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Everything posted by Runningmom80

  1. My DS is about to turn 9, and we've been in a sweet spot it seems. He still has anxiety and perfectionism issues, but the tantrums have decreased dramatically. I am thinking I'll be lucky if we make it to 10 without regression. What worked here was being relaxed about his tantrums. As hard as it was for me, making them a non-issue seemed to help him turn it around faster. As soon as I played into it, we were looking at hours of lost time.
  2. Just let him go. There's always more to learn. Dual enrollment options at a local CC are always an option for high school.
  3. DS will be 9 in November. This is his first Athena's class, (SOTW 3). He has been answering all of the writing prompts, and improving as he goes. I know they are VERY conversational, he writes like we talk. :lol: I haven't pushed him too much on that issue because it's an internet forum. I would love tips on how to guide him in a gentle way. He has always proclaimed to "HATE!!!" writing, so the fact that he's been willing to even answer these is a huge step. He's very repetitive as well, which I've been trying to work on. I also see that he needs help organizing the different ideas when he answers. What else? TIA!!! "I think that the Kohinoor Diamond should be returned to India. Since England took it from India, I think they should give it back. After India gets it back, I also think it would be cool if they put it in a museum. I also think India should have it returned because it was not nice for the English to just go and take it from them. I mean, if they took it from them in 1905, it's not too late for the English to give it back, right?" "I think the Black Hole was a "hole" because I think it was real. I also think that part of how they suffered was the fact that they were so tightly squeezed together. I also think that it was not fair for the Nawab's soldiers (I believe they did it) to imprison 146 innocent people in that small of a room when there were all of those people. I also think that it was not nice for the British to attack the Nawab's soldiers when they were imprisoned. It also did not have much air." "I would have invented a room-cleaning robot that, when you get it, has already been programed to clean your room. But if you wanted it to sort your building toys, you gotta program it to do that yourself. Don't worry, it would be easy. You would just go to Type In Program (TIP for short), and type in Sort Building Toys and there you go. It would also have a fuzz detector which, when fuzz was detected, would activate the vacuum that it was attached to. That's what I would invent, a room-cleaning robot."
  4. Wow this is so tough. I think I would push for first, at least for a trial. I doubt the K teacher will be able to differentiate enough, but maybe it's possible.
  5. Yes! We were the only ones last year but we are trying again.
  6. Nothing! We are taking a year off of MCT. Next year we will be doing the literature level. :)
  7. What should I call it? I'm drawing a blank. I was going to name it "The Well Trained Writer," but that carries with it high expectations. :lol:
  8. Yeah, I'm about to go for a run. I really need to get back on track before the Thanksgiving to Christmas binge.
  9. My boys are $20 every 2 months DD is about the same twice a year.
  10. I don't think it needs to be anything terribly involved. Just a place to chat about writing.
  11. My sister is a hair stylist so I get a discount at her salon. I pay about 50 for cut, color and tip. I used to pay around $150 every three months.
  12. Yeah, I'm not at all convinced it would be worth it for me. It does seem like a Ponzie scheme, just training more adjuncts to train the next generation of poorly paid adjuncts. I may just pick some really good programs and apply. I don't want to go just to go.
  13. I still think it's an excellent deal compared to private school! The college prep schools in my area are $20-30K.
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