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Everything posted by AbcdeDooDah

  1. My kids didn't tell anyone, they just came home and we went to get it checked out. They might assume it's fake. I guess that's for the insurance to figure out. I don't know how they get it all sorted out in the end.
  2. Not sure where I said anything of the sort. If an adult has not been titred and boostered they should not be blaming only unvaccinated kids for the diseases reemerging. I was vaxxed. My kids are vaxxed. It is possible to see more than one side of an argument.
  3. If anti-vaxxers dont care about fragile children, then you can say the same thing about every single adult who does not make sure they are still covered and get the required boosters. I'm willing to bet that's a large number.
  4. I wonder how many vaccinated kids grow up to be antivaxxers?
  5. That's a bummer. I love the glass bottle. I got Bon Ami and *every* other product was coated in fine powder.
  6. Dd16 slipped last night on icy stairs at grocery store. Went to ER because we thought her arm was broken. Xray was clear but she still can't use her arm. We'll follow up in a few days to check for tissue damage if it doesn't get better. The insurance will ask where it happened. Should we give the business a heads-up? We've always paid the medical bills for injuries on private property so I'm not looking for a payout. I know they have cameras so I was thinking a heads up would be good so they can review the footage. If the insurance company goes after them, they might think it's a false claim. I don't know.
  7. Oh,yes. Sorry. These are pods filled with epsom salt where you float. It can be complete sensory deprivation.
  8. Hopefully someone has experience. What about for chronic pain? Anyone?
  9. Any success ( or otherwise) stories? What about benefits for PTSD?
  10. I like the Laguna Tidepools. It has been several years since I've been but they were great.
  11. My dreams frequently reference each other. I have a whole network of places that are somehow connected, too, like if I'm on a freeway I know I just passed the barn, or whatever, from another dream. I'm also a lucid dreamer.
  12. I always check the vial before vaccinations. Beyond that, you have the right to have your child treated by someone else. Make it clear.
  13. Probably some of that, too. It makes me stabby, though(which is fully my problem, I know) so I just can't. 😀
  14. Yes, that totally makes sense. I do that. A lot. 😂
  15. I move to the couch when dh is snoring(instead of him) for a few reasons. I am half his size and that's less strain on the couch. I can sleep anywhere. He has a physically demanding job and needs sleep. Not that I dont, but again. I can sleep anywhere.
  16. Does it have a brush with bristles? I'm wondering about scratches on hardwood?
  17. Yep. And she knows who has trained her to do what and takes advantage of that. Dd16 approaches the front door after a walk and the dog sits automatically waiting for the door to open. Dh does it and you hear all kinds if racket as shes jumping, scratching. Brat.
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