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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Well, Classical Conversations... the one a week group that meets....(weekly during the school year) has this philosophy. The Practicums are held once a week. Go to the event calendar at classicalconversations.com to see where the one closest to you is.... You might go to a free Practicum (seminar) just because they are good. (regardless of whether you want to weekly get together) The Noah Plan....(is that what it's called?) is also striving to do this, I believe.
  2. I would suggest that starting printing is harder and less developmentally correct, than starting cursive. The Cursive First points to France and the fact that they did printing first for 3 years? and then went back to cursive... Does anyone know if this is documented outside of "Cursive First"?
  3. Too bad you're not in Oregon... If you were... I have a night and time you could come over... I'd even fix the meal... although it might be spaghetti and bread.. Anyone this side want a family who likes to get together?? :-)
  4. I'm taking it you meant more than 32 miles :-) Princess Bride and what's the movie that starts out... Ever After? I love both of these as does my daughter.... Depends on what your 5 year old is use to listening to... We always take lots of corn nuts (well, the best ones are the ones you pick up at fruit stands)...on driving trips & jerky.. and other fun treats... And ... did you check out the train?? There's a chance they're still on special right now... otherwise... Have a great drive! :-)
  5. Hi There! Whether you have been to a Practicum or some other similar (homeschool) seminar... I'd love your ideas!! We're having our Classical Conversations Practicum (Seminars) coming up this summer. I'm coordinating the practicums in the Oregon area, and this is our 3rd year. I am SOOOO excited. Perhaps it's because I should be doing taxes and this gives me something else to think about. :D I'd love everything to go as smoothly as possible and each family to feel "special" and cared for whether they just come for the practicum... or choose to come to our weekly group. (Of which I am the local Director) I am looking for all types of hints and suggestions from anyone who wants to suggest what was great (or not so great.. and you can pm me:-) with their practicum. Whether you received a little "take home gift" or drank great coffee while at the Practicum.. or had someone walk you back to the Kid Camps... Whatever made you stop and think, "this is a well done Practicum". That's what I want to hear. Suggestions... however small... are welcome!! :-)
  6. I think that people are just busy, and they just don't feel like they "need" friends. My husband and I tried for a while, but for some reason, it just didn't go anywhere.... So, we just don't do much anymore. My husband (and introvert, actually) suggests doing some "church things" or whatever... and I have no interest in eating with a bunch of people.. making small talk... and then seeing them at the next lunch after church... 3 months later. I actually loved the little church we went to for a while.... but it wasn't where we live... and it just didn't fit our other needs... like our kids doing youth group and such. I'm happy I have my mom and dad close... and I always say that at least they're our friends... :-)
  7. You can do this with crescent rolls, too. Yum!! and I don't even like Tuna!
  8. Here's a funny, The first Chiropractor I ever went to.. in extreme pain... told me the stories of his young days when he first started out. Chiros weren't as popular, I suppose, and he started by doing whatever work he could do. He did great work on me... but there were a couple of stories about hitting the bull just right... to adjust the neck... and the German Shephard... told them in all seriousness.... so I think he was telling them as "true". Anyway, I'd love to have my pup adjusted. (But not for $70) :-)
  9. You can always say you're giving him an extra year to mature... and that you'll be doing some things to keep him up to speed at home. You don't have to say, "we're homeschooling him". Then the next year, you just say that you enjoyed the last year, and so you're giving him another year to mature... cuz he's too young socially to put in 1st grade, but he's doing work ahead of 1st and that you'll look at it the next year to see where he could be..... when he's in highschool... presto... he'll be ready for college soon.. and you'll be ready to send him:-) My son didn't realize until the end of last year that he was "kindergarten age" or that he was homeschooled. He just knew he stayed with Mama. And yes... his sister is homeschooled (by me) and his steps go to school... It's just... life... for him:-)
  10. http://www.donpotter.net/PDF/Cursive%20First.pdf http://www.swrtraining.com/id29.html And, 3rd grade is when they can really start to dig in and learn..... I don't know... I can't find and article, but that's just from a homeschool and public school experience....pov. Don't know if I can document it:-)
  11. Maybe just call it "joined writing" as in the UK? It really takes the scary away, when you realize you're just blending the letters to each other:-) It makes sense to me that you do it very early, before all the changes in 3rd and 4th grade take place... and all. :-)
  12. I think that's just a super sweet offer. They can say, "that is SSSoooo kind" and we'd love to leave him home. Or... that is so kind, but we'll take him with us. Either way, it's you honoring some young man... who died in the service of his country. What a sweet offer.
  13. academicrecords.net/ It's free until you want to print it off... then it costs $15. (fifteen:-)
  14. Sometimes life makes you wanna live on an island... so you know to expect... No one.... It's hard to try and then have no one come. It's weird.... Maybe friends aren't what they're cracked up to be. :(
  15. That's just wrong. I am SOOOO sorry for you and him. People can be so insensitive. I remember so well how it felt to be 12 and I try so hard to be sensitive to those "big events" in life. I'm so sorry!
  16. If you are looking to read the Bible for it's "beauty" then I would go with the KJV, which when you read things like Shakespeare, will most closely align. After that... New King James Version(NKJV)... is just slightly different. New American Standard Bible(NASB), English Standard Version (ESV) least on the literary line would be one of the NIVs... or paraphrase ones... which lose a majority of the Bible with their "conversation style". "Version" in the name... would be like "NIV" "Translation" in the name would be with it translated as close to possible to the original. :-)
  17. I don't understand.. Why can't you be in the grade you would be in PS and the grade you should work in.. for your actual work. Even if my son can do 2 grades ahead... I'd still put him with his peers for outside extra activities. The ages of his peers is what's important. That's figured by... age of student by cut-off. (Here it's Sept 1st... some places it's Dec... or whatever...) minus 5. That tells the "grade" that your child would be in. :)
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