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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. You could always choose to take them to another church's Awana's Program. I don't think most of them make you volunteer. :)
  2. And... if they offered it to your son... they didn't offer it to someone else... and.... well... that may not be fair to them. I'm sure he would act properly for them and perhaps (have) come back refreshed... just a thought.
  3. Maybe the hotel for $250. has more to do? So the total cost will be less? Hopefully it's something like "Great Wolf Lodge" where you can do water park type things etc.... I think it sounds lovely to be in a different location. :)
  4. I would wait until her time was up, since SHE'S the one responsible for following the law. I'm honest, too, but I feel that in a case like this, you should allow her to do her job.... and you to do yours. :)
  5. I bet they don't want the parent's money to go home!! Maybe parent's should go all the way home, and colleges would have to work more at getting tuition to be more realistic. I mean, how much can a student working at Taco Bell make?? ;)
  6. Wish I were there! I would gladly help you taste test this!! All for the small fee of a few jars at the end. AND, I would help you chop the veggies up, too!! :)
  7. Crackers :) I hardly ever get to eat it... as my daughter is allergic to hazelnuts! Anyway, perhaps just try it again? It's really yummy with dessert crepes.. :)
  8. I'd say #2 and just blame it on her needing "a language" or whatever suits you :) Hopefully you can do "visits" with the Co-op #1 people still? :)
  9. Hey Angela:) Four days a week for school, because the 5th she'll be at CC and "skip" that ps day. Basically the band will be guaranteed "practice" time.... her band instructor has known us for a while and suggested that... She is a quick reader... although I'm not sure about the CC books, as she can't even pick one that slightly interests her. (And I just LOVE Carry on Mr Bowditch. I'm actually gonna purchase the unabridged version read by Jim Weiss, hoping it can spark a tiny interest in her) :)
  10. Hey Everyone! My daughter is going into 7th grade this coming year... (ok 2 wks from now!!) She's doing CC with the "Classical Conversations" group. She will be doing the Latin's Not So Tough book, but mostly it will be work because of vocabulary. (this will be her 5th year of Latin... this is going backwards for her as she's done LC I and II and two years of Henle) She'll be doing Math (Saxon 8/7) which I don't really care for, but she doesn't like math so she just wanted a "do it and get it over with". and the other courses... I figure that it's going to take her 5 hrs of school plus some homework on Saturday. At public school, just a block away, she'll be volunteering at the neighborhood elementary school, art class, lunch, and band (well, 2 bands because she'll be there for 7th and 8th grade band) She does ballet for 3 hrs a week and jazz for 1 hr a week. She also might do youth group on Wednesdays for 2 hrs. This is all she'll do... her whole 7th grade life. I've gone through with 2 public school kids....through middle school... but... does this seem too much?? I mean... She won't start till 9:30 in the morning and lunch... and then over at 2:30pm... I have to admit I want her to be really busy, partially so I can have some carved out time for my 7 year old... free from distractions of a "preteen" on hormones. She's good for everyone else! It's just me that she lets lose on :) What'cha think?? :)
  11. I do the things you do for cell phone... rice and stuff... consequence?? hmmm... I don't know about those...
  12. Title says it all :) I need about 30 that are about 8.5x11. I'd love good prices, free shipping... etc. Thanks!!
  13. I'd tell the kids... good M-W at the "school library" and Thurs... you'll go to Mickey D's or something... Or... after on Thurs...you'll do a treat or something. Ask in a kind of... is there a spot where I can spend some time with siblings? I mean... where do the other families spend time?? :)
  14. If you have money for 2 days of childcare perhaps someone to do some fun Science Museum things with her?? or... anything that lets you have some time away?? I would have to be involved with the PS with a child who could have fun "telling lies".... can you imagine?? How about a Christian School part time?? I'd look for alternatives.. :( Sorry this is happening to you!
  15. I don't know... yet... but I ordered it today! If you order it now... CBD has a discount code for free shipping :)
  16. Sorry :( I would think about it a bit differently, depending on the Worldview that he has. Are you all Christians? Secular? etc... It really does matter about the roots that he has ....
  17. For fur... the furminator?? really works! It's amazing how much hair it gets... just don't go overboard like I did the first time... and kinda....sorry pup... get down to the skin. :( But... for less hair!! :)
  18. Either beside me... or if I'm in the room with other people... in his crate. (just outside the bedroom door a bit)
  19. Maybe one of those cell phones that you pay for with a card? Perhaps you and some friends could go in on this? I was thinking... it's going to be hard for them to get everything together without one. SOME you can port over your old number to...... ?? :) Nice of you to start brainstorming!
  20. OH... I like "Selah" too.. but the one I knew was pronounces... "Sea Luh".... ) I think Selah Ruth is pretty. Or... I like Clarity. Clarity is a pretty name.... Clarity Ruth :) :)
  21. So, I pm'd you... I swear you have the same names as a person on the Christian Mothers Yahoo Group... Possibly Yes? Anyway, I always like to think of... what your baby will like :) How bout Evangeline Ruth.... with the nickname "AY va". I love it... Evangeline Ruth. I think your baby... when all grown up... would love it :) :)
  22. Well, one is "koine greek"... "hard g" and one is ... more modern? The company says it... with a soft "G" so that's how I say it now... :)
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