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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Hey There, Who would you want to listen to... who lives right around Salem, OR... or within driving distance? and... what would they be good at speaking about?? This would be for homeschooling type events... and could be paid ... a small amount.. Thanks!! Carrie
  2. I'll add that if you can't wash your own... You could use a service... very easy... and better for babies than the disposables... Just a thought... :-)
  3. We'll be doing Challenge A, plus a different Latin course, and our own Math... Carrie:-) EEEKKK she'll be in 7th!!
  4. Yup.. I agree! I was not as bad as you.. but it was bad. A chiro was like a miracle to me. Oh yes... and massages by a really good woman. Beautiful... healing... relief!! OF course, if the chiro can't do it... I'd ask some specialist too. I know that there are things for the outside, too.. like hose and such.. Best of Luck!! Carrie
  5. I don't have an adopted child, but I can give you a glimpse of my life. I struggle with the decision that I made with my child while I was single. I would be way more happy with the situation if I had ALL the control as far as her being adopted by my husband.... As far as her knowing her bio-dad, she has NO dissolutions with who her Dad is... it's her Daddy that tucks her in at night... She KNOWS that the person who tucks you in... reads you stories... Yells when you're bad... Cries when you succeed... (and don't) ...that's your Dad. BUT, I have to say that it's good for her to know her bio. It gives her security to know that he loves her... that he wishes she were able to be with him more.. It gives HER the power... to know that her life is better because of the choices that she's had made for her... I think that with an actual adoption, things might be painted to look the same for your daughter... Just a thought.
  6. Chicken Parmesan. Yum! That'd be our try... :-)
  7. I'm not good at things like this. I have an idea of harp playing while I'm dying... romantic, yes? I saw it on a new show years ago, about it relieving stress. Usually hospice is pretty close, yes? If you are sending more than one thing, a rice bag or something to be warmed in a microwave.... (warn about time... ask me how I know!) Audio CD books to listen to... when you're too tired to read? Whatever they like to suck on... to help with the parched feel? Nice Powder? The Barbara Johnston (sp?) book.... To be honest, I'd go to the Goodwill before the new store. I find that an almost dry baby wipe... wipes most books nicely.... You can get so many for such a little price... Hugs... Carrie
  8. I have to think that this is after you give them a spank, when you're trying to smooth things over and talk things through... not while.... :confused:
  9. Mine is more expensive.. borrowed from my parents actually. (They know they'll never get it back) I use it ALL the time... from small to large... and it does up to 12" at least with 3 settings. Lovely present... I don't know if your hubby would be offended. $30 isn't too much... but if you wanna spend more...:-) BTW... I love Oregonlam.com for lamination products... $5.95 flat shipping.... I love the pouches with rounded corners.... I also like the comb binder machine:-) Carrie:-)
  10. Wow, can we stop bashing each other yet? No one things that babies and children should be whipped, and mentioning the Jews sent to gas chambers? That's really too much. Perhaps we should stop. Perhaps this isn't civil anymore. As one who loves Jews and hates what happened, please let's not mention this or keep it going. I love babies and children too. Could we stop now? :grouphug:
  11. Hey There, Almost scared to answer this:-) But, I like the Love and Logic Books.... I know the Shepherding book will get some riled.... but it's good if you're moderate about it.... And I like Hints on Child Training by H. Clay Trumball. I think the most important thing is to use moderation with everything, to evaluate your situation and see if what you're doing is seeming to produce an overall good feeling family, and of course with your adopted children remember that there are all these issues to overcome.... Children are hard to bring up... but it matters!! They are worth it... the patience and the diligence it takes to help them grow up safe and strong. :-) PS, I think that the Bludorn's Book... Teaching the Trivium is a lovely book for how to form a family...
  12. What a good reminder!! I'm so happy for you family that it turned out alright!!
  13. I've read 3. If you've ever had a child with a nut allergy.. (or peanut~legume) you'll understand that it's worth it to wait... if the link is true. Of course, I didn't realize that soy and peanuts are so closely related... who knows why my daughter is allergic to nuts and peanuts.... UGH!! Carrie
  14. I have to say, that for me, if my child can memorize SWBs books, then I think a great amount of information will be in their heads. My daughter listens to the cds until she has the content almost memorized. I think that's amazing, and though it's not up to many families standards, for me, I love it. I wish that I did a lot more, I wish she voraciously read through all the other books that I have for her. For her.... she's just not into learning... so...the SOTW series... listened to over and over... is what we're gonna get... for now... (she's in 6th) Now, if Jim Weiss could just read the older series for me... I'd be set:-) Carrie:-)
  15. Be nice.... no one was being too cheeky:-) I think at the end of the day, what we can agree about, is that the poor children are the ones to suffer at the hands of their parents. Suffer is too little to say about it when one of your siblings is basically beat to death. May I say that parenting is hard, these parents might have had the best of intentions... but something... somewhere... went wrong... very wrong... I'd like to know where to fix it... how to fix it. Perhaps mandated courses about RAD and such??
  16. Switched Title to see if I'd get a better response :tongue_smilie: ... What do you think... package wise... of curriculum that would suit a 2nd grader for History... Not worried about anything except History.... The time period would be Pre-Reformation World Thru Modern... :auto: Or... something similar. We do Classical Conversations and I'm trying for and open and go History Program. I had Latin Centered Curriculum picked out... but now I'm thinking of something else. What are my choices... my older child will be doing Challenge A... :D Carrie:-)
  17. I've read the Pearls' book and took pearls from it and left the rest. I think that to claim that someone else made you do it is crazy. I read their magazine and what I read is so.... "Charlotte Masonee".... It's gentle, kind and I just don't see anything even remotely close to this. I believe that parents who are prone to abuse... read a book that means to give your child a couple of swats... and freak on their children. I think they did improperly say a few things... and the things the said... and others took wrongly... have serious consequences. I do think it would be a good thing for some Christian leaders to ask them if they'd like to think about revising some of their advise. Overall, I think I would be considered a loving parent, and I believe they are loving as well. BUT, I think that the goal and method of what they are trying for... is lost when you can't use your common sense. I was homeschooled... I've seen a lot of advise... and I really think it boils down to logic... and using yours. I feel VERY bad for the children... and know that this isn't what the Pearls would advocate.... Running to duck.....
  18. http://www.costco.com/Browse/Productgroup.aspx?Prodid=11298299&whse=BC&Ne=4000000&eCat=BC|48022|56098&N=4040783&Mo=14&pos=1&No=13&Nr=P_CatalogName:BC&cat=56098&Ns=P_Price|1||P_SignDesc1&lang=en-US&Sp=C&ec=BC-EC5397-Cat48022&topnav= I forgot that you could order Bumkins from Costco.... And... I would not get the All in Ones. You can preload your covers so they are like a "2 in 1" and still wash them separately. Carrie
  19. It's hard when you're first posting on a forum:-) We're just lucky that we can format here. I have one forum that I post on, that you absolutely have no control over the formatting. I think the red sign and green sign... lovingly placed might be a great idea!! Carrie:-)
  20. I'll play Spelling: (WRTR list) Science: CC once a week, and Apologia Art** Fine Arts with CC Math:Singapore 2A and into 2B Latin: LFC A History: SOTW 2 Reading History books to go with Cycle 2 CC... and ... LCC sequence for history.... (kinda the LCC Edition 1 way... kinda...) More Memory: CC Memory Work, Even More Memory:Poetry as wanted Extra.... and I hear we're doing Boy Scouts next year... ugh! Carrie:-)
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