't put the LDS scripture on my cds... :-) PS... they have normal~fast and ~faster I think?? and then the music with no words.. so you can see if you know it... One of the addresses is for the New Testament...one for the Old:-) :-)
  21. You can't, as a Director, have State Farm insurance and have a nursery that you run. It's just not allowed. Now, what's allowed and what's done are sometimes different. If you have to file for an accident, and they find that you are doing a nursery... it can cause serious problems. At our group, I stayed completely out of it... and the tutors hired a person to babysit for them. I have absolutely nothing to do with it though... Trying to stay above board... to protect myself... :-)
  22. You don't have 4 year olds in a 4's~5's class?? Where are the 4 year olds?
  23. Hey There:-) I tried to pm you... but... you're popular!! Your box is full :-) How do they do LFC with 6th and up?? Inquiring minds wanna know!! :-) Thanks!!
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