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Everything posted by Faith-manor

  1. Yes, this might be the best method of getting rid of Caligula. I was just reading a BBC article about how outmanned, outgunned, out tech, out everything Ukraine is compared to Russia, and I just do not see how sanctions, seizing assets, etc. is going to work and especially in terms of saving human lives. I really think NATO is going to have to commit ground troops, air and naval support beyond just mere "support", everything. I don't see any other way unless someone does take out Putin. Otherwise, I think we may be witnessing the start of WWIII. My heart is broken for the people of Ukraine, and her neighbors.
  2. And classical music on guitar is tough. It cannot be played well on a standard acoustic guitar and the player needs to be trained as a classical guitarist so that is very much something to consider. My son is a classical guitarist and plays a lot of Bach and what not. Really beautiful! But he is college trained. None of his friends who play only pop and folk acoustic can play classical. So your dd needs to have a good understanding of the extent of the guitarists capabilities before choosing any music. That foes for vocal as well. What is the vocalists's range? That may rule out some music.
  3. I was proposed to twice by two different men before I met, dated, and eventually married Mark. In both of the other cases, the old adage, "Don't ask questions you don't already know the answer to" would have been appropriate. In the first case, I was feeling some red flags for compatibility or character issues that I would not be willing to overlook. I was very serious about the first person, but not the second one. In the case of significant other number one, I was tied in knots internally but had made up my mind that I was going to break up with him, and on the same day that I asked him to dinner to talk, he ended up arriving with a ring. He didn't take it well to say the least. I tried to stop him from getting to the embarrassing down on one knee in front of the restaurant only to get turned down moment, but he just would not take a hint or listen when I said I needed to speak first. Yes, that was one of the red flags. He had a lot of good qualities at that time, but listening or thinking that if my opinion differed from his it might be worth considering was NOT one of them. He didn't date for a long time afterward. The hurt was real for sure. I eventually moved on, moved to another state, married dh, and for years never heard anything about him. About a decade later I was at a family funeral and someone who knew him thought it was appropriate to bring up ex boyfriend in front of Mark. 😠🙄 The update was that he had become an alcoholic and was in jail for a DUI that caused a terrible accident. I was saddened to hear how things turned out for him, but it didn't really affect me at all. The second one was someone I went out with all of four times. That was it. He out of the blue proposed in the cafeteria my freshman year of college in front of a group of us from the music department who were having lunch with our theory professor. It was so embarrassing! Of course my answer was this hissed practically whisper, "No. Get up. This is NOT appropriate." As it turns out, I was not the first or last female who would go out with him a few times, immediately have red flags, and experience a bizarre proposal in a public place. He got a little stalkerish with the woman after me, and the college had to expel him. I think he was mentally ill. I never heard what happened to him. Dh used to laugh about being third in line. But, he was the right one for sure. 34 years in June and despite the stresses of life and some tough stuff we have been through like my father's mental illness, violence, and legal woes before dying of cancer, he is my best friend and better half. Our daughter was also proposed to by someone she had to turn down. This was another situation in which she very much loved a young man for whom she was seeing some things that would problematic if their relationship continued. Like boyfriend number one in my story, it seems that the proposed marriage was a way of pressuring her to stay in the relationship when he realized she was making hints that they either needed to step back, slow down, re-evaluate and talk about some issues, or break up. I am totally against the courtship model. Too much pressure from the beginning that relationships are supposed to end in marriage. I think participants then internalize that pressure which can make them ignore instincts and warning signs. Life is tough. We don't really worry about how many people our younf adults date. Take time to really get to know someone before hitching your wagon to them legally is how we have advised the kids. Though we married young by today's standards, not one of our college friends who did the same is still married, and most of their divorces were just acrimonious disasters. The ones we know who didn't marry until much later in their twenties or even their early thirties have been so much more stable and happily married. So of course personal experience influences how we advice our kids.
  4. I would hire both and split duties if finances will allow. My father went from 'needs a driver, someone to get him our of the house, someone to supervise and make sure meds are taken", to "needs a lot of help" in a crazy short period of time. This also fives you back up for scheduling. But, I would be looking for a replacement for the male aide since you need someone who will help with personal care.
  5. I have wool socks to wear with my boots when it is super cold out. Otherwise I just like those soft, squishy fuzzy ones. I don't spend a lot on my socks except for those few pairs of cashmere wool ones I have on hand. I tend not to wear socks on the house because I have some nice slippers that are very comfy. I wear ankle.boots in the fall so short socks do not show, and nothing shows with my snow boots in the winter.
  6. W.T.H? He is absolutely evil!
  7. You have company. Dh and I believe the same.
  8. Oh my goodness!!! Smothering me in cuteness!
  9. When she feels better, we will need a photo of the two of them together, both little faces. They are just about as cute as they can be!
  10. We made it! The five day average (they don't report on weekends or federal holidays and then only on M.W.F.) was 1186 per day. So maybe in a week we will be below 1000 per day. I am also watching the rates for our county. I feel like I might be able to get my hair professionally cut at the end of the month. I might even consider being there long enough for a foot soak. We are still wearing our KN95's when out and about. I am anxiously waiting warm enough weather to participate in outdoor dining.
  11. Depending on how far back she wants to reach: A Thousand Years - if you have a classical guitarist who can adapt, it sounds lovely. All of Me Can't Help Falling in Love Just the Way you Look.Tonight
  12. Counts as harvest to me! And it sounds so interesting. I have never been involved in anything like that.
  13. Mercy, I am so glad it was a quiet, non traumatic passing. I send you and your husband love as you mourn your loss. 💓
  14. Okay then. I was just speaking from our experience, and this was a new personality change for MIL when it began happening, and was dementia. Sorry to offend.
  15. I think that sounds like dementia maybe. We get sometimes similar talk from MIL. Insists she wants to see x, y, z specialist and then argue with them. It is so hard! Many hugs and good thoughts, Dawn. 💓
  16. Correleno, this might be thing that gets attention. And the ad shouldn't be "causes significant damage" but more like, "If you don't get vaccinated, you rocks will rot." Get Bruce Willis to do the ad. That will definitely cause a flurry!
  17. Finally! Keep it up, Michigan, keep it up!
  18. Hugs, Dawn. I hope you can get a good night's sleep tonight.
  19. I am really encouraged by these latest updates. Yay for your mom!!
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