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Everything posted by Runningmom80

  1. I post this same post every 6 months, and I'm still figuring it out. :lol: 8fillstheheart and albeto are very inspiring as well as chrysalis academy. I love when they answer these posts. Have you read Project Based homeschooling? Or checked out her blog & FB page? Lots of great discussion on child led homeschooling!
  2. I used to love them, but then I gave up processed food, and changed my palate. Now they just taste like chemicals. It's sad. :( But I love Newman O's!
  3. I have unfortunately experienced this IRL, going to bat for someone who turns out to have been incredibly dishonest or just morally corrupt. It's embarrassing, but it happens when you try to see the good in everyone. I've only been homeschooling for 4 years, and secularly at that, so these "falls from grace" haven't affected me. It's interesting to watch unfold, but not surprising. It seems these pillars of morality are often wolves in sheep's clothing, or just covering their guilt with judgement.
  4. I have never been opposed to it, so I'm with you, I just don't understand.
  5. There's lots of different ways, but I give him the chapter reviews and if he shows proficiency, we move on. You can just go faster and do less problems as well. (This is a very simplified explanation but if you search accelerating math on this board you'll find posts for days.)
  6. doesn't bother me, it actually would catch my eye as a book I would like to read. I am going to get it for my kindle.
  7. apple picking and fall fun fest at our local orchard.
  8. Have you tried beast academy? In general, I think you need to just accelerate. We love Singapore math's primary mathematics at our house. My DS 8 will be starting 4B this fall. If he was still doing second grade math he'd be miserable, and he's not even that accelerated compared to other kids on this board. If you have a "mathy" kid, I'd strongly encourage you to move ahead, at least a bit. Zaccaro challenge math and MEP are other resources that come to mind. I'm sure lots of other posters will chime in with other ideas.
  9. I have a year before this is even an issue, but you guys know how it is, why wait to plan at the relevant time when you can start obsessing now? :laugh: My twins are about to start their final year at a Montessori school. I'm 97% sure they will be homeschooled the following year, so I'm starting to think about what that will look like. I love the idea of Oak Meadow, and I'm wondering if anyone has used it after a Montessori experience. I want the transition to be smooth, and being that they are both thriving at Montessori, I don't want to completely change how they've been learning. (I do realize that Waldorf and Montessori are not the same, so that is part of my concern.)
  10. I didn't mean to imply that this path was the "desired one," just that it looks a lot more productive than what we're doing. ;)
  11. Executive Functioning is not his strong suit, so this does not sound silly at all! Thank you!
  12. Yes I'm most concerned with practicing the actual test taking. I figure the content part is what is being tested, and I'm not interested in trying to alter the score artificially by cramming. I like the idea of having him practice with time limits. Thanks for the tips!
  13. I think I've decided to sign DS (soon to be 9) up for Explore through Duke in Jan. He's never taken a standardized test before. I'm not even sure if he'll have the stamina for this, but being in a testing state, I figure it's time to start getting his feet wet. Anyways, how do I prepare the kid? just use the practice test?
  14. This. I have a kid who is EG, borderline PG, and he's not at all interested in anything academic. It can feel at times like I should be doing more for him, because you read about these kids not being supported, but he just isn't into academics. It is a weird place to be, especially on this board. I enjoy reading about all of the other GT kids doing amazing things, but I do start to wonder if I screwed this up somehow, or if I'm "wasting his gift." I'm not concerned per se, I'm sure he is going to be fine in the long run. Hmmm, I'm still not explaining myself right. It's hard to articulate what I feel about it. Anyways, I do take comfort in the fact that I'm trying my hardest to just let him be who he is. Ruth, I also didn't love that thread. It didn't make me sad, but it just felt weird. IDK. I just posted links to other places in hopes that more reading on the subject would make things a little easier for that OP.
  15. Oh geez, why'd I have to see this now? I could have seen it at 12:01 and then it would have been too late. Thanks for sharing...I guess. :lol:
  16. Check out the Davidson forums and the accelerated learners board here. Also, hoagiesgifted.com.
  17. Well that's disturbing. I just had an open hernia repair and a d&c done at the same time, about 3 weeks ago. I did voice concern over what happens when the first doctor is done and the second dr comes in. They reassured me I'd be taken care of, but still. I had my legs in stirrups while I was unconscious. Thank goodness I didn't read this before I had surgery. My husband would have had to listen to way more neurotic freak outs.
  18. You have all validated my decision to go with JA, thank you! I guess I'll make the decision about what to go to after JA when we get there. Flying by the seats of our pants over here!
  19. I wore a white dress with big black polka dots on it to my BIL's wedding years and years ago. I did ask the bride first, and she was fine with it, but I still feel weird about it! I was only 22, I didn't realize how rude it was. *I* wouldn't have cared, but I'm sure some people would, and it's just bad form. I like the blue one, much safer. I am wearing a green lace dress to a weeding next week. :)
  20. How Childhood Biography Shapes Adult Biology You can definitely affect a kid's mental and physical health negatively, where they would otherwise be healthy.
  21. Yep. And I'm the one stuck paying the therapy bills.
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