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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Unlike Hornblower :) I can think of cons :) Perhaps because I need to give my pup a shower today! They are like adding an agreeable small child to the mix, that some places don't allow to come in.... Unlike friends that can leave their dog at home in the backyard for weeks while on vacation (with friends feeding and playing with) ours needs a sitter..... And... actually... he'd rather come with! It's money we "don't have" but then when do ever have tons of money? As far as teeth cleaning.... we do the less expensive thing... raw dog food... and some bones... and then I keep a check on his teeth... I have occasionally flecked or brushed his teeth... but I don't expect to have them cleaned... (now perhaps I'll have to have one filled... but that's another story :) I've heard great things about greyhounds that you rescue... and some pretty sad things like teaching them that it's ok to "sit" :(
  2. I'm looking at purchasing this from ChristianBook.com and am wondering if anyone has experience with it... Better prices?? etc... Thanks!! Apologia Astronomy Lab Kit More in Young Explorer Series Nature's Workshop Plus! / Other, N/A 4.5 out of 5 stars(9 Reviews) $69.99 (CBD Price) Availability: In Stock CBD Stock No: WW697200
  3. Hey There, I'm wondering if anyone has suggestions for a current reproducible map of Europe. I was looking at http://www.KnowledgeQuestMaps.com but can't tell what their "most current" one is... Ideas?
  4. And, with the "no fleas thing" Here's a test... do the flea treatment... as Hornblower recommended... and see if after a time it gets better... Those are classic spots for allergies to fleas... and even when my dog has had fleas... it's been hard if even possible... to see them! Just a thought... if you did it and it worked... Presto!
  5. I'd try raw, too. I was almost ready to put my dog down; I had my dog on all kinds of "grain free" food, benadryl twice a day... and he was horribly itchy. A combination of flea meds ( I know... ick) and raw food.... and 2 years later... he has almost no allergy symptoms. Occasionally he has goopy eyes, but he doesn't itch... and hasn't had Benadryl in years. I think that raw chicken is the easiest thing to feed, raw beef or goat heart and kidneys with some bone dust... (bone dust looks like hamburger the way I get it) You can roll the bone dust in ball shaped "treats". I feed a variety of raw.... (not just what's listed) and it's really the saving grace for my dog. AND, I went out to price some kibble.... Wow... I forgot how much I use to pay for all that dog kibble! :)
  6. Oh yes... if you really want them to take it... a bit of brown sugar can help :) I nurse forever... all the time... and my kids still took pacis. They were a substitute sometimes, but I still nursed very often... maybe sometimes once an hour? :)
  7. My suggestion is to go to a mtg and see how it feels to you. I know that there are all types of "religions" and "nots" that go to CC across the US... If it doesn't work for your family, you could join with 3 other families and do it informally. You could get tons of help on these boards about how that may look... :)
  8. You all co-sleep way too long. My 7 year old is going to move into his own bed soon!!! (we've been saying that a while..) :) I'm ready... but I always thought little babies should be with their mamas... I too heard about it in my college class. Kinda like I imagine Bible days... baby sleeps between the Mama and the Papa.... and when new baby is born... gets transfered to another side! and on and on... depending on how many babies :) :)
  9. Another vote for kongs... and of course... I'm into doing Raw Dog Food. I found that once my pup was chewing through his food to eat (like raw, *uncooked*, chicken bones and such) he didn't have as much urge to chew inappropriate things :) The Kong... in the summer especially... it's perfect to use for kong popsicles. You put kibble and water to kinda get a bit soft... ( a few minutes to soak up water) you stuff the kongs... and put in the freezer to freeze. I did this three times a day... (used 3 kongs... appropriate size for dog) Example... dog needs to 3 cups.... you divide into 1 cup three times a day... 1/3 cup each kong... :) Anyway, for my dog... took him 15 minutes each kong... 45 minutes for a feed... and I did that for twice a day! Yay!! BTW, I put a small cup under each kong to catch any juices that would leak before freezing... :)
  10. When I ordered diapers... I chased the lady down... It's like.. refund my money... or I'll do what I can to get it. I told her I'd file a fraud report on her... and I actually did. After 3 months I got the diapers... which were poorly made anyway! :)
  11. I wouldn't hold it while they were gagging... but... you just stick it in... and keep at it... till they take it... sleepy time is good. My son liked the regular sized mam from the beginning... since yours is 11 wks... I'd get that one. Also, I had him take many kinds... so I could stop at any store and get one in an emergency. :)
  12. Don't use the poison to rid your kids of them! There are many natural ways... without the chemicals .... ewwww... Sorry though!! Very sorry... and .... well..... I'd be upset too!
  13. and... sometimes it just doesn't work.... even if you use it everytime! from the very beginning.... I have a kid to prove it :) and... I was 26!
  14. Because of all you I bought the book... mostly for the section on Geography! The other stuff.... what my kids can get from it... great! But, the ability to memorize has been sharpened... and the latin is a good base for what we'll do later... Course I'd love a Latin Centered Curriculum Cooperative... but imagine that ever getting put together! It'd be pretty hard for that to happen.... ohhhh... maybe that's one reason he got more involved with the whole school thing...... (If only we were closer...and I could afford it!) :)
  15. Ours doesn't, the one in town that I love to send my kids to... does. For theirs, it's $10 for VBS and $15 for the all day "Camp" starting in 2nd grade! Yay! I'm so excited! All day he'll be there... M-TH and half on Friday... It's great for me! :) (The pay College students to come and lead their camp.... It's a Lutheran Church) BTW, that doesn't cover the whole cost.....The church picks up the rest...and perhaps do fundraisers...
  16. At our church, one family had two daughters pregnant at the same time. They read letters from each of the girls to the congregation..... (not with the girls there). I think it was good! It stifled all rumors... there was nothing to tell.. :)
  17. Well, Cadam, I would have left off my daughter's Bio Dad in a second... and had his rights terminated any way I could have.... because I've had to deal with him for 12 years already.... and 6 more to go! I understand your situation.... but.... with my daughter... it has nothing to do with her getting to know her dad... only with him having this crazy control over the situation. (from afar!) I'd much rather "let" her get to know him on our terms... than have him legally involved... to each their own.. :)
  18. This is great! Will the rest of his cds be available soon? Or just these?
  19. Imagine when it has a problem. I guess hopefully most are boys, and that he's ready to have an outhouse...or two... :)
  20. Love her gently, cry for her and with her... if she wants. Remember that it's a sadness with a beautiful ending... a baby! God is merciful and gracious and forgives us of all our wrongs... and this is one with a really loud..."smack of humility" (being pregnant) and yet incredible love... and just makes you "not selfish" I love my "oops" that I had before I was married... My dad's Doctorate is in Theology... and while he was crushed... they pulled around me to protect me. I only had one person give me a serious hard time about it... I told her that people like her are the reason some try to hide their sin by killing their unborn babies.... She repented! On a serious note, no naming the guy on the bc.... and look into what your state will do with getting his rights terminated. I wish that I had figured out how to have my parents adopt my child.... so her dad would be out of my life forever! That is what your daughter deserves... to one day be able to marry and have a life that's not with a child divided!
  21. I have to say, I understand your concern. To be honest, I'd just include the 4 year old in with your routine. Ok, see who can get in the restroom to brush your teeth.... to get upstairs for stories.... to go to bed.... etc. Sounds like a sweet boy, just no routines. My husband lets my 4 year old stay up way too late... but luckily.... we have olders to watch him till Daddy gets around to putting him to bed....
  22. Incredible Room... but... do us all a favor... and especially your conscience and do the wall bracket right away. We don't want any bad news, next! :001_smile:
  23. Hmmm. I'm impressed! I don't know if I would have even thought of substituting anything.... Let us know how it turns out!! :)
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