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Everything posted by wintermom

  1. So sorry for the second incident. At this point, I'd seriously consider putting up the security camera and potentially contact law inforcement. Someone(s) seems to be on a nasty mission. 😌
  2. Dd joined me on 2 dog walks in the woods today, which was a nice treat! I also did a fairly complete strength and stretch work-out for the first time in several weeks. It did feel really good to do the exercises. I have do better at doing them daily.
  3. I'm so sorry someone did this to the library. I love all the colourful decorations you've put up!
  4. She's looking into vet tech programs, but they're usually 2 years full-time study. She may look for work in an administrative role at a vet clinic or hospital.
  5. Could you also start watching a TV series together, or a TV mini-series, then watch the first few episodes? That would greatly increase the choices out there. I almost never watch streamed movies anymore as there are so many wonderful TV series.
  6. My dd is just finishing up a BSc in Honours Biology, and would love to become a vet. It's highly competitive in Canada (only 4 English universities), each with resident requirements (have to live in the province for 6 - 12 months). There is a shortage of vets in Canada, not because of a shortage of new vet college applicants, but because of high numbers leaving the profession. Like many health care professions, working conditions are stressful and the reduced vets put even more pressure on those still practicing. Dd is also looking into an international accredited vet college in the Caribbean in St. Kitts. It's very expensive, but she can apply for Canadian student loans. Is getting into debt to become a vet adding more stress right up front of an already stressful career worth it? Anyone have experience as a vet or their child is a vet and is thriving?
  7. Super cute!! I love the eyes and the colouring! I love 2-syllable dog names. Simple to call out. Lots of great suggestions here. I think Cookie is a cute name. For one syllable, Blue or Pip seem appropriate.
  8. There are definitely a few US states with crazy spring weather - so I've heard. Though I'm not sure it's to the same degree as Canada, simply because we're farther north (except Alaska, of course).
  9. By June you're pretty safe in every province. Enjoy your trip!!
  10. O Lord, spring has hit us in Canada. 😱
  11. I guess a positive point that you can remind your students, and their parents if you speak with them, is that the well-rounded education that they received/provided, along with the kids being smart and capable, will go a long way to help their kids have the skills and discipline to find their way in the world. It sounds like the two young adults you mention are already doing really cool things. It does no good to add extra pressure onto young adults when they are already in a fragile place of just starting out in the world and trying to gain the skills and confidence to find their way.
  12. Tennis was rough yesterday. I was just too tired from late-night tennis the day before. I played from 8 to 10pm, which is way past my bedtime! Lesson learned. I'm too old for that. 😂 Had a nice morning dog walk in the woods. It's warming back up again after a sudden cold snap. March is a tough month in the Great White North; we go from parkas to t-shirts to back to parkas on a near-daily basis. 🙃
  13. For these fathers, it sounds to me like there could be a degree of competiviteness as well as a touch of 'investing in the future' for their kids to continue to be high achieving. It's great to have high achieving, well-rounded kids in high school, but the expectation is that the kids will continue to follow the prestigeous pursuits with good financial pay-offs when they're adults. Music and sports lessons and activities are expensive pursuits to pay for as parents, but they're seen as beneficial when they help their kid get into prestigeous college programs and high-paying jobs. To some degree, these fathers are seems to be showing a disappointment for their own dreams aren't being realized. That's not a great way to maintain a positive relationship with their kids. I think you're spot on - they've missing the real truth of being a parent, in that our kids have their own life to live based on their own desires and dreams.
  14. We've managed with 1 vehicle in our household for 20 years, and we're still doing well. Our 4 dc are all young adult students living at home (all 4 have drivers licenses), and none of them own a vehicle. We take public transportation, carpool bike, and walk to make it work. This is the first year any of the dc have had travelling sports teams, and for the 2 or 3 times we need a second vehicle for out-of-town tournaments, dh rents a car. It's much cheaper overall having one vehicle (capital cost, insurance, fuel, maintenance), and far better for the environment. As long as no one needs a vehicle, we will carry on with only one.
  15. I do enjoy the sounds and sights of Canada geese. In the early spring, it always makes me excited as it means summer is on its way. Being Canadian, I have a soft spot for the Canada goose, though do give the parents lots of space when they are protecting their young. I think they are probably the most rude Canadians around. They are pretty aggressive and they never say 'Sorry.' 😅 I totally agree with a PP about pelican flight formations! I was just down in Costa Rica, and loved watching the pelicans glide and maneuver in a single strand of perfectly synchronized formation. They are incredibly graceful.
  16. I got in some really fun tennis this morning. Had a good sleep, but it meant kicking the dog out of my bedroom last night so I could breathe. The allergies are crazy bad right now - a month eariler than normal due to the warm weather. If I can manage my allergies, I'll be able to add my streng and stretch exercises back into my days. My body will be oveall more happy. 😉
  17. I'm still struggling with energy and allergies, and powering through with my tennis and daily dog walks. I have no extra energy for long stretch and streng work. Hopefully I'll get back to that really soon.
  18. I ended up playing tennis 4 times this week, and walked the dog almost daily. I skipped today as it was cold and windy and I feel like I have a cold. My nose is running and my body is aching. There are definitely seasonal allergies kicking in, too. I haven't been doing much strength work this week, but I have been stretching to avoid soreness.
  19. Quoting myself to change my suggestion based on reading more of the OP's posts that Sundays are too busy for the weekly call, and a more flexible timing is better for her. @saraha You got this!
  20. You've got this!! You already seem ready to expect some unexpected effects, and you won't be taken by surprise. Hope it goes smoothly!
  21. Without taking into account any of the back history of the OP and her mother, having a set time for weekly chats with a parent can be effective - particularly when there is long-distance between parents and children. The parent and the child can both manage their expectations and have something to look forward to. They can ensure that they are available for the phone call and have some time to chat. My parents did this with their parents, and it worked well for many years. I've been doing this with my parents and it has been functioning really well. In both cases, parents lived long-distances from children. If the time that the OP's mom has chosen actually works for the OP, it might be worth just trying this new method and see how it works. Yes, it was decided by the manipulative mother without any consultation from the child, which is far from ideal, but the actual concept might be useful for the OP. It certainly doesn't mean the OP must limit phone calls to just the weekly time. She can phone whenever she wants. My mom and I both strive hard to be very positive and upbeat during these weekly chats, and they have never been an opportunity for my mom to control me, be critical of my only phoning once a week, bad-mouth me to anyone else, or anything mean or controlling. It's simply a way for us to plan our expectations and time so that we can stay in regular communication and respect each other's weekly schedule, whether that's busy or not busy.
  22. I've been trying to keep up with daily dog walk(s), but have been struggling with energy. It could be allergy related, as the spring allergens have emerged very early with the warm weather. I'm also trying to keep up with my stretch and strength exercises. Even a short time with theses is beneficial. I have a lot of doubles tennis lined up over the next week. I'll do my best to power through it all! 😉
  23. @Harriet Vane Glad you were able to get outdoors, but sorry you're still tired and breathless. Hope you recover very soon! I'm home again after 2 weeks in Costa Rica. I had such a great time there, and am still in love with the place I stay. This is mostly due to the good friends we visit while there, and this year I actually stayed in their home. They totally spoiled me with the delicious meals they prepared. I'm trying to recreate them back home, and off to a good start. It was extra hot this year, which meant a lot of time spent indoor during the day to avoid the heat, and being outdoors in the early morning and evenings. We bumped up our morning walk to 5:30 am so we could walk on the beach in the shade. I'll try to figure out how to post photos soon! I'm back to doing daily dog walks and playing tennis 3-4 times a week. I hit the jackpot on the warm weather here at home! It's about 55 F / 13 C this afternoon, which is crazy for this time of year. Loving it! 😊
  24. I think an important element would be how much outdoor living space is there available, and for how many months of the year. Also, what portion of the day are the house dwellers inside. Are they working outside the home for most of the day, only home for a meal or 2 and sleep. I do love the concept of smaller homes which maximize the useable living space for those living there. The "tiny homes" I've seen on TV seem to be exagerrations of the concept, built for very specific locations and purposes. The "tiny homes" that seem to really work well over time are sailboats. There's a lot of creative solutions for maximizing use of available space below deck, knowing that more time is typically spent on deck.
  25. Hope you recover quickly from COVID. Sounds rough
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