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Everything posted by AbcdeDooDah

  1. I was reading about the book thing. DD is terrified of needles so she thought it sounded like a fine option.
  2. Thanks. DD has an appointment with an ortho on Wednesday for her elbow so we will ask then.
  3. I just got this one. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07D78Y5TN/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It's above your price range at $249, but it has been great. I haven't programmed it yet, I just set it in the room I want. No complaints so far.
  4. My kids were so funny when they figured out Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. "Wait , we went to hell?!?"
  5. My husband has never signed a FAFSA and only one parent needs an FSA ID. https://fafsa.ed.gov/help/achk06hlp.htm
  6. Indiana Jones is always first!
  7. I've seen most of them at the grocery store, usually in little plastic tubs. Mexican markets would most likely have more.
  8. I want to try this one as soon as my puppy is a year. https://www.drjudymorgan.com/how-to-make-homemade-puploaf/ It looks pretty good. I also want to try supplementing with raw. I'm switching my cats over to raw right now and they are loving it but I don't think I can afford that with a husky/shepherd mix!
  9. Me, too. My kids would be disappointed, too. We still love criss-crossing the park, though. 😂
  10. Cafe Orleans is so good. The fries are amazing!
  11. YES to Peter Pan. It's the best. We always wait about 45 minutes. The train ride is great when you just want to rest and eat a snack. The scene with lightning is extremely loud, though, and hurt our ears.
  12. There's an app to check for ride wait times. We don't do any sort of plan but just go to whatever ride sounds fun or we have fast pass for. We crisscross the park many times. 😂
  13. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07D78Y5TN/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05__o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I have wanted a robot vac forever. I finally decided to go for it when I got my Coscto rebate. I L.O.V.E. it. It's pretty quiet and picks up so much stuff. His name is Domo.
  14. The level of injury that must have occurred . . .😱
  15. The dance moves make no sense, either. They have no connection to the routine. I thought I just read something about point deductions for butt-cheeks. I will see if I can find it.
  16. Well, they read the message. I kind of expected an "is she okay?" but whatever.
  17. Those things are choices. A big part of the what i heard when I was more of an anti-vaxxer is that we should be afraid of the government telling us what we MUST inject into our child's body. I don't think it's wrong to question that.
  18. Exactly. When I got married 25 years ago, blood tests were required. I was told my MMR was no longer valid so I got a booster. At age 20. Then I got whooping cough in my thirties. It doesn't compute that it its only unvaccinated children spreading disease.
  19. I just messaged them to be aware that their stairs are icy. Their email bounced so I went that route. I dont want to call because of phone anxiety and I dont want my voice to communicate something I am not intending. 😊
  20. I get that, but I was also refusing the heps and she pushed for the meningitis with that line.
  21. Aw, it's fine. My oldest was irritated at me for being anti-vax-ish. My kids all have the bare minimum for school entry. She is getting a degree in education so she will get all the required shots. My 4th was not vaxxed until after age three. We both got whooping cough. She has only the bare minimum. She's 16 now. The doctor always tried to convince me to get her the meningitis, but I have yet to be convinced when her argument is, "It's a real thing."
  22. I'm not sure that it really matters if they are both capable of spreading the same disease.
  23. Awareness needs to include adults then, yes? I'm not so sure about not being deliberate when I've heard excuses like, "My insurance won't pay for them." They're not willing to put their money where their mouth is.
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