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Everything posted by bibiche

  1. You can put your flour on a piece of parchment or wax paper, fold up each side and make a sort of sliding board for the flour, thus eliminating the hassle of disconnecting the paddle and removing the bowl. :) There's an attachment available as well, I think, but the paper trick is cheap and easy.
  2. The ancient Maya were well-versed in "butt chugging," though they practised it with pulque rather than vodka or cough syrup. ;) You can see a beautiful pot featuring it at the Princeton University Art Museum. link to a rollout photo: https://decipherment.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/figure-7.jpg
  3. DS loved Comtesse de Segur books. His favorite was Un bon petit diable. I googled to make sure of the title and lo and behold!
  4. DS's dentist keeps pushing them, we keep refusing them. DS has not had cavities and has excellent oral hygiene. He also used xylitol for a number of years. I don't see the need for them (for *him*) and I don't like the idea of plastic in his mouth.
  5. My favorite biscuit recipe uses cooked egg yolks. I can't remember if it came from James Beard or Rose Levy Beranbaum, but either way it is good. Here's a link: http://food52.com/blog/3564-james-beard-s-strawberry-shortcakes When white asparagus is in season I always use sieved egg yolks and melted butter to top it. Might not sound appetizing, but it is delicious. That's traditional, but I don't know why it wouldn't work with other vegetables.
  6. will this help you for conjugations? http://konjugator.reverso.net/konjugation-deutsch.html http://www.die-konjugation.de/
  7. Leapfrog exists in France (search on Amazon.fr or the FNAC), though I don't know anyone who uses it. That push seems more typically American. Gallimard Jeunesse Musique has a lovely series of books with CDs for young children if you are considering books. Search for "Mon imagier de..." Is there an Alliance Française in your area? They often offer classes or even story hour.
  8. Please do. The most important person in my life died waiting for a heart transplant. And even if it makes you uncomfortable, please discuss it with your family so they know your wishes. Also know that all mainstream religions allow and/or support organ donation. When I used to hand out organ donation cards many people told me that they were forbidden by their religion to donate organs. One otherwise intelligent person even told me that he couldn't go to heaven if his body wasn't whole. :confused1: http://www.beliefnet.com/Faiths/2001/05/Organ-Donation-Where-Your-Religion-Stands.aspx
  9. This is why all males in my house must sit and not stand. Seriously, it solves the problem.
  10. Have you considered the AoPS online classes? Here, DS thrives on them. And they certainly would be less expensive than hiring a tutor. You can also drop up to the third class if it isn't a good fit.
  11. A credit card with no foreign exchange fees. Or a debit card that doesn't charge fees. We use both when travelling (one for purchases, the other for cash). I don't know anyone who uses traveller's cheques anymore.
  12. We're not, but it looks good and I will consider it for the future. Thanks! Here is a link to some threads form the neoprofs forum, perhaps something there will be of help. http://www.neoprofs.org/search?search_keywords=terre&search_where=f32
  13. I'm not aware of any books on the subject that have been translated. Doesn't Montessori emphasize handwriting? Maybe you could find something in that body of writing. I've seen the video you linked and like it. You might also enjoy the wonderful film Etre et Avoir. Here's a trailer:
  14. There are 20 seasons of "C'est pas sorcier" to watch! That's a big favorite at our house. Have you looked at subscribing to Culturetheque?
  15. These are just books with simple exercises similar to things that can be found on line for free and printed out. I am not familiar with any of these books so can't give recommendations because we mostly printed out pages and used inexpensive disposable books that I no longer have. If you want to avoid the bother and expense of importing them you can have a look at momes.net or google "exercices de graphisme" to find other sites. http://www.momes.net/Apprendre/Francais/Exercices-de-graphisme
  16. Shocking, even coming from Scalia. Despicably racist remarks. :(
  17. OMG. I still cannot believe how absolutely offensive... W.T.F. I wasn't sure we were "allowed" to mention it or if it constituted politics. But seriously. OMG. What year is this? What century is this?!
  18. I am sorry if I offended you. If it makes you feel better, I was addressing a collective you even if I replied to a specific you. ;) And I am not "emotional" about this. Hard to convey tone on the computer. The exclamation points were there because that is the whole point: White people read situations differently than minorities. The white experience is the default experience. Have a look at the video I posted earlier. It is an amusing way to get people to realize what minorities put up with (and yes, I do mean put up with!) all of the time. What if you had to put up with stuff like that all the time? Wouldn't you get frustrated after a while? Wouldn't you get tired of remaining silent and being "a good sport" about it, even if the people that you were being a good sport for didn't even know that you were because they didn't realize how absolutely offensive they were being? We can't make changes for the better if white people do not even understand that they are being offensive. That is why I think it is a good thing to bring things up. And Lb20inblue did not call the "good old days" woman a racist. She just made a remark that - hopefully - will cause that woman and any other people there to think. I agree that it would be counterproductive to go around telling people they are racists. I don't believe that most people are. But I do believe that they are a part of a racist society and they need to be made aware of that. Some provocative (in the best sense of the word) remarks might help accomplish this.
  19. But that is because you are white!!!!! Your viewpoint, while the default in our society, is NOT the only viewpoint. Just because "the good old days" is good for you does not mean it was good for all people. This is what people need to hear. This is what people need to take from this conversation. The white experience is not the only one that is valid, and by insisting that it is you invalidate everyone else's experience.
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